Surprising Source of Unethical Tourist Behaviour, PolyU Study Reveals

Surprising Source of Unethical Tourist Behaviour, PolyU Study Reveals

Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR) – November 4, 2017 ( – Judgements about ethically unacceptable behaviour may vary amongst cultures, and Western tourists are more likely to engage in such behaviour when on holiday, find Dr Denis Tolkach, Dr Stephen Pratt of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a co-researcher in a recently published study. Their investigation of international and mainland Chinese tourists and Hong Kong residents reveals some surprising findings that should prove useful for academics, policymakers and industry practitioners seeking to develop “mitigation strategies to reduce anti-tourism sentiment” in Hong Kong and other tourist destinations.

Interest in the ethical side of tourism has increased over recent decades, as concerns have been raised over its effects on host communities. However, the focus is usually on the social responsibility of tourists and tourism organisations, with less attention paid to tourists as what the researchers term “agents of ethical judgement and decision making”.

Given that tourism is a predominantly hedonistic or pleasure-seeking activity, when on holiday people may be more likely to engage in the kind of behaviour that would be considered unacceptable at home. Hong Kong, for instance, has recently witnessed a rise in complaints from residents about the behaviour of mainland Chinese tourists, including “being rude to service staff, urinating in public and disorderly queuing”, note the researchers. Protests amongst residents have also occurred in other destinations with high levels of tourism, such as Barcelona.

This is an interesting situation because the intercultural nature of international tourism provides an opportunity to examine whether ethical beliefs vary between peoples. The researchers explain that the “ethical relativism” perspective does not consider actions as intrinsically right or wrong but as culturally determined, so tensions may arise because tourists and residents have different ideas about what constitutes unethical behaviour. Therefore, to find out “why tourists may exhibit socially deviant behaviour”, they investigated the attitudes of people from different cultures towards various kinds of behaviour and the likelihood that they would engage in such behaviour themselves when on holiday.

The researchers surveyed Hong Kong residents, mainland Chinese tourists and Western tourists from the US, UK, Europe, Australia, Canada and New Zealand over several weeks at “common tourist locations in Hong Kong”. Of the total respondents, 410 were Hong Kong residents, 796 were mainland Chinese and 621 were international tourists.

Each respondent was presented with five brief scenarios describing ethically questionable behaviour: buying a counterfeit bag at an open-air market, disorderly public behaviour due to drunkenness, jumping a queue for entry into a restaurant or attraction, lying about the age of a child to qualify for cheaper entry into an amusement park and engaging the services of a prostitute. They were asked whether each action was fair, unacceptable in their own culture, unacceptable to their family and friends, acceptable if it could be justified by positive consequences and so on. They were also asked to indicate how likely they were to undertake the activity at home and while on vacation.

The researchers found clear differences amongst the ethical judgements of the three groups. Surprisingly, given their shared Chinese culture, Hong Kong residents and mainland Chinese tourists expressed very different views about the ethical scenarios, with the former being the least tolerant and the latter the most tolerant. However, the researchers explain that this may be because of where the survey was conducted. Hong Kong residents were at home and thus more bound by “laws, rules, ethical codes and social pressure from friends and family”, whereas the Chinese tourists were on holiday and less affected by such constraints.

All three groups considered buying a counterfeit bag to be the least unethical activity. International tourists disapproved of this activity more than the other two groups but the opposite was true for disorderly drunken behaviour, which was more acceptable to the Western tourists.

According to the mainland Chinese tourists, it is justifiable to lie about the age of a child to qualify for discounted admission because it saves money and there is a low chance of punishment. Rather surprisingly, both Hong Kong residents and international tourists deemed jumping the queue to be highly unacceptable, almost as much so as engaging a prostitute. The researchers explain that jumping a queue has an immediate effect on those who are made to wait longer, which may be particularly annoying for tourists with limited time.

Engaging a prostitute was considered the most unethical behaviour, mainly because of the disapproval of friends and family, but also because it could have severe negative consequences on a person’s social life. Western tourists were “the most receptive” to this sort of behaviour, the researchers note, and there was an “especially stark” difference between their responses and those of Hong Kong residents.

When asked how likely they were to actually engage in the behaviour described in the scenarios, either at home or on holiday, it turned out that few respondents would do so. They were not even likely to participate in relatively acceptable activities, such as buying a counterfeit bag. However, the Chinese tourists admitted to being more likely to purchase counterfeit goods, lie about a child’s age and jump a queue than the other two groups. The Western tourists were the most likely to misbehave while drunk and to engage a prostitute. The Hong Kong residents were the least likely to engage in any of the deviant forms of behaviour except buying a counterfeit bag.

Because none of the groups were very likely to engage in any type of unethical behaviour, being on holiday or at home made little difference. The international tourists and Hong Kong residents were somewhat more likely to engage in ethical behaviour while on holiday but the mainland Chinese tourists were less likely to do so. This, the researchers claim, may be a “China-specific phenomenon”, reflecting the government’s attempts to curb the inappropriate behaviour of tourists abroad. They suggest that policy makers may find it helpful to emphasise the negative consequences of indulging in unethical behaviour, as tourists generally “care more about the individual consequences when facing ethical dilemmas”.

Among all three of the groups, men were significantly more receptive to behaving badly while drunk and to engaging the services of a prostitute than women. The researchers also found some interesting differences between people of different ages. Amongst the Westerners, younger tourists were less ethical than older ones, yet the opposite was true of the mainland Chinese tourists. Ethical values did not seem to differ between younger and older generations of the Hong Kong residents.

The researchers present some fascinating insights into the similarities and differences between ethical judgements of behaviour among different nationalities. They conclude that “the ethical perception of an action is significantly affected by culture”, and is also strongly influenced by the situation presented in the scenario. However, they also highlight a number of questions that need to be answered, including whether residents of certain countries “behave more ethically on vacation than at home and why” and whether engaging in unethical behaviour depends on “external and environmental factors more than on personal principles and integrity”.

Tolkach, Denis, Pratt, Stephen, and Zeng, Christine Y.H. (2017). Ethics of Chinese & Western Tourists in Hong Kong. Annals of Tourism Research, 63, 83-96.

Contact information:
Ms Pauline Ngan
Senior Marketing Manager
School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Telephone : (852) 3400 2634
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Seychelles Labor Union Receives Registration Documents

Seychelles Labor Union Receives Registration Documents

Victoria, Mahe (Seychelles) – November 2, 2017 ( – The Official needed documents for the registration of the new Seychelles Labor Union (SLU) was today received today the 30th October by Mr Bernard Adonis the Registrar of Trade Unions in his Market Street Offices.

Alain St.Ange, the President of the new Workers Body and Peter Sinon, the Secretary General were accompanied at this important step for the new Workers Union by Herve Anthony, the Vice President and Marie France Marie, the Secretary of the Union as well as Emanuele De Stefani and Gerry Sopha, both Executive Committee Members of the Union.

Mr Adonis received the documents inclusive of the Constitution of the Union, Minutes of the first Meeting and the Registration Form with the list of elected Office Bearers.

“Today we moved forward with the final step with the formation of a Trade Union for all working Seychellois. This is a fundamental right afforded by our Constitution and our right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association under Article 23 thereof. The Seychelles Labor Union (SLU) will be standing will all who are working and this includes the salaried employees as well as the self-employed businessmen and women of the islands. At the end of the day, everyone working are therefore workers, and they need a politically independent body to be by their sides and to uphold their rights” said Alain St.Ange, the President of the new Seychelles Labor Union (SLU).

Peter Sinon, the Secretary General of the Seychelles Labor Union (SLU) ion his part said that the new Seychelles Labor Union is already having opposition for their determination. “This is a sign of being effective. If there’s opposition, it means they are noticing change is taking place” said Peter Sinon who personally stood with the Nurses as they marched in Victoria on a couple of weeks ago demanding better working conditions.

Leaders of the new workers Union said that they were hopeful that come Budget Time this week the specific call by the Nurses will be heard as well as the points made by fishing boat owners, stevedore workers, teachers, sea-cucumber divers, civil status workers and in general the civil servants in Seychelles.

The Offices of the Seychelles Labor Union (SLU) will be at Salamat House in La Poudriere Road and they have also announced that the Victoria Main Office will be supported by three regional offices in Anse Louis, Bel Ombre and Au Cap.

Tourism for All, a Concept Close to Alain St. Ange’s Heart

Tourism for All, a Concept Close to Alain St. Ange’s Heart

Victoria, Mahe (Seychelles) – November 2, 2017 ( – It was only earlier this year that I promoted the concept of ‘Tourism for All’ as I campaigned in the different parts of the world for the seat of Secretary General of the UNWTO. This was to promote a tourism industry without any discrimination, be it colour of the skin, religious belief, political affiliation, gender, disability, sexual preference etc.

These elections for the post of Secretary General of the UNWTO have now come and gone, and today we need to accept that what would be good for a better tourism industry is indeed good for the people as a whole. Comments about racism as an example is only segregation based on the colour of the skin and is always resorted to when all logical arguments are exhausted. These futile and racist slurs can be heard in the global political arena, even amongst certain UNWTO campaigners, but can also be heard in Seychelles by tired politicians who have no other cards to play.

Arrival in Seychelles of Austrian Airline

Austrian Airlines made its arrival in Seychelles recently after their exciting announcement made to the press well over a year ago. They arrived full of eager passengers and it is said that the prospect of future bookings are excellent. It can even be said that tourism for Seychelles is so integral that it is the bread, butter, jam and even the hand that holds the bread. Today, every Seychellois needs, more than ever before, to stand together to protect and defend this industry that employs thousands of locals. It is also the industry where many Seychellois have invested their life savings. Increasing the tourism industry and its yield is a necessity, and this remains dependent on a good air transport policy for the islands as it does in operational costs.

Tourism and Civil Aviation need today to be dancing to the same Sega beat. Aviation in the Indian Ocean Region is working hard to find its rhythm, but challenges remain. Protectionism of National Airlines versus the importance of bolstering tourism and the economies of the islands are difficult discussions, but we learned a painful lesson when the Seychelles tourism suffered after a Russian Airline was refused 5th Freedom Rights to fly on to Mauritius after their Seychelles stop from Moscow. Seychelles is small and cannot expect to be the end of the line for all airlines. South-South air connections could see new Seychelles stops, but the golden 5th Freedom Right must be part of the Open Air-Space policy.

Today, the weaker Seychelles Rupee is helping pull in the visitors. However, the cost of operation in the islands is also on the rise because of the necessary imports to keep the tourism industry alive. The weaker Seychelles Rupee is also impacting on the lives of the Seychellois, the hosts to the increased visitor numbers. Data from ForwardKeys reveal continued strong bookings for Seychelles, but the ratio of profit versus costs for operations need to be monitored to ensure the win for the islands is a financial boom for all. This is why the new proposed taxes on salaries of those sitting in the upper salary bracket need to be revisited. The tax burden will need to be absorbed by the businesses and they will, in turn, pass it on to the visitors and this vicious cycle will end up pricing Seychelles out of the market. Instead of pointless politics and launching racial slurs in the National Assembly or in the local newspaper, politicians in Seychelles should be focusing on this real issue at hand, rather than hoping the problem goes away if little attention is drawn to it.

Kaven Parcou, a Seychellois Tourism Pioneer

On Friday the 27th October, I joined with the Tourism Industry and Members of the Car Hire Association, to be with the Parcou family and their friends when Seychelles said goodbye to Kaven Parcou at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Victoria. Kaven Parcou was a Tourism Pioneer in his own right. Born in 1941, he was a founding member of the Seychelles Car Hire Association. He passed away on the 20th October and leaves behind his wife, Rose, and son, Pryze. He joined the tourism industry with his two ‘Mini Moke’ vehicles when tourism started in earnest in the islands, and he saw his business grow to enable him to acquire the franchise of Avis Car Hire in Seychelles. Parcou was also the Philippines Honorary Consul in Seychelles. Today, as we share our sincerest sympathy to the Parcou Family, we can add that Seychelles lost a committed Tourism Pioneer.

The majority of Members of the Executive Committee of the Seychelles Labor Union (SLU) met last Friday morning at Dolce Vita in Victoria in their final preparations for meeting with the Registrar of Trade Unions on Monday the 30th October. The presentations of Registration Documents to the Registrar was to have taken place on Friday itself but was postponed to Monday at the request of the Registrar. Obtaining the necessary forms has been like pulling teeth, but the Committee Members of the SLU are taking note and ensuring workers are kept duly informed. It is reminded that the formation of a Trade Union by Seychellois is a fundamental right afforded by our Constitution, and to hinder the registration of this Trade Union is to trample upon our right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association under Article 23 thereof.

Bird-eating fish in Seychelles?

If there was one fish known for its extreme power and aggressiveness, it is the Giant Trevally (GT). These traits make this predatory fish highly prized by avid fishermen, especially in the fly-fishing Industry. Fly-fishing on the Outer Islands of Seychelles has been described as out of this world, where large specimens of GTs are often caught. It is the largest fish in the genus Caranx, growing to a maximum known size of 170 cm (67 in) and a weight of 80 kg (176 lbs).

Recently, these fish became even more popular as reports started emerging of them leaping out of the water to catch birds in mid-flight. Although seeming quite farfetched, a filming crew that were searching for extraordinary footage for the natural history series, Blue Planet II, decided to fly to Seychelles to investigate this previously unheard-of phenomenon further. What the crew witnessed next was described as “astounding”.

Series producer, James Honeyborne, said, ‘It’s one thing seeing a fish flying through the air, that’s unexpected enough, but then seeing a fish flying through the air and catching a bird in its mouth, wow… yep – a bird-eating fish”. Mr. Harborne went on to describe how the GTs would calculate the predicted flight path of the birds, before intercepting and eating its meal in one impressive gulp.

This unique behaviour has baffled the scientific community. Although there have been documented evidence of GTs feeding on small turtles and dolphins, catching birds in mid-air was previously unheard of by scientists. No scientific work, to my knowledge, has been done on the eyesight of GTs. The ability to possibly detect a bird’s flight trajectory is quite a unique feature. Though, from my experience and that of other anglers I have spoken to, when fishing for them it is observed that they do appear to have exceptional eyesight. Specific colored lures and flashy jigs tend to be the only bait that this fish species would prefer at a certain time of day. However, that being said, they may also be more reliant on detecting the sound of splash on the water surface that these artificial lures make, or might be detecting water pressure changes with their lateral line system.

Scientific work to track the movements of these amazing fish is currently underway in Seychelles. This research could possibly determine if GT arrivals around the Outer Islands coincide with that of the timing high bird activity/fledging. It could also determine whether this exceptional trait is distinctive to the GTs around the Outer Islands of Seychelles, adding to the hype and to the slogan of the islands: ‘unique by a thousand miles.

Seychelles loses a Pioneer in the Entertainment Industry

Simon Esparon launched this landmark entertainment venue 43 years ago. Aged 67, Mr. Esparon was a friend to many and beloved by all. He was also the respected local Butcher, who was passionate about his craft, with his shop located on the same grounds as his nightclub.

Simon Esparon leaves behind his wife Marie Josee, his sons, David and Denis, and daughter, Brigitte, as well as two grandchildren. The funeral ceremony at the St. Michel Archange Church at Anse Aux Pins on Thursday 26th October was a sad and emotional event. Both his sons and his daughter delivered touching eulogies, and his very young grandson addressed the gathered crowd as well. Father Lonie Adrienne used his sermon, in the presence of the Vice President of Seychelles and the Speaker of the National Assembly, to passionately lecture everyone on the dire need to rally as a Country to change direction from Seychelles’ current state of ‘lawlessness’ in order to see a return to safety and security, and to instil once again a sense of morality in the youth of our Nation. Father Adrienne spoke from his heart as he delivered a frank assessment of the situation on the ground in Seychelles.

Le Nautique Luxury Waterfront Apartments, Anse Royale, Mahe

A property formally owned by Gills Nageon that operated under the name Drifwood Small Hotel has been fully revamped and is coming soon as “Le Nautique Luxury Waterfront Apartments”.

With an eye for modern coastal design yet still reflective of the past, “Le Nautique Luxury Waterfront Apartments”, a beachfront self-catering establishment has been carefully crafted to reflect the rich history and colourful culture of the Seychelles.

This boutique self-catering accommodation retains many of the most distinctive features of island architecture, namely high ceilings, light breezy interiors, warm timber tones, floor to ceiling doors and palm tree lined Indian Ocean views.

With a contemporary and, at times, quirky design, all apartments feature creature comforts such as handmade king and queen beds, luxurious bedding, free WiFi, walk-in rain showers, flat screen TVs with cable channels, air conditioning, Nespresso machines and modern fully equipped kitchens.

Seychelles eyes high-end tourism boost as Austrian Airlines begins non-stop weekly service to the island nation

The national carrier of Austria — Austrian Airlines — landed in Seychelles for the first time on Wednesday October 26, 2017. The inaugural flight with 214 passengers onboard was greeted by a traditional water canon salute after touching down at the Seychelles’ International airport, a few minutes before 9.00am.

Present at the airport to witness the historic occasion were: Seychelles’ Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine, Ambassador Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, Principal Secretary for Tourism, Anne Lafortune, Principal Secretary for Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine, Garry Albert, Chairman of the Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) Captain David Savy, SCAA’s Chief Executive, Gilbert Faure, Seychelles Tourism Board’s Regional Manager based in Frankfurt, Edith Hunzinger, as well as Lufthansa Group’s General Manager Sales for East Africa, Tobias Ernst.

Seychelles is the fourth new destination to be added to Austrian Airlines’ global network of approximately 130 destinations. This follows the signing of an air transport agreement in May this year, between Seychelles and Austria, which are celebrating 40 years of bilateral relations this year.

Ambassador Maurice Loustau-Lalanne remarked that Wednesday’s inaugural flight, coincides with the Austrian National Day – on October 26, and more importantly becomes the third airline flying to Seychelles non-stop from Europe, after Air Seychelles and Condor, which operate from Paris and Frankfurt, respectively.

“Europe is today giving us 18 percent more passengers than last year and the direct flights will contribute significantly towards consolidating the market, and as it’s a direct flight we are expecting to see a shift towards the high end visitors, which is the segment we are continuously seeking to attract for Seychelles as a tourist destination,” said Minister Loustau-Lalanne.

On top of helping to grow the Seychelles’ European market, particularly the German-speaking markets; the newly introduced Austrian Airlines’ service is expected to boost the number of visitors from Austria – a country with over 8 million people.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, a total of 5,943 Austrian visitors have landed in the island nation up to October 22 this year, representing an 18 percent increase over last year, and Minister Loustau-Lalanne is predicting a 40 percent growth in visitor numbers from Austria by the end of this year, up from the 34 percent increase recorded last year.

Austrian Airlines – Austria’s largest carrier — is part of the Lufthansa Group, Europe’s largest airline group and a member of the Star Alliance.

Lufthansa Group’s General Manager Sales for East Africa Tobias Ernst said Austrian Airlines has been running an extensive marketing campaign since the beginning of the year to promote the flights, which has resulted in the completely full first trip. This he said, has been done in collaboration with travel companies in Europe, which had approached the airline to operate flights to the Indian Ocean archipelago.

“It has been a very positive start with the full flight today and the next flights are also fully booked. We are strongly convinced that Seychelles is a very rapidly growing, upcoming, new tourist destination for the Europeans, and that is why we have started today’s flight,” said Mr Ernst.

Austrian Airlines will be operating once-per-week non-stop flights to and from Austria starting with its winter 2017/18 flight schedule, using a Boeing 767. The flight departs its main hub – Vienna International Airport on Wednesdays, returning from Seychelles on Thursdays.

Vijay Poonoosamy, V. P. International Affairs Etihad at ICAO Meeting in Canada

Vijay Poonoosamy, Vice President of International Affairs for Etihad Aviation Group, and President of Hermes was last week moderating the closing panel of the ICAO Traveller Identification Programme Symposium which had more than 750 participants from more than 120 States.

Vijay Poonoosamy, presented “Making air travel more secure and efficient” at the Thirteenth Symposium and Exhibition on ICAO under the Traveler Identification Program of the event, Moderator Session 7: Border Control Management and Future in Travel. The event took place at the ICAO Headquarters in Montreal, Canada, from October 24-26, 2017.

We reproduce Vijay Poonoosamy’s address at this important ICAO meeting:- UNWTO has shown that destinations worldwide welcomed 598 million international tourists in the first six months of 2017, 36 million more than in the same period of 2016. IATA stated two days ago that the 4 billion air passengers expected to fly this year are expected to double to 7.8 billion in 2036.

With the formidable growth of both passenger numbers and security threats it is self-evident that much more needs to be done to diligently develop a strategic and holistic roadmap to promote safe, secure, sustainable and seamless aviation. In line with UN Security Council Resolutions 2178 (2014) and 2309 (2016) that re-affirmed the importance of border controls to combat terrorism, the interdependent elements of the ICAO Traveler Identification Program (TRIP) Strategy demonstrate that a coherent and coordinated approach to a robust traveler identification management is essential.

All the Stakeholders of Travel and Tourism have a vested interest in safe and secure operations and have safety and security as the number one priority. Let’s not talk of balancing security and facilitation as this suggests compromise on either or even both. Let’s focus on promoting a robust, efficient, cost effective, inclusive and harmonized global process to enhance security. Let’s develop a global program to link international security with global connectivity while leaving no country behind.

To have a wholly automated, electronic platform, built on verified biometric data, require that a number of areas be addressed, namely, the harmonization of intelligence and data-sharing, the global implementation of common standards set by ICAO and the shift to a secure digital process and a single application system. Governments should agree that a single token that can be used throughout the journey, including airline and airport processes, security, border inspection. Interoperability between countries and systems (customs, immigration, security, airline and airport systems), greater use of available programs such as Interpol’s I-Checkit and greater uptake of on-line and mobile processing are also required.

These necessary policy shifts require additional cooperation and collaboration among various agencies of governments, international organizations, the Travel & Tourism industry/businesses and travelers. Moreover, national governments need to implement the international standards established by ICAO and help ICAO assist emerging economies in implementing those standards.The cross-border movement of people will then not only become more efficient, but it will also enable public safety officials to direct more attention and resources to the risk-based identification of threats. As a result, travelers will have a secure and pleasant experience.

Winners of Business Plan Contest for Thai Students Crowned by Best Western

Winners of Business Plan Contest for Thai Students Crowned by Best Western

Bangkok (Thailand) – November 3, 2017 (travelindex) – Best Western Hotels and Resorts is delighted to announce that Venti, the team from Bangkok’s Thammasat University, has won the inaugural Best Western Rewards Social Media Business Contest 2017.

This exciting initiative challenged undergraduate university students in Thailand to create a real-life business plan for Best Western Rewards – Best Western’s industry-leading guest loyalty program. After more than two months and almost 50 entries, the top five teams were invited to take part in a live final event at Best Western Plus Wanda Grand Hotel, Bangkok, on Thursday October 19.

Presenting their business plans directly to an expert panel of seven judges, the teams were under pressure; but Venti kept their cool to emerge as the winners. The winners were awarded a fantastic all-expense paid four-day, three-night trip to Tokyo, with accommodations at the Best Western Tokyo Nishikasai Grande.

The runners-up, Muuvolteen Associates from Chulalongkorn University, were awarded an all-expense paid two-night holiday in Phuket, at the Best Western Patong Beach. Other finalists received Best Western Travel Cards valued at US $100 and certificates.

The expert panel of judges at the live final event included Top Koaysomboon, Editor-in-Chief of Time Out Bangkok, Sriwan Dawieang and Natthapong Auwhangsanti, the founders of lifestyle travel site,, plus five senior Best Western executives. Rodney Simpson, Best Western’s Senior Regional Director of Operations – Asia, was the head judge.

“The Best Western Rewards Social Media Business Plan Contest really captured the imagination of students in Thailand,” said Rodney. “When we launched the contest this summer, we wanted to provide students with the opportunity to develop their business skills in a real-life working environment. We have been absolutely delighted by the response.”

“We received almost 50 entries from teams of students all across Thailand, the majority of which were creative, professionally presented and showed real business acumen. This contest proves that the future of business in Thailand is in very good hands. Perhaps we’ll even see one of these students in a senior role with Best Western Hotels & Resorts in the years ahead.”

“Congratulations to Venti for their winning entry, and many thanks to every team who entered and made this such a rewarding contest,” he concluded.

With its regional head office for Asia located in Bangkok, Best Western Hotels & Resorts is dedicated to the development of young talent in Thailand. The Best Western Rewards Social Media Business Plan Contest was designed to provide Thai students with a platform to showcase their abilities, allowing them to gain real-life experience before they graduate and preparing them to enter the workplace.

About Best Western Hotels & Resorts:
Best Western Hotels & Resorts headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, is a privately held hotel brand with a global network of 4,100* hotels in more than 100* countries and territories worldwide. Best Western offers 10 hotel brands to suit the needs of developers and guests in every market: Best Western®, Best Western Plus®, Best Western Premier®, Vīb®, GLō®, Executive Residency by Best Western®, and BW Premier Collection®; as well as its recently launched franchise offerings: SureStay®, SureStay Plus® and SureStay Signature Collection®. Now celebrating more than 70 years of hospitality, Best Western provides its hoteliers with global operational, sales and marketing support, and award-winning online and mobile booking capabilities. Best Western continues to set industry records regarding awards and accolades, including 64 percent of the brand’s North American hotels earning a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence award in 2017, Business Travel News® ranking Best Western Plus and Best Western in the top three upper-mid-price and mid-price hotel brands for three years in a row, and Best Western receiving seven consecutive Dynatrace® Best of the Web awards for its leading hotel website. Best Western has also won eight consecutive AAA®/CAA® Lodging Partner of the Year awards, recognizing the brand’s commitment to providing exceptional service and great value to AAA’s 56 million members in the U.S. and Canada. Over 30 million travelers are members of the brand’s award-winning loyalty program Best Western Rewards®, one of the few programs in which members earn points that never expire and can be redeemed at any Best Western hotel worldwide. Best Western’s partnerships with AAA/CAA and Harley-Davidson® provide travelers with exciting ways to interact with the brand. Through its partnership with Google® Street View, Best Western is the first major company of its size and scale to launch a virtual reality experience for customers, setting a new industry standard and reinventing how guests view hotels.

– Each Best Western branded hotel is independently owned and operated.
– Numbers are approximate, may fluctuate, and include hotels currently in the development pipeline.

Contact information:
Marketing Communications Department
Best Western Hotels and Resorts – Asia
Tel: +66 2 656 1260
Sirimanas Maungrod
Orapan Sornnuwat

Celebrate the Extraordinary Italian Taste at 2nd Italian Cuisine Week

Celebrate the Extraordinary Italian Taste at 2nd Italian Cuisine Week

Bangkok (Thailand) – November 2, 2017 (travelindex) – The World Week of Italian Cuisine reaches its second edition with the aim of promoting Italian culinary traditions and food & wine connoisseurship as a distinctive trait of Italian identity and culture.

The second edition of the Week will take place from 20 to 26 November 2017 under the official slogan “The Extraordinary Italian Taste” with more than 1000 activities scheduled worldwide such as workshops and conferences, meetings with the chefs, food-and-wine tasting and dinners, commercial promotion programmes, cooking classes, cultural events, screening of food related films and much more.

Last year the Embassy of Italy in Bangkok didn’t take part to the initiative due to the National mourning for the passing of His Majesty King Bhumibol, but this year we are delighted to take part and to present the 2nd Italian Cuisine Week in Thailand to the Thai and international audience through a series of events aimed at celebrating the Italian Taste.

On 25 October TOPs will start a promotional campaign called “The Taste of Italy”, where Italian products will be displayed in 101 Supermarkets and Food Halls. Furthermore, TOPs will advertise the event through their brochures and on the press.

The Thai grocery chain will also organize a Mediterranean tasting event with top Italian wines section on 7 November. Finally, TOP will present a show-cooking with the press, H.E. the Ambassador of Italy, Mr. Francesco Saverio Nisio, and celebrity TV Chef Fabrizio Nonis on 21 November at 12.30 pm.

The 2nd Italian Cuisine Week will be officially launched on 15 November at 6pm with “The Taste of Music”, an opening charity gala dinner and a concert at Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit. This event will conduct the guests through a music and culinary journey.

From 20 until 26 November, 28 top Italian Restaurants which hold the “Golden Q” label for “Ospitalità Italiana” will present a special menu (with & without Italian wine pairing) using original and high quality Italian products. These Restaurants are Beccofino, Biscotti, Enoteca, Favola, Galleria Milano, Gianni Ristorante, Il Bolognese, Il Fumo, La Bottega, La Scala, Lenzi Tuscan Kitchen, L’Opera, Medici Kitchen & Bar, Opus, Prosecco, Rossini’s, Rosso di Sera, Sensi, Sole Mio and Zanotti in Bangkok; Acqua, La Carbonara, Leo & Mas and Plum Prime Steakhouse in Phuket; La Grappa and Mamma Mia! in Hua Hin; Fabio’s in Koh Phangan; Gian’s in Pattaya.

There will be two tasting events in occasion of Giuseppe Albanese’s concert to be held on 19 November and Fabio Arfinengo’s concert to be held on 26 November in the framework of the Italian Festival in Thailand at Sala Sudasiri Sobha.

Starting from 20 November, the Dusit Thani College will hold an intensive Young Master Chef Italian Cuisine Course with a final gala dinner on 25 November (by invitation only).

On 23 November at 9 pm a workshop open to the public (“Lo straordinario gusto Italiano”) will take place at Chulalongkorn University about the correct use of Italian language in menus and about do’s and don’ts to observe during an Italian dinner.

The event “Italian Cuisine & Design” will take place at Eurocreations showroom through a series of Italian dinners with special guests (by invitation only). The first dinner will be held on 23 November with H.E. the Ambassador of Italy, Mr. Francesco Saverio Nisio, and celebrity TV Chef Fabrizio Nonis.

On 24 November River City Bangkok will organize a “Piazza Italiana” where typical Italian products and drinks will be displayed before the screening of the movie “Ricette d’Amore” presented by Dante Alighieri Society. On the same occasion, at River City Bangkok Auctions, Mr. Daniele Ferri, Head Coach of Thailand Women Water Polo Team, will hold a conference about sport nutrition and Italian food impact on performance.

About River City Bangkok – The Anchor of Arts and Antiques
Sitting elegantly on the banks of the Chao Phraya River, River City Bangkok is Asia’s premier arts and antiques hub. For more than three decades, River City Bangkok has continuously offered magnificent products and services under the concept of “THE ANCHOR OF ARTS AND ANTIQUES”. Here, you will be mesmerized by collections of rare masterpieces in many categories imaginable. The furniture, art, and decorative items on display span many eras and locations. What’s more, the shopping center not only features a diverse selection of galleries, but also organizes arts events, workshops and seminars to provide knowledge to collectors, visitors and art lovers.

For further information, please visit or contact us:
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23 Charoen Krung 24, Talard Noi
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Opening Hours: 10.00 am – 10.00 pm
T (+66) 2 237 0077-8
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UNWTO Expresses Confidence on Tourism in Madagascar

UNWTO Expresses Confidence on Tourism in Madagascar

Antananarivo (Madagascar) – November 2, 2017 ( – The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Taleb Rifai has visited Madagascar to express the Organization’s full support to the tourism sector. Madagascar’s tourism is facing a challenging situation following a plague outbreak which has prompted some countries to implement travel restrictions with Madagascar. Mr Rifai recalled the World Health Organization (WHO) advises no restriction on travel or trade on Madagascar.

“UNWTO is echoing the advice by WHO to governments not to rush to issue inaccurate travel advisories. The WHO Key Messages updates dated 26 October recalls that the risk of international spread appears unlikely. WHO advises no restriction on travel or trade on Madagascar based on the current available information” said Mr. Rifai.

“We can not penalise a country twice – once by the country being hit and having to confront and pay the direct heavy price of a devastating crisis and second by us, human community, falling into misguided perceptions and, as a result , shunning and isolating the victim country and adding to the problem rather than to the solution” he added.

WHO recalls that it is important to strike a balance between encouraging countries in the region to be ready to act in case of an outbreak, while avoiding panic that could result in unnecessary or counterproductive measures such as trade restrictions or travel bans on affected countries.

“We are facing a perception crisis. Clear and factual communication on the real situation in Madagascar is crucial to prevent damaging advisories from adding gravity to the crisis” said Rifai.

Meeting with the Minister of Tourism, members of government, the President of the National Assembly, representatives from the United Nations in Madagascar, including the WHO Resident Coordinator, the World Bank, local private sector and media, Mr Rifai recalled that “positive news are coming out of the sector such as the new strategic partnership between Air Madagascar and Air Austral. We need to communicate the good news; build our capacity and restore confidence”.

The Minister of Tourism Roland Ratsiraka recalled “Being an island with 80% endemic biodiversity, Madagascar has a natural calling for sustainable tourism” said the Minister of Tourism. “Mr. Secretary General, your visit is rich in meaning, gives hope to a whole people and those who still doubt the economic benefits of the tourism industry” he added.

“Collaboration among all countries in crisis situations is critical and we call upon all countries in the region to cooperate in a way that reinforces prevention without creating unnecessary travel bans” said the Najib Balala, Chair of the UNWTO Commission for Africa and Minister of Tourism of Kenya.

UNWTO Secretary-General and the Minister of Tourism of Madagascar will be meeting the press next week at the World Travel Market in London to brief on the current situation in the country.

UNWTO Media Officer
Rut Gomez Sobrino
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60
UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme
Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100
Fax: +34 91 567 8218

Run your Complete Hotel on a Mobile with Hotelogix

Run your Complete Hotel on a Mobile with Hotelogix

Noida, Uttar Pradesh (India) – October 31, 2017 (travelindex) – Hoteliers have been putting a lot of thought into how to create that perfect ‘enchanting’ guest experience. If you are looking for guest touch-points to target as points of guest-experience optimisation, the first key guest touch-points to set your sights on are most likely to be reservations, check-in and check-out.

Let’s look at the check-in experience. The usual time that it takes for a guest to check-in is around 10-15 minutes in any standard hotel. As a hotelier, If you want to improve a guest’s experience upon check-in, that check-in window time is a great place to start.

The challenge is, how do you create a guest check-in experience that is easier and more effective, which means that it consumes less time, but also lets the guest feel like they are receiving an increased level of personalised service? Some automated rapid check-in systems may be fast, but you lose the human touch, turning it into a cold experience.

Property Management Systems are usually created to support the hotel’s overall workflow and are generally operated operated by hotel staff at hardwired terminals usually at a reception desk in the hotel. What if there was a system that could interface directly with the guest wherever they were, that made things even more efficient and added positively to the overall personal experience of the guest?

One idea that has been providing great results when it comes to an improved guest check-in experience is the ‘Cozy Lobby’. A ‘Cozy Lobby’ is where there is a personal check-in for every guest – not just club lounge guests.

We have taken Hotelogix for a test run and we have been blown away. The Hotelogix Mobile Hotel System does everything that your traditional PMS systems can do, but now puts it into the hands of any of your staff at any place in your property due to the fact that all interactions are done via the mobile app interface that’s installed on their phones.

With the Hotelogix, each staff member can have the mobile app installed on their own device. Doing it this way allows the PMS to be taken to the guest and reduces the number of hard-wired terminals needed in a property. The staff are then free to attend to guests waiting in the lobby or F&B outlets and perform the check-in right there wherever the guest is. There is no need for scanners or photocopy machines – the phone’s camera can be used to scan all the required documents straight into the system, with OCR technology enabling the system to enter most of the required guest data fields in the system straight from the scanned ID documents. With the Hotelogix app, it takes only around 3-5 minutes per check-in!

The dashboard gives all of your team members an instant glimpse of what’s going on in the property, giving them the information that they need to be able to respond thoughtfully and creatively to any of your guests special needs, and payments can be processed on the go. If guests need to change their room preference, date, or payment, it can also be done via the app.

The system improves communication between what’s going on in front office and housekeeping, with all housekeeping data being updated in real time, reducing guest waiting time even further.

The app also has real time inventory available to all of your sales team along with the room rates, which means that they can confirm corporate booking requests there and then while they’re sitting with them on a sales call rather than having to check back with the office.

The Hotelogix Mobile Hotel app enables a much faster and the personalised experience, and creates a great first-impression with guests. It also opens up new possibilities for hoteliers to utilise different spaces around the properties in ways that hadn’t originally been planned for, as well as provides flexible options for special events where check-ins need to be performed in different parts of the hotel to ensure optimum flow within the property.

To Promote Tourism, Laos Launched the Visit Laos Year 2018

To Promote Tourism, Laos Launched the Visit Laos Year 2018

Vientiane (Lao PDR) October 28, 2017 ( – Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith launches the “Visit Lao Year 2018” at the opening of the annual That Luang Festival in Vientiane. Lao PDR officially launched the “Visit Lao Year 2018” on Saturday, October 28, 2017 aiming to promote tourism and preserve the unique and fine traditional culture of Laos.

Laos launched its “Visit Laos Year 2018” to promote the tourism industry and revive interest in the country at a time when visits are declining. According to the Director General of the Tourism Marketing Department, Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, Sounh Manivong, the Visit Laos Year 2018 campaign will be hosting a number of high ranking officials and journalists from other countries.

Colorful festivals and events depicting Laos’ diverse cultural, traditional and natural charms are set to be highlighted through Visit Laos Year 2018.

In his speech H.E. Professor Dr Bosengkham Vongdara, Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Vice President of National Committee for Visit Laos Year 2018 said: “…The festival does not only reflect the fine traditional culture of Laos but also commemorates the success of the fourth restoration project of That Luang Stupa and That Luang Stupa consecration ceremony.

Tourism is an economic sector which has expanded rapidly in several countries around the world. At present, many nations in the world attach special attention to develop and promote their tourism as well as consider tourism a priority economic sector for the socio-economic development of their nations. Over the past years, the government of Lao PDR likewise come to regard tourism as a priority sector for driving the socio-economic development of the country.

Tourism brings spending on goods and services that can boost currency reserves and circulation of money in the country and create more job opportunities for people in service and production sectors, particularly agriculture and handicraft production.

Tourism is a form of export and generates income to local and rural communities in remote regions.

Additionally, tourism pushes for direct and indirect investments and businesses including tour business, hotels, restaurants, transport, souvenirs and so on.
Tourism also pushes investments in infrastructure development such as roads, airports, ports, telecommunication systems, electricity, water supply and so on.

Moreover, the government considers tourism development and promotion as a means for expanding and enhancing cooperation between Laos and foreign countries.
The government has determined the directive for developing and growing natural tourism, historical and cultural tourism based on the Slogan of ‘Visit Laos Year 2018’: “Visit Laos, Experience the Diversity of Nature and History.

The Minister further added: “…The content of the ‘Visit Laos Year 2018’ is designed to:
1 – Push for the implementation of Party’s policies, laws, regulations for managing, developing and promoting natural tourism, cultural and historical tourism;
2 – Concentrate on tourism development in our country to be able to accommodate the number of visitors today and in the future;
3 – Raise awareness and upgrade knowledge of society and people regarding the role and importance of tourism sector in contributing to socio-economic development of the nation and localities;
4 – Tap tourism opportunities and trends of the world, regions and sub-regions into
strongly developing and promoting Lao tourism; regards tourism promotion as a means to enhance under standing and friendships between nations; promote cultural exchange and tourism connectivity between Laos and nations in sub-regions and the world;
5 – Promote the development of small and medium enterprises.

The Visit Laos Year 2018 will comprise activities to be organised in Laos and overseas. These will include festivals in various provinces across the country. Additionally, the Visit Laos Year activities will include festivals which are organised annually by provinces. Exceptional historical, natural and cultural tourism sites in each province are opened for tourists throughout the year.”

Visit Laos Year Launched to Promote the Nation to the World

Visit Laos Year Launched to Promote the Nation to the World

Vientiane (Lao PDR) – October 30, 2017 ( – Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith invited people from around the world to visit the nation in remarks he delivered to officially launch “Visit Laos Year 2018” in front of the capital”s revered That Luang Stupa on Saturday.

A ceremonial gong was struck nine times by the prime minister to mark the official opening of “Visit Laos Year 2018”.

“On this occasion, I”d like to invite all tourists from Laos and overseas to visit Laos, with joy and happiness throughout the year and forever,” Mr Thongloun said.

The launch of “Visit Laos Year 2018” coincided with the start of the annual That Luang festival which features a trade fair, a display of traditional houses, cultural performances and activities relating to traditional worship rituals at That Luang Stupa as well as cultural, religious and spiritual events. The launch highlights included performances of songs and dances.

Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Professor Dr Bosengkham Vongdara also delivered a speech at the event, which was attended by hundreds of people including government leaders, foreign media and invited guests from Laos and abroad. The minister underscored the importance of the tourism industry which has expanded rapidly in countries around the world.

“In recent years, the government of the Lao PDR has likewise come to regard tourism as a priority sector for driving socio-economic development,” he said.

“Tourism brings spending on goods and services that can boost currency reserves and money flow and create more job opportunities for people in the service and production sectors, particularly agriculture and handicraft production.”

Professor Dr Bosengkham said tourism is a form of export and generates income to local and rural communities in remote regions.

But critics raised questions about how the government can best promote Laos to the rest of the world when the amount of information available is limited. Editor-in-Chi ef of e-Global Travel Media, Mr. Stephen Morton, said Laos has great potential to offer experiences to international visitors, but needs to improve accessibility (visa facilitation) and ensure more information is available. For instance, the event calendar related to festivals and activities must be readily available so that more tourists can plan on attending those events.

Improvement of infrastructure and services including road access to tourist attractions and internet speed is also critical. The government has organised Visit Laos Year on two previous occasions, once in 1999-2000 and again in 2011-12 to encourage more tourists at home and abroad to visit sites within the country.

In 2000, tourist arrivals amounted to 737,208 people and generated income of US$113,898,285

By 2015 the figure had risen to 4,684,429 people, generating some US$725,365,681 in revenue. It is projected that tourist arrivals will reach about 6,206,423 people by 2020 and generate revenue amounting to US$993,427,000.

During ‘Visit Laos Year 2018’, the nation will seek to attract at least 5 million arrivals generating revenue of about US$900 million.

To better promote the ‘Visit Laos Year 2018’ campaign, the government approved six slogans: ‘Warmly Welcome to Visit Laos Year 2018″; “Laos Jewel of the Mekong”; “Laos Simply Beautiful”; “Be the Good Host for Visit Laos Year 2018″; ”Visit, Enjoy, Safety, Environmentally Friendly”; ”Visit Laos, Experience the Diversity of Nature, Culture and History”.

The trade fair features more than 1,000 booths at two venues: Lao ITECC (460 booths) and That Luang Esplanade (640 booths).

By Somsack Pongkhao
First published: Vientiane Times, Monday, October 30, 2017 Issue 253

10th ITB Asia 2017 Wraps Up with Record Highs

10th ITB Asia 2017 Wraps Up with Record Highs

Singapore (Singapore) – October 27, 2017 ( – Asia’s leading travel trade show, ITB Asia 2017 has completed its milestone anniversary event with record-breaking numbers. The tenth edition of ITB Asia came to a close today at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.

Over three days, the event hosted about 940 exhibitors from 113 countries, an 11% increase over the previous year. ITB Asia 2017 also welcomed its strongest ever buyer participation across the Corporate, MICE and Leisure sectors. Since 2014, ITB Asia has experienced a 1:1 ratio for exhibitors and buyers. This year, there were over 22,000 business appointments recorded during the show.

Unveiling its largest exhibitors showcase yet, ITB Asia 2017 reported a spectacular 77% growth from its inaugural edition, featuring new exhibitors such as the Rwanda Development Board, Tourism Tunisia, Promote Iceland, Tourism & Foreign Affairs Department of Almaty City, Republic of Kazakhstan, Jeju Convention and Vistor Bureau, amongst others. Exhibitors also invested more in the quality of their booths, with Greece, Japan, Russia and Korea putting up impressive and engaging experiences.

This year’s conference programme looked at the role of technology, setting the tone for the changes that the industry is likely to see in the next ten years. Speakers from big names IBM Asia Pacific and Google delivered insights on the potential of Artificial Intelligence, Ctrip presented its global strategy, while fast-growing start-ups Hiverlab, Zebra Design and Savioke shared on the exciting realities and opportunities for augmented reality and virtual reality in hospitality and tourism.

“In view of ten years of ITB Asia, we’ve taken every effort to celebrate the past as well as to provide attendees with a useful view to the future. While we are very pleased with our achievements in terms of the quality and numbers, what brings us most satisfaction is bringing together all the different stakeholders across the industry to network and inspire each other. The relationships built and strengthened will continue to boost our efforts in making ITB Asia the region’s go-to event and a hub for unforgettable content and enriching experiences for many years to come”, said Katrina Leung, Executive Director of Messe Berlin (Singapore), the organiser of ITB Asia.

ITB Asia will continue to be held in Singapore, following the past ten years of consistent support from the Singapore Tourism Board and the Singapore Exhibition Convention Bureau. Following this year’s successful show, ITB Asia has received the highest exhibitor rebookings for ITB Asia 2018. As early as now, the surge in interest for next year’s show has been seen from destinations such as Greece, Middle East, Africa, Spain and the Scandinavian region as well as continued strong support from Asian markets such as Thailand and the Philippines. Melia Hotels International and Global DMC Network by the JTB Group have also confirmed their stand bookings for the 2018 show.

ITB Asia 2018 will be held from 17-19 October 2018 at Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands. Interested exhibitors may email


About ITB Asia
ITB Asia is organised by Messe Berlin (Singapore) Pte Ltd and supported by the Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau. The event will feature hundreds of exhibiting companies from the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East, covering not only the leisure market, but also corporate and MICE travel. Exhibitors from every sector of the industry, including destinations, airlines and airports, hotels and resorts, theme parks and attractions, inbound tour operators, inbound DMCs, cruise lines, spas, venues, other meeting facilities and travel technology companies are all expected to attend.

Contact information:
ITB Berlin
PR Manager
Julia Wegener
(+49) 30 3038-2269