Alain St. Ange, the Independent Workers Union is Standing with All Workers

Alain St. Ange, the Independent Workers Union is Standing with All Workers

Victoria, Mahe (Seychelles) – October 15, 2017 ( – Seychelles has changed and the changes continue daily. Last week, we spoke about the arrival of an Independent Workers Union. Not everyone will be pleased to see the hard working men and women of Seychelles standing behind a body ready to have them respected for the work they do. The wise words (reprinted below) of someone from the teaching profession speaks volumes;

“It is the sense of seeing workers exercising a role by themselves and for themselves. We are already having opposition for our determination, but this is a sign of being effective. If there’s opposition, it means they’re noticing change”

A new Workers Union not affiliated to a Political Party is indeed new for Seychelles. Workers are not assembled based on a political colour, but instead, more as the backbone of the islands. They are Seychellois first and should earn the respect for their work. The Government of the day will be encouraged to hear the pleas of the working population, and the Opposition in the National Assembly will be invited to table Private Members Bills to support the aspirations, dreams and ambitions of all who are working for the continued successes of Seychelles, as they have successfully done for the Offshore Financial Sector.

The Union will see itself standing with all who are working, and this includes the salaried employees as well as the self-employed businessmen and women of the islands. At the end of the day, everyone who is working and are therefore workers, need a politically independent body to be by their sides.

Recognise, Respect and Remunerate them for their respective efforts, equals a Responsible and productive workforce, will now guide Seychelles.

Seychelles moving towards subsistence fishing practices

Fisheries worldwide are in a state of crisis and the protection of spawning aggregations has become a global conservation issue. Many of the world’s most productive fisheries are operating in less than optimal conditions, with certain stocks having already collapsed. Some fisheries specifically target spawning aggregations which can in extreme cases, lead to the disappearance or effective reproductive failure of aggregating populations. It is thus imperative that good fisheries management are put into place to ensure the sustainability of global fisheries.

The coveted experience of fishing in the outer islands of Seychelles has often been described by many as “out of this world”, with large specimens of groupers, snappers and emperors being commonly sought after by avid fishermen. Science has shown that many of these fish species are slow-growing and late-maturing, rendering their stocks easily prone to overfishing. With key species in the demersal fishery on the Mahé Plateau now considered to be over-exploited, many local fishing vessels are venturing further away from the Mahé to the outer islands in search of a decent catch. This, in addition to the increasing presence of foreign-flagged vessels fishing illegally in Seychelles, may surmount to catastrophic fish stock depletion.

Until now, there has been no clear protocol for monitoring fishing pressure. As a first step, work has been undertaken to standardise subsistence fisheries monitoring protocols, including monitoring of fish spawning aggregations, among the inner and outer islands, and to ensure that data are collected and analysed in a standardised way. This project was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project, ‘Expansion and strengthening of the protected Area Subsystem of the outer islands of Seychelles and its integration into broader land and seascape’.

GEF enlisted the expertise of Dr. Jude Bijoux, assisted by the Saint Ange Report’s very own Environmental Consultant, Mr. Ameer Ebrahim. The team also comprised of Ms Aurelie Duhec and Mr Richard Jeanne from the Island Conservation Society (ICS).

The expert team developed Monitoring protocols that will assist the Outer Islands to carefully survey fish catch, and to build capacity in monitoring subsistence fisheries and spawning aggregations. To test the protocols, a 3-day training workshop was led by the team, and included the participation of key Stakeholders. Participants were shown how to carry out scientific underwater surveys, how to detect and monitor key spawning aggregations, and also how to use computer software, such as ‘R’, to carry out statistical analyses on the data collected.

With the help of key bodies like GEF, and local experts such as Dr. Jude Bijoux and Mr. Ameer Ebrahim, the commitment towards a more sustainable future here in Seychelles will be strengthened.

M.V. Espoir proudly Seychellois

Gerard Rose and his son Daniel have built a new cargo ship from start to finish. This is a success story said Hon Patrick Pillay, the Speaker of the National Assembly who was on Praslin to show his support to the Rose Family on the launch of their new ship. Also present were Praslin’s elected representatives for Baie Ste Anne and Grand Anse Districts, members of the Rose family and their many friends.

MV Lespoir measures 33,5 meters long and has a capacity of 175 tonnes. It also has a 15 tonne capacity of cold store on board. This the first time a ship of this size has been built in Seychelles and the construction done by an entirely all-Seychellois Team.

The Rose family are known and respected seamen of Baie Ste Anne Praslin and they are doing Seychelles proud. For many years they have been providing the needed cargo service between Mahe and the islands of Praslin and La Digue. It is expected that with the arrival of MV Lespoir the service they provide will now be even better.

Alain St. Ange, Consulting, Seychelles – Extract from Travel Marketing Network of New York – September 29, 2017
Alain St.Ange has been working in the tourism business since 2009. He was appointed as the Director of Marketing for Seychelles by President James Michel. After one year of service, he was promoted to the position of CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board. In 2012 the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands regional Organization was formed and St.Ange was appointed as the first president of the organization. In a 2012 cabinet re-shuffle, St.Ange was appointed as Minister of Tourism and Culture from which he resigned on 28 December 2016 in order to pursue a candidacy as Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation.

At the UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu in China, a person who was being sought after for the “Speakers Circuit” for tourism and sustainable development was Alain St.Ange. St.Ange is the former Seychelles Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine who left office in December last year to run for the position of Secretary General of the UNWTO. When his candidature or document of endorsement was withdrawn by his country just a day before the elections in Madrid, Alain St.Ange showed his greatness as a speaker when he addressed the UNWTO gathering with grace, passion, and style. His moving speech was recorded as the one on the best marking speeches at this UN international body.

African countries often remember his Uganda address for the East Africa Tourism Platform when he was a guest of honour. As former Tourism Minister, St.Ange was a regular and popular speaker and was often seen addressing forums and conferences on behalf of his country. His ability to speak ‘off the cuff’ was always seen as a rare ability. He often said he speaks from the heart.

In Seychelles he is remembered for a marking address at the official opening of the island’s Carnaval International de Victoria when he reiterated the words of John Lennon famous song… ” you may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. One day you will all join us and the world will be better as one”. The world press contingent gathered in Seychelles on the day ran with the words by St.Ange which made headlines everywhere.

Recently St.Ange is credited for a keynote address delivered by the organisers on his behalf at the “Tourism & Business Conference in Canada”. Alain St.Ange was in Chengdu China for the UNWTO General Assembly at that time.

Seychelles is a good example for sustainable tourism. This is therefore not surprising to see Alain St.Ange being sought after as a speaker on the international circuit.

Alain St.Ange, the former Seychelles Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine and First President of the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands is today the President of the Seychelles Labor Union, Deputy Secretary General of FORSEAA (Forum of Small Medium Economic AFRICA ASEAN) based in Jakarta Indonesia, listed as a Consultant for TMN (Travel Marketing Network) in New York USA, Co-Chair of the SUNx (Strong Universal Network) Organisation in London UK, Vice President & Founding Member of ICTP (International Coalition of Tourism Partners), Consultant to PMAESA (Port Management Association of Eastern and Southern Africa) based in Mombassa Kenya, CIOA (Cruise Indian Ocean Association) based in Durban South Africa and for Cruise Africa.

Air Seychelles Chief Executive Roy Kinnear steps down

Roy Kinnear, the Chief Executive of the national airline of Seychelles has resigned and will be leaving his role on December 31, 2017. The Chairman of the Air Seychelles board Mr Jean Weeling-Lee confirmed on Tuesday that Mr Kinnear is leaving to pursue a further opportunity.

In a communication sent to the staff Mr Weeling-Lee said: “It is important that we stay focused on business priorities in the coming weeks and months ahead of us, and on behalf of the Board, I ask for your continued support during this transition period.”

Roy Kinnear joined Air Seychelles in July 2015, from Air Seychelles’ strategic partner, Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airways, where he previously held the position of Senior Vice President of Revenue Management and Planning since 2011.

Boasting over 30 years of airline industry experience, with expertise in revenue management, he was tasked with using his extensive experience in leading Etihad’s revenue management, inventory control, pricing, and revenue forecasting to drive sales and extend Air Seychelles’ network deeper into Europe and Asia.

Commenting on Mr Kinnear’s imminent departure, the Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine, Ambassador Maurice Loustau-Lalanne said his decision has taken most people by surprise.

“Roy understood the business, he integrated well with the tourism trade in Seychelles and he had a lot to offer, but he has decided to resign from Etihad Airways for him to take up a new job with a European airline, a much bigger airline than Air Seychelles,” said Minister Loustau-Lalanne.

“He wanted to go earlier but following discussions, we have agreed that he will only leave now at the end of December 2017, as the decision has come at a critical moment as Air Seychelles has some turbulent times ahead,” he added.

Air Seychelles is set to face increased competition in light of the new airline dynamics in the country, including recent announcements that two big European carriers British Airways and Air France – through its new sister airline ‘Joon’ – will be resuming direct flights to Seychelles in 2018.

Minister Loustau-Lalanne said: “We look to Etihad Airways to very quickly propose a replacement CEO to the chairman of Air Seychelles who will take it to the board and a decision will be taken on Mr Kinnear’s replacement. Once chosen the replacement will have to double up with Mr. Kinnear for at least one month before he leaves in December 2017….we will ensure there is proper handover and proper continuity.”

Air Seychelles maintains a strategic partnership with Etihad Airway, which bought a 40 percent stake in the company in 2012, investing $45 million after the national carrier, which until then was wholly owned by the Seychelles government, ran into financial difficulties.

South and Central African Regional bloc COMESA to start implementation of Open Skies soon with support from AfDB

Member states of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) have been urged to expedite the completion of the current infrastructure projects to boost regional trade.

The call was made during the 10th Joint Meeting of the Committees on Transport and Communications, Information Technology and Energy held in Lusaka Zambia last week. According to the COMESA secretariat officials, member states need to take decisions that will help accelerate the implementation of the bloc’s infrastructure projects.

Rwanda High Commissioner to Zambia and permanent representative to COMESA, Monique Mukaruliza, said the idea is to support the completion of most pending infrastructure projects to spur the region’s development.

Mathew Nkuwa, the Zambian Minister for Works, Transport and Supply, said there is need for policies, systems, institutions and resources to support infrastructure development and maintenance, adding that this move would reduce the infrastructure gap, support poverty reduction efforts, as well as “create wealth and enhance economic development in the COMESA region”.

Nkuwa highlighted lack of financial and technical resources to the support infrastructure projects as one of the main causes of delays in the implementation process.
“There is need to develop modern infrastructure that will make it easy for member states to trade amongst themselves,” he added.

Fast tracking airspace liberalisation

Meanwhile, the COMESA infrastructure ministers agreed on the need to fast-track the liberalisation of air space in the region to increase connectivity and boost trade. They say, air transport liberalisation will lead to increased air service levels and lower fares and, in turn, help stimulate additional traffic volumes and facilitate tourism and trade. Rwanda is currently leading the project to integrate and liberalise airspace in the COMESA bloc.
The COMESA airspace integration project outcome is according to aviation experts expected to set the operational options for the provision of seamless airspace and air navigation services within the region.

In 2015, the COMESA Secretariat secured approximately $10 million from the African Development Bank to implement the Airspace Integration Project.
This is a grant to COMESA which is given as part of the bank’s mandate as an institution of the Africa Union to support infrastructure development and services across the continent.

According to the COMESA Legal Notice No. 2 of 1999 agreement, member states are obliged to provide and grant traffic rights to designated operators and service frequencies between city pairs in the COMESA region. The African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC) is currently spearheading the creation of a single air transport market in Africa under which 15 African Union members committed to the establishment of a single African air transport market. It is therefore envisaged that within COMESA region itself, liberalising airspace could spur trade and lead to sustainable economic development.

The ministers were however concerned that the agreement has not yet been fully implemented. According to COMESA officials, there is reluctance to fully implement the treaty because of continued use of bilateral air service agreements and member states that claim to have weak airlines.

There is also lack of harmonised regulations to facilitate the implementation process and a follow up mechanism.

Jean-Baptiste Mutabazi, the COMESA director of infrastructure and logistics, said COMESA airlines should form regional and international alliances to compete. The official added that member states should ensure minimum standards in terms of safety and security, as well as economic fitness requirements.

Early this year, a study indicated that airspace liberalisation between five East African Community (EAC) member countries would result in an additional 46,320 jobs and $202.1 million (about Rwf165 billion) annually. African airlines reported a loss of about $800 million in 2016 largely due to regulation of African airspace.
Meanwhile, the region will next year start implementing a seven-year programme which will culminate in the establishment of a seamless airspace based on harmonised civil aviation rules and procedures. This will result in improved safety, security, reduced operating and travel costs for airlines.

Lekha Nair of the Seychelles Pension Fund does Seychelles proud at WCA

Lekha Nair, the Chief Executive Officer of the Seychelles Pension Fund has done Seychelles proud as she participated at The Wharton Club of Africa summit 2017. Flying the Seychelles flag at the Conference was Lekha Nair and she addressed the innovations by Seychelles in guaranteeing every Seychellois a pension. The International news wires have since that summit been reporting on the Seychelles experience.

The 4th annual WCA Executive Investment Summit 2017 (incl. 2nd WCA Africa Family Office Forum), is recorded to have been a memorable success, based on feedback. “Together each of you facilitated a truly unique, very real, high-energy, high impact, invaluable summit and engagement, from content to networking” the Organisers said about the delegates present who included Lekha Nair of the Seychelles.

“The calibre of all delegates was “extraordinary” and we are so thankful for your generosity and willingness to move beyond basics to share extremely in-depth relevant perspectives for a highly sophisticated investor audience. Summit success is ultimately measured based on tangible results delivered, partnerships, and co-investments, which we hope will bear fruit for each delegate in the year ahead, as commenced at Summit” the Organisers of the WCA said.

The James Michel Foundation announces Dr Sylvia Alice Earle as their newest honourary member

The James Michel Foundation has announced that Dr Sylvia Alice Earle is the newest honourary member of the Foundation. In reply to the invitation of the former President to join his Foundation, Dr Earle said that she would “be deeply pleased and honored to do so”. “I have great affection for your beautiful country, a love affair that began during my first scientific research expedition there aboard the R/V Anton Bruun as part of the 1964 International Indian Ocean Expedition and has amplified over the years. And I have immense admiration and respect for you, your accomplishments and your current goals for making a difference for your country and the world”, Dr Earle added.

In thanking Dr Earle for accepting his invitation, former President said, “Your vast experience in scientific and ocean-related matters as well as your international renown will have a tremendous impact on the James Michel Foundation, as well as all of those of us who love and respect our oceans, and are committed to the Blue Economy”. Dr Sylvia Earle (born August 30,1935) is an American marine biologist, explorer, author, and lecturer. She has been a National Geographic explorer-in-residence since 1998. Dr Earle was the first female chief scientist of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and was named by Time Magazine as its first Hero for the Planet in 1998.

In 1979, she made an open-ocean dive to the sea floor near Oahu setting a women’s depth record of 381 metres. In 1982 she and her husband founded Deep Ocean Engineering to design, operate, support and consult on piloted and robotic subsea systems. In 1985, the Deep Ocean Engineering team designed and built the Deep Rover research submarine, which operates down to 1,000 metres. In 1992, Earle founded Deep Ocean Exploration and Research to further advance marine engineering. From 1998 to 2002 Dr Earle led the Sustainable Seas Expeditions, a five-year program sponsored by the National Geographic Society.

She founded Mission Blue (also known as the Sylvia Earle Alliance, Deep Search Foundation, and Deep Search), a non-profit foundation for protecting and exploring the Earth’s oceans, andto “ignite public support for a global network of marine protected areas, hope spots large enough to save and restore the ocean, the blue heart of the planet”. Dr Earle serves on several boards, and is the recipient of several US and international awards and recognitions.

GTEF Macao 2017 Presents Regional Collaboration Towards a Better Future

GTEF Macao 2017 Presents Regional Collaboration Towards a Better Future

Macao (Macao SAR) – October 17, 2017 ( – The sixth edition of Global Tourism Economy Forum (GTEF) was unveiled on 16 October at Grand Hyatt Macau. As the leading international tourism platform designed to promote sustainable development of the global tourism industry with a focus on China, GTEF supports China’s Belt and Road Initiative and embraces the “16+1” economic framework between China and the Central and Eastern European Countries in its 2017 edition under the theme of “Regional Collaboration towards a Better Future”. The Forum gathers many ministerial officials, leaders of globally‐renowned corporations, experts and scholars from around the world to explore how tourism collaboration characterized by shared interests and mutual respect is conducive to the building of a better future among nations and regions, and creation of opportunities and synergies.

The Forum welcomes a great number of delegates from many countries and regions around the world, including the Partner Region – the 16 Central and Eastern European Countries (namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia) and Guizhou Province as the Partner Province. The two-day event is covered by over 150 international and domestic members of the press.

The opening ceremony was officiated by a multitude of dignitaries including Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Forum Chairman of GTEF, Ho Hau Wah; representative of the Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao SAR Government and Executive Chairman of GTEF, Alexis Tam; Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Honorary Chairman of GTEF, Taleb Rifai; Vice Chairman of China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) and Honorary Vice Chairman of GTEF, Li Shihong; Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR, Sun Da; Deputy Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Macao SAR, Yuan Hengge; President of Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, Shaikha Mai Bint Mohammed Al Khalifa; Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mirko Šarović; Minister of Tourism of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Thong Khon; Minister of State Charged with Tourism of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Tomás Mecheba Fernández Galilea; President of the Board of the Petra National Trust, Princess Dana Firas; Vice Governor of Guizhou Province, Lu Yongzheng; Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Fan Youshan; Deputy Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria, Milko Teofilov; State Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia, Frano Matušić; Ministerial Commissioner for International Tourism Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Emese Boros; State Secretary of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia, Juris Stinka; Managing Director of National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro, Zeljka Radak Kukavicic; Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Tourism of Romania, Cristina Ionela Tărteață; Deputy Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia, Renata Pindžo; Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland to China, Piotr Gillert; Managing Director of Estonian Tourist Board, Tarmo Mutso; Head of Tourism Policy Division of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania, Renaldas Čiužas; Director General of Tourism Section, Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic, Ivana Magatova; Director General of Directorate for Tourism at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, Renata Martinčič, among other guests.

The Forum Chairman of GTEF, Ho Hau Wah, addressed the opening ceremony, “Hosted in Macao for six consecutive years, GTEF has established itself as a prominent annual international tourism event. Each year, GTEF successfully gathers global elites from the tourism and tourism-related industries at the Forum to offer their advice and suggestions for the well-being and sustainable development of the global tourism economy. After years of dedicated effort, GTEF has gained extensive international attention and high-level acknowledgment and support from the Central Government.”

Representative of the Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao SAR Government and Executive Chairman of GTEF, Alexis Tam, delivered welcome remarks to the guests, “After six years of dedication and progress, the Global Tourism Economy Forum has developed into a key platform gathering decision makers and leaders of the tourism industry from worldwide to build a brighter prospect for the tourism economy. The Forum not only highlights the outlook of the 16 Central and Eastern European Countries, but also features Guizhou Province as the Partner Province, stepping up to pave new paths for collaboration among delegates from China and around the globe. We will pour unreserved efforts to transform Macao into a world centre of tourism and leisure as well as a commercial and trade cooperation service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, as we work towards our aspiration to serve our Country and connect to the world by making a more wide-reaching contribution to regional collaboration, and reap a greater harvest of shared interest and mutual gain in the long run.”

Secretary-General of UNWTO and Honorary Chairman of GTEF, Taleb Rifai, delivered his keynote speech, “It is very inspiring to see how Macao has been turning itself into a world leader in tourism. And how this Forum has gained a special space of thought leadership. This year’s Forum is a reminder to us that across every country, every destination and every community, economic growth must go hand-in-hand with sustainable development, people’s wellbeing and a better understanding among nations and people of all backgrounds.”

Playing an integral role in China’s Belt and Road Initiative and in the development plan for a city cluster in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Macao’s pivotal position as an East-meets-West cultural hub is becoming increasingly prominent. The city is dedicated to promoting moderate diversification of its tourism-driven economy as the city forges ahead with the goal of becoming a world centre of tourism and leisure, a commercial and trade cooperation service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries as well as a base for exchange and cooperation, where Chinese culture prevails and different cultures flourish in harmony. Offering key reference and directions for the development of the global tourism and tourism-related industries, GTEF also demonstrates Macao’s capability to organize international mega events and readily raises the status and impact of Macao as an international tourist city and a regional travel destination, while reinforcing a solid foundation for mutual success with its neighboring regions and the rest of the world.

The Forum’s two-day programme presents thought-provoking keynotes and discussion panels, starting with its signature Face to Face, Ministers and Private Sector CEOs session with the largest speaker lineup ever. This collaboration with UNWTO brought together ministerial officials and global industry leaders to engage in a direct dialogue under the topic “Embracing Regional Collaboration for Collective Growth”, and to explore how regional and inter-regional collaboration can create positive developments beyond geographic borders.

The fourth report of the UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends, a joint research report between the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Global Tourism Economy Research Centre (GTERC) will be presented at the Forum. The joint report presents tourism trends and outlook of the region, and highlights the importance of regional collaboration to the adoption of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development by the United Nations.

GTEF 2017 will continue with its program tomorrow (17 October) with six inspiring panel sessions. Besides panels titled “Promoting a Shared Vision through Regional Collaboration”, “Driving Tourism Economic Growth through Innovation and Technology” and “The Greater Bay Area – Visionary Collaboration in the Making”, there are three concurrent sessions and workshops themed as “Consumption Upgrade & Market Strategies”, “World Heritage & Regional Cooperation” and “Building a Brighter Future for Cities through Collaboration”, outlining directions and a comprehensive picture of future tourism development for delegates. Through different sessions and networking activities, the Forum will once again offer unrivalled opportunities for business matching and networking for delegates from China and across the world.

The Global Tourism Economy Forum • Macao 2017 is hosted by the Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao SAR Government in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization, co-organized by the China Chamber of Tourism and coordinated by the Global Tourism Economy Research Centre. GTEF’s supporting units include China National Tourism Administration, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR, Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Macao SAR, Macao Government Tourism Office, World Travel and Tourism Council, Pacific Asia Travel Association, World Tourism Cities Federation and European Travel Commission.

For more information about the Forum, please visit and stay tuned for event updates via official social media channels of GTEF.

Amazing Video by Ana Rucner and Gospic Tourist Board to Promote Gospic

Amazing Video by Ana Rucner and Gospic Tourist Board to Promote Gospic

Gospic (Croatia) – October 15, 2017 ( – A new attractive video for the Gospić Tourist Bord, titled “Gospić Full of Energy” was presented as part of the Autumn Festival in Lika. Dominated by the stunning landscape scenery, the video was shot at several very unique and attractive locations such as Velebit Nature park, The Museum Center of Nikola Tesla – world’s famous electricity inventor, the memorial house of Ante Starčević.

The production company FILM 54, base din Osijek, winner of many awards for their tourist videos, led by director Boris Šeper, has faithfully captured all the attractions of Gospić, above all underlining the emotional experience of numerous visitors. Famous Croatian cellist Ana Rucner appears int he video, whose music oft he album eXpression perfectly fits in with the video dynamics. Ana Rucner can be seen wearing a lovely dress that features design element of traditional embroidery from Lika, which was made by the Dota Association for the Conservation of Traditional Culture.

In order to demonstrate the unique beauty and experience the video is made of short, content-packed, amazing scenes showing everything the town of Gospić has to offer – tradition, gastronomy, beauty of Velebit mountain, nature, horse riding, climbing. Very important place in the video is dedicated to Visočica, at 1619 meters above the sea level. We wanted to show the unique feeling leading throughout each segment of the video. It took us two months to film it, we hiked and walked almost 100 kilometres, searching for the best day and night scenes to be captured in the video and we used a modern timelapse technique. One of the very important elements is music, which frequently changes the rhythm, making the video more dynamic and interesting emphasized the film director Boris Šeper.

Video Link

Contact information:
Hana Klain
PR consultant
savjetnica za odnose s javnošću
mobile: 091 504 3764

Insights Conference in Vanuatu to Address Tourism Challenges

Insights Conference in Vanuatu to Address Tourism Challenges

Bangkok (Thailand) – October 15, 2017 ( – The inaugural Pacific Tourism Insights Conference (PTIC), which takes place in Port Vila, Vanuatu on Wednesday, October 25, is set to address key opportunities and challenges facing the region’s public and private sector tourism organisations.

Planned and implemented by the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) in partnership with the South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) and the Vanuatu Tourism Office (VTO) the conference opens with a keynote address on ‘cathedral thinking’ from Rick Antonson, author and former CEO of Tourism Vancouver.

The conference programme, divided into five sessions, also features presentations from international tourism experts and thought leaders including Dr Mathew McDougal (CEO – Digital Jungle); Sarah Mathews (PATA Chairperson and Head of Destination Marketing APAC at TripAdvisor); Stewart Moore (CEO – EarthCheck); and Carolyn Childs (Director – who will be making her presentation via video. The conference is being supported by BBC World News with both panel discussions being moderated by international correspondent Phil Mercer.

PATA’s Regional Director – Pacific Chris Flynn, the driving force behind the conference, said, “We are looking forward to welcoming the region’s tourism ministers to what we believe will be a ground-breaking event for Vanuatu and the South Pacific Tourism Organisation. It was the amazing vision of tourism industry professionals working in the Pacific nearly 70 years ago that led to the formation of PATA. This inaugural conference reflects our determination to continue to support the region’s tourism industry in concert with our regional partners.”

Delegates will hear welcome remarks from both SPTO Chairwoman Sonja Hunter and PATA Chairperson Sarah Matthews, followed by an opening address from the Hon. Joe Yhakowaie Natuman, Vanuatu’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism.

Closing remarks will be made by Dr. Mario Hardy, PATA CEO. The closing address will be given by Christopher Cocker, CEO of SPTO.

About PATA
Founded in 1951, PATA is a not-for-profit membership association that acts a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from and within the Asia Pacific region. The Association provides aligned advocacy, insightful research and innovative events to its member organisations, comprising 95 government, state and city tourism bodies, 25 international airlines and airports, 108 hospitality organisations, 72 educational institutions, and hundreds of travel industry companies in Asia Pacific and beyond. Thousands of travel professionals belong to the 36 local PATA chapters worldwide. The chapters organise travel industry training and business development events. Their grassroots activism underpins PATA’s membership in Uniting Travel, a coalition of the world’s major Travel & Tourism organisations dedicated to ensuring that the sector speaks with one voice and acts in unison on the major issues and includes ACI, CLIA, IATA, ICAO, WEF, UNWTO and the WTTC. The PATAmPOWER platform delivers unrivalled data, forecasts and insights from the PATA Strategic Intelligence Centre to members’ desktops and mobile devices anywhere in the world. PATA’s Head Office has been in Bangkok since 1998. The Association also has official offices or representation in Beijing, Sydney and London.

Paul Pruangkarn
Director – Communications & Marketing
+66 (02) 658-2000
Bangkok, Thailand

Vanuatu Information Center Officially Launch in Thailand

Vanuatu Information Center Officially Launch in Thailand

Bangkok (Thailand) – October 12, 2017 ( – The Republic of Vanuatu this month is sending a Government delegation to Bangkok to conduct a series of briefings covering Trade, Tourism and Citizenship by Investment in this South Pacific island nation. A former British and French Colony, Vanuatu (previously The New Hebrides) gained independence in 1980 and remains a member of the British Commonwealth. Stretching a distance of some 1,300km in a north to south string of 83 islands (65 populated), Vanuatu’s population of 285,000 enjoys the accolade of being a top five “happiest places on earth” according to the 2016 “Happy Planet Index”. Relatively unspoiled by mass tourism, Vanuatu possesses a wide range of attractions from scuba diving in crystal-clear waters, to ash-surfing on the slopes of an active volcano. A safe, peaceful country, Vanuatu has no formal Armed Forces and relies for its security on neighboring Australia.

The Vanuatu Delegation, appointed for this mission by Vanuatu’s Prime Minister Charlot Salwai will visit Thailand during the 25th-29th September. A focal point of the visit is to support the launch of the global network of Government approved offices under the “Vanuatu Information Centre” (VIC) brand.

VIC headquarters is in Port Vila, Vanuatu, however Bangkok has been selected as the centre for VIC’s global operations, given its location, and convenience as an international air-travel hub. From Bangkok, Vanuatu’s Capital Port Vila is easily reachable via Brisbane, Sydney or Auckland, but plans are being made to operate direct flights from Bangkok to Vanuatu, in order to develop trade and tourism links in the Asia Pacific area.

A key service of the VIC network is to act as a marketing channel for Vanuatu’s “Citizenship by Investment” Program (CIP). The Program offers individuals the opportunity to obtain an Honorary Second Citizenship in a Tax Free, British Commonwealth member state, in exchange for a contribution to Vanuatu Government Development Funds.

Termed the Vanuatu “Development Support Program” (DSP), this Citizenship Program is a vital source of development funds for the Country. Vanuatu passport-holders enjoy significant benefits – such as visa-free travel to 125 countries – including the UK, Schengen Europe and Russia – with more countries added each year.

So-called “CIPs” are widespread in the Caribbean Nations and have exploded in popularity in the past ten years, however, Vanuatu’s DSP is unique as the first, and only CIP of its type in the Asia Pacific Hemisphere – with a clear geographical advantage for the APAC market.

CIPs are rapidly gaining in popularity – particularly amongst High Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI) seeking the advantages offered by having a second passport, both for ease of international travel and personal security – as well as Citizenship in a safe, “tax haven” environment. Thailand has not traditionally been a market leader in terms of individuals seeking second citizenship, but Thai Nationals and Foreign Residents alike are increasingly turning to CIPs as a highly valuable element of their personal asset portfolio.

Commenting on the forthcoming delegation visit, Chairman of the VIC and Hon Consul for Vanuatu to Vietnam, (Lord) Geoffrey Bond said, “The Development Support Program offers a global freedom of travel, but equally importantly, it provides a passport to a true paradise that offers incredible opportunities for tourism, living and investment. We invited this delegation in order to provide an opportunity for interested parties to meet and speak directly with Vanuatu Government representatives, to understand better the exceptional opportunities that the DSP and Vanuatu itself offers”.

In addition to promoting trade and tourism, the Vanuatu delegation will be seeking to open discussions about potential visa-free access for Vanuatu passport-holders to Thailand, as Thai Nationals already enjoy 30-day visa-free access to Vanuatu. Such a move would significantly enhance the attractiveness of Thailand as both a transit point for travelers to and from Vanuatu, but also promote faster development of trade and tourism between the two countries.

The delegation is led by Hon Andrew Solomon Napuat MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with a portfolio of Passport & Immigration Services. Hon Andrew Napuat explained, “I am delighted to be making this first visit to the Kingdom of Thailand. On behalf of our Prime Minister, Hon Charlot Salwai, I will be leading a group of Government representatives, each of whom offers a relevant specialism, to enable full briefings covering all aspects of trade and tourism opportunities, plus Vanuatu’s newly launched second citizenship program, the Development Support Program. I look forward greatly to enhancing our relationship with Thailand for our mutual benefit.

Central to the visit will be an event at which the delegation will hand across the official letter of appointment of Harvey Law Group ( as the first global representative of the Vanuatu Development Support Program.

Mr James Harris, Managing Director of the VIC network remarked “the official appointment of Harvey Law Group as a global representative means a significant elevation in the profile of the Development Support Program, in line with our ambition to secure a position as one of the world’s leading Citizenship by Investment Programs. Harvey Law Group, with their particular strength and depth in the Asia Pacific perfectly reflect our own current regional footprint. We look forward greatly to supporting Harvey Law Group in this new initiative”.

With five offices already up and running in Asia and a rapidly evolving network of agents, VIC is targeting to be in China and the UK within the next six months, and to expand into additional geographies during 2018.

The VIC Network currently spans Port Vila, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Phnom Penh, Hong Kong.

For more information:

Fulfill Your Saturday with Authentic Indian Lunch at Rang Mahal

Fulfill Your Saturday with Authentic Indian Lunch at Rang Mahal

Bangkok (Thailand) – October 12, 2017 ( – Rang Mahal, an award winning Indian restaurant for 23 years, now opens ‘Saturday Lunch , extend hours of joyful for Indian food lover. After receiving overwhelming response from fans, ‘Rang Mahal’ has extended its service hours at noon every Saturday from 11.00 am to 2.30 pm. The Saturday Lunch will bring food lovers to experience with authentic Indian cuisine which created by 5-star chefs, Rajan Misra, master chef of Rang Mahal is an elaborate of main dishes with variety of accompaniments such as Tandoori Prawns, a great Indian-style grilled prawn with Indian spices and grilled prawns (THB 860), Raan-E-Khyber, lamb marinated with special spices and chef’s special rum (THB 950), Roganjosh Kashmiri, grilled goat curry with onion and Indian Spices (THB 550), Palak Aap Ki Pasand, spinach specially prepared with choice of Indian chees, mashed potato, green bean, and mushroom (THB 400), and Tandoori Murgh, chicken marinated with yogurt and spices – grilled on Tandoor is popular Indian menu (THB 425).

Join us for ‘Saturday Lunch’ with live music, traditional beverage and scenic views of Bangkok at Rang Mahal, the best an Indian restaurant in Bangkok, located on 26 floors, The Rembrandt Hotel, Sukhumvit 18, Bangkok. Open daily from 6.00 – 11.00 pm and Saturday 11.00 am – 2.30 pm. For reservation or more information please contact 02 261 7100 or click

The Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok
The Rembrandt Hotel is centrally located in the heart of Bangkok off Sukhumvit Road. Guests may access our hotel either from Sukhumvit Soi 18 or Sukhumvit Soi 20 as our property extends the length of the block. We offer luxury, outstanding services, and facilities for all travelers to Bangkok, Thailand. The property is conveniently located near the central business district as well as shopping attractions, city landmarks and vibrant nightlife. Our guests also have the benefit of all major public transportation stations in Bangkok as both skytrain (BTS Asoke Station) and metro (MRT Sukhumvit Station) are just a short 5-minute walk from the hotel or guests may ride on a complimentary 24-hour ‘tuk tuk’ shuttle service to the main road. This quality hotel is a great location for both tourists and business travelers, who will find easy access to Sukhumvit and the Bangkok CBD.

For reservations, please contact 02-261-7100 or book via or please visit

Paemika Mungclasiri (Ms.)
Marketing Communications Manager
Phone +66 (0) 2261 7100 Ext. 7443
Sirorat Jaroontham (Ms.)
Marketing Communications Executive
Phone +66 (0) 2261 7100 Ext. 7444

Six Days of Fabulous Fashion Events at First Sands Macao Fashion Week

Six Days of Fabulous Fashion Events at First Sands Macao Fashion Week

Macao, Macau SAR (China) – October 12, 2017 ( – Sands Resorts Macao will launch its first Sands Macao Fashion Week from Oct. 19–24, 2017. Designed to showcase the many leading luxury and lifestyle fashion brands across Shoppes at Four Seasons, Shoppes at Venetian, Shoppes at Parisian and Shoppes at Cotai Central, the event will offer fashion parades and other special events open for the public to enjoy.

A highlight of the week will be an exclusive VIP gala dinner and fashion show attended by celebrities and fashion elite from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, held at The Venetian Macao’s opulent main lobby on Thursday, Oct. 19. The gala evening kicks off six days of fashion events and promotions that will include runway and boutique shows at Shoppes at Venetian and Shoppes at Parisian and exhibitions at Shoppes at Four Seasons highlighting current collections, alongside other exciting events.

The key events of Sands Macao Fashion Week 2017 will be held on Oct. 20 and 21, when Shoppes at Venetian presents the Walk on Water fashion shows, a series of runway events that actually take place on The Venetian Macao’s Grand Canal itself, while The Parisian Macao’s Avenue des Champs Elysees will also be brought to life with live runway shows showcasing the latest looks for the coming season.

The week’s prestigious programme will also see exhibitions taking place at Shoppes at Four Seasons on Oct. 20 to 24, revealing the absolute crème de la crème of fashion from the world’s premium fashion houses.

“Sands Shoppes Cotai Strip Macao is proud to present Sands Macao Fashion Week, which is set to become an exciting fixture on the fashion calendar,” said David Sylvester, Executive Vice President of Global Retail, Las Vegas Sands Corp.

“Macao has become a fashion capital, bursting with the latest global and local designs. As the largest indoor mall in Macao, with 850 duty free stores spanning top designer labels at Shoppes at Four Seasons, world-renowned brands and boutiques at Shoppes at Venetian, creative luxury at Shoppes at Parisian, and a wide range of family fun activities and boutiques at Shoppes at Cotai Central, Sands Shoppes Cotai Strip Macao offers a celebration of fashion like no other. Open to anyone interested in fashion, Sands Macao Fashion Week will showcase a wide range of exciting events, and we invite fashionistas and style enthusiasts of all kinds to join us.”

Promising a celebration of style, Sands Macao Fashion Week 2017 is for anyone interested in the latest haute couture, streetwear and everything in-between for the autumn/winter seasons.

Sands Macao Fashion Week 2017 – Oct. 19–24, 2017

Oct. 19, 6:30 p.m. – Gala Night at The Venetian Macao
Exclusive invitation-only dinner to be held in the main lobby of The Venetian Macao

Oct. 20–21 – Walk on Water Runway Shows at Shoppes at Venetian
Ready-to-wear runway shows held at Shoppes at Venetian. Guests will be able to see the latest collections from a wide range of stores at Shoppes at Venetian on a catwalk set on the Grand Canal.

Oct. 20–21 – Boutique Shows at Shoppes at Parisian
Guests are invited to the runway shows in Champs Elysees, set against the backdrop of the iconic Eiffel Tower. The latest fashion looks and trends for the season from a selection of stores at Shoppes at Parisian will be showcased.

Oct. 20–24 – Exhibitions at Shoppes at Four Seasons
Selection of latest season outfits from luxury brands will be displayed throughout Shoppes at Four Seasons

About Sands Shoppes Cotai Strip Macao
Sands Shoppes Cotai Strip Macao is the largest duty-free luxury shopping experience in Macao, with over 850 retailers featuring the world’s best duty free brands, all under one roof. Consisting of the interconnected Shoppes at Four Seasons, Shoppes at Venetian and Shoppes at Cotai Central, it now adds the 300,000-square-foot Shoppes at Parisian, offering the latest in fashion and couture in a setting reminiscent of the streets of Paris.

The luxury shopping experience is part of Sands China’s integrated resort city on the Cotai Strip, featuring seven hotel properties: The Venetian® Macao; The Parisian Macao; The Plaza™ Macao (including Four Seasons Hotel Macao); and Sands® Cotai Central (comprising The St. Regis Macao, Cotai Central; Conrad Macao, Cotai Central; Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel, Cotai Central; and Holiday Inn Macao Cotai Central). Sands Shoppes features some of Macao’s first-to-market luxury brands, and with its unique design themes, is an unmissable experience for visitors. Sands Shoppes also delivers a wide array of delectable international cuisine, from high-end gourmet to expansive food court options.

For more information, please visit

Public Relations, Venetian Macau Limited
Donna Campbell
Tel: +853 8118 2041
Vannia Chio
Tel: +853 8118 2033

La Perla to Host Destination Fashion Show in Macao

La Perla to Host Destination Fashion Show in Macao

Macao, Macau SAR (China) – October 12, 2017 ( – La Perla is thrilled to announce the location of its Spring/Summer 2018 ready-to-wear fashion show: Macao, SAR, China. In partnership with The Venetian Macao as part of Sands Macao Fashion week, La Perla will present a full-scale runway presentation, featuring 70 looks comprised of the brand’s ready-to-wear and haute couture collections. Top runway talent will join La Perla in Macao during a gala dinner in the Grand Colonnade in The Venetian Macao, to create a truly transporting experience.

From Julia Haart, La Perla’s Creative Director:

“I am excited to bring the Spring/Summer 2018 collection to this beautiful and exotic destination. As we continue to build “the World of La Perla,” through the introduction of ready-to-wear, haute couture, shoes, and accessories, I am honored to bring La Perla to this global destination for fashion and luxury. We are a fashion house with many homes, and no borders.”

Who: La Perla
What: Spring Summer 2018 Fashion Show
Destination: Macao, SAR, China
When: October 19th, 2017
Where: The Venetian Macao, Macao, SAR, China
Why: Celebrating Asia’s rapid ascension in the world of fashion, the La Perla Spring/Summer
2018 Fashion Show will travel to Macao, for an awe-inspiring debut event featuring the
brand’s ready-to-wear and haute couture collections. The brand is honored to partner with
The Venetian Macao to create an unparalleled international experience in this alluring

La Perla North America
Lauren Picciano
Phone: 646.571.1898
Sands China Ltd
Donna Campbell
Phone: +853.8118.2041

SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western Sukhumvit 2 Welcomes First Guests

SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western Sukhumvit 2 Welcomes First Guests

Bangkok (Thailand) – October 11, 2017 (travelindex) – SureStay Hotel Group has made its debut in Asia, marking the start of a new era of quality, affordable accommodation in the region. SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western Sukhumvit 2 welcomed its first guests this month, in the heart of downtown Bangkok. This new-build premium economy hotel will provide guests with the international standards and services one would expect from a Best Western -branded hotel, at a reasonable price point.

The new hotel’s 85 rooms are designed in a contemporary style and will feature sleep-inducing beds and complimentary in-room Wi-Fi. There is also a “business corner” area providing corporate travelers with a range of professional services.

“We are delighted to unveil SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western Sukhumvit 2, an exciting new hotel that will redefine the premium economy hotel sector,” said Olivier Berrivin, Best Western’s Managing Director of International Operations – Asia. “Located in a prime position in downtown Bangkok’s Sukhumvit district, this brand new hotel provides everything guests need for convenient, fuss-free stays in the heart of the city.”

“Bangkok has a long and strong history of providing affordable accommodation. By combining the ease and affordability of economy hotels with the international standards of a global chain, SureStay Hotel Group is sure to appeal to business and leisure travelers alike.”

“We are seeing rising demand for branded economy and lower-midscale accommodation in key cities across Asia Pacific. SureStay Hotel Group is perfectly positioned to fill this gap in the market and we look forward to introducing this exciting new concept to more cities across the region in the coming months and years,” Olivier added.

SureStay Hotel Group was first introduced in late 2016, opening up new opportunities for Best Western Hotels & Resorts in the large yet relatively untapped economy and lower-midscale sectors. It also provides hotel owners with the opportunity to harness Best Western’s vast global network, in terms of sales, distribution, technology and support.

There are three brand tiers to choose from: the classic economy SureStay Hotel, premium economy SureStay Plus Hotel (which includes SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western Sukhumvit 2), and lower-midscale SureStay Collection. These three brands deliver gradually increasing levels of quality and facilities, which will be consistent in all locations around the world.

To ensure that high standards and guest satisfaction are maintained, all SureStay Hotels must achieve a TripAdvisor score of 3.5 and above.

SureStay Hotel Group has expanded rapidly since it was first launched in September 2016, with many hotels having opened in North America. By the end of 2017, the group expects to have built a global portfolio of 100 hotels either operating or under development, making it one of the fastest-growing brands in the industry.

For Best Western Hotels & Resorts, the launch of SureStay Hotel Group marks its continued expansion in Bangkok. Currently, the company operates four properties in the Thai capital under two of its brands: Best Western Plus® and Best Western Premier®. But it has a strong pipeline of new hotels in Bangkok, including new classic Best Western hotels, more upscale Best Western Premier properties and Thailand’s first ever Vīb hotel.

About Best Western Hotels & Resorts:
Best Western Hotels & Resorts headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, is a privately held hotel brand with a global network of 4,100* hotels in more than 100* countries and territories worldwide. Best Western offers 10 hotel brands to suit the needs of developers and guests in every market: Best Western®, Best Western Plus®, Best Western Premier®, Vīb®, GLō®, Executive Residency by Best Western®, and BW Premier Collection®; as well as its recently launched franchise offerings: SureStay®, SureStay Plus® and SureStay Signature Collection®. Now celebrating more than 70 years of hospitality, Best Western provides its hoteliers with global operational, sales and marketing support, and award-winning online and mobile booking capabilities. Best Western continues to set industry records regarding awards and accolades, including 64 percent of the brand’s North American hotels earning a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence award in 2017, Business Travel News® ranking Best Western Plus and Best Western in the top three upper-mid-price and mid-price hotel brands for three years in a row, and Best Western receiving seven consecutive Dynatrace® Best of the Web awards for its leading hotel website. Best Western has also won eight consecutive AAA®/CAA® Lodging Partner of the Year awards, recognizing the brand’s commitment to providing exceptional service and great value to AAA’s 56 million members in the U.S. and Canada. Over 30 million travelers are members of the brand’s award-winning loyalty program Best Western Rewards®, one of the few programs in which members earn points that never expire and can be redeemed at any Best Western hotel worldwide. Best Western’s partnerships with AAA/CAA and Harley-Davidson® provide travelers with exciting ways to interact with the brand. Through its partnership with Google® Street View, Best Western is the first major company of its size and scale to launch a virtual reality experience for customers, setting a new industry standard and reinventing how guests view hotels. Each Best Western® branded hotel is independently owned and operated.

– Numbers are approximate, may fluctuate, and include hotels currently in the development pipeline.

Marketing Communications Department
Best Western Hotels and Resorts – Asia
Tel: +66 2 656 1260
Sirimanas Maungrod
Orapan Sornnuwat

Mario Hardy’s Contract Extended as PATA CEO

Mario Hardy’s Contract Extended as PATA CEO

Bangkok (Thailand) – October 11, 2017 ( – The Executive Board of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) has extended the contract of Chief Executive Officer Dr. Mario Hardy for a period of three years commencing January 1, 2018.

PATA Chairperson Sarah Mathews said, “I am delighted that Mario has agreed to continue as our Chief Executive Officer. Under his outstanding leadership, the Association has made considerable progress and I am confident he will continue to lead PATA and support the needs of our members. PATA remains an association dedicated to all its members and will continue to assist them in the ever-evolving landscape of tourism and travel. Mario and his team are best placed to help drive a continued period of growth.”

Dr Hardy said, “I am delighted to have an opportunity to work with our outstanding management team in building upon the PATA successes of the past three years. We still face many challenges as a membership organisation but our determination to add value to the many benefits of PATA membership is being recognised in the public and private sectors. We shall continue with our primary mission of promoting sustainable and responsibly tourism development throughout the world as we encourage travel to, from and within the Asia Pacific region.”

Mario Hardy joined PATA in 2012 as Chief Operating Officer and was appointed Chief Executive Officer on November 1, 2014. He is a past Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the PATA Foundation, a non-profit organisation with a focus on the protection of the environment, the conservation of culture and heritage, and support for education.

He worked for 26 years in specialised aviation businesses with a focus upon data analytics and technology, occupying leadership roles in Montreal, Vancouver, London, Beijing and Singapore.

In 2016, he received an honorary Doctorate of Letters from Capilano University for his philanthropic work in Cambodia where he helped develop a school for underprivileged children and for his support in the development of a Community Based Tourism (CBT) project in Vietnam.

In January 2017 Mario Hardy graduated from the Singularity University, Executive Program on the subject of Exponential Technologies.

About PATA
Founded in 1951, PATA is a not-for-profit membership association that acts a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from and within the Asia Pacific region. The Association provides aligned advocacy, insightful research and innovative events to its member organisations, comprising 95 government, state and city tourism bodies, 25 international airlines and airports, 108 hospitality organisations, 72 educational institutions, and hundreds of travel industry companies in Asia Pacific and beyond. Thousands of travel professionals belong to the 36 local PATA chapters worldwide. The chapters organise travel industry training and business development events. Their grassroots activism underpins PATA’s membership in Uniting Travel, a coalition of the world’s major Travel & Tourism organisations dedicated to ensuring that the sector speaks with one voice and acts in unison on the major issues and includes ACI, CLIA, IATA, ICAO, WEF, UNWTO and the WTTC. The PATAmPOWER platform delivers unrivalled data, forecasts and insights from the PATA Strategic Intelligence Centre to members’ desktops and mobile devices anywhere in the world. PATA’s Head Office has been in Bangkok since 1998. The Association also has official offices or representation in Beijing, Sydney and London.

Paul Pruangkarn
Director – Communications & Marketing
+66 (02) 658-2000
Bangkok, Thailand