New Partnership to Tackle Plastic Waste from Source to Sea

New Partnership to Tackle Plastic Waste from Source to Sea

New York (USA) – September 25, 2018 ( – The World Economic Forum is mobilizing a new partnership to avert the growth in global plastic pollution by 2025. The initiative is called the Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP) and will collaborate with government and stakeholders in coastal economies who are battling waste. It will translate ambitious commitments into action and show how business, communities and government can redesign the global “take-make-dispose” economy as a circular one.

A circular economy is a regenerative approach to production and consumption, in which products and materials are redesigned, recovered and reused to reduce environmental impacts.

The partnership is funded and supported by the governments of Canada and the United Kingdom as well as several companies, namely The Coca-Cola Company, Dow Chemical and the PepsiCo Foundation.

The first collaboration is with the Government of Indonesia. The world’s largest archipelago is suffering a crisis of plastic waste and the government has a national plan to reduce it by 70% over the next seven years.

Communities, entrepreneurs and government agencies in Indonesia are fighting pollution and showing considerable scope for innovation, but swifter action is needed.

“Indonesia has some of the world’s highest levels of marine biodiversity, which support crucial fisheries, provide food security for millions and drive a vital tourism economy,” said Luhut B. Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs of Indonesia. “We all need a healthy ocean, which is why we have set ambitious national targets to tackle plastic waste. By mobilizing public, private and community support, and accelerating innovations such as biodegradable materials, we can drive a circular economy to beat plastic pollution.”

Collaborations in two other coastal nations (one in West Africa and a small island developing state) will be announced in coming months.

The partnership aims to have investable solutions in place by 2020, which can then be adapted and implemented in other countries. These three proofs-of-concept will coincide with the UN’s next landmark ocean conference.

The World Economic Forum will host the partnership in collaboration with the World Resources Institute, allowing it to tap into two networks of experts, civil society, government and industry leaders: PACE (a circular economy platform) and The Friends of Ocean Action (a network of ocean leaders dedicated to fast-tracking practical solutions to challenges facing the ocean). The partnership will collaborate with the Pew Charitable Trust on data analysis and modelling at the national level to drive evidence-based action.

The ocean provides more than one-half of the Earth’s oxygen, it stabilizes the climate, and billions of people depend on it for food, employment and their livelihoods. Plastic waste is straining this vital food and planetary lifeline.

GPAP aims to build on the momentum of those businesses, entrepreneurs, governments, non-profit organizations and scientists who are doing critical – and often unheralded – work to beat plastic pollution in our land, soil, rivers and seas. It also follows major commitments by world leaders.

Last year, more than 200 nations pledged to end plastic waste at the United Nations Environment Assembly. In April this year, the UK announced the Commonwealth Clean Oceans Alliance, and Canada has championed the issue this year in its role holding the Presidency of the G7 as well as spearheading the development of the Oceans Plastics Charter.

“We need this leadership to turn into a mass movement of community, industry and public action for securing the healthy future of our oceans upon which we all depend,” said Dominic Waughray, Head of the Centre for Global Public Goods, Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum.

GPAP has initial funding of £2.4 million ($3.2 million) from the UK Government through the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs and Department of International Development; and CAD6 million ($4.6 million) from the Government of Canada. The Coca-Cola Company, Dow Chemical and Pepsico Foundation have jointly contributed more than $2.4 million.

Jon Banner, Executive Vice-President, Global Communications and President, PepsiCo Foundation, USA, said: “Building a more sustainable future is one of PepsiCo’s highest priorities, which is why we are working to urgently address the build-up of plastic waste. We’re proud to join this partnership and believe it is the kind of innovative, cross-sector coalition that is essential to developing practical solutions for redesigned waste management systems in coastal communities.”

Jim Fitterling, Chief Executive Officer, The Dow Chemical Company, USA said: “Dow, alongside other leaders in the plastics and chemicals industries, understands the important role materials innovation will play in solving this critical global challenge. Through innovation and collaboration, Dow is committed to improving the recyclability of plastics and will help facilitate the world’s transition to a circular economy, where waste is captured and designed into new products and services.”

Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, United Kingdom said: “The scourge of plastic pollution on our environment is a global problem, requiring a global solution. I am proud of the leading role the UK has played in bringing together the Global Plastics Action Partnership, a key step in protecting our precious natural environment. This partnership, which builds on the commitments of the Commonwealth Clean Oceans Alliance, brings countries and businesses together from all over the world to safeguard our land, rivers and seas for future generations.”

Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Canada said: “Plastics play an essential role in our lives, but they also make up the majority of marine litter. Improving how plastics are made, used, collected and recycled will help keep viable plastics in the economy and out of our oceans and waters. Canada is proud to support the Global Plastic Action Partnership, joining efforts with partners from around the world towards this important objective.”

Penny Mordaunt, Secretary of State for International Development, United Kingdom said: “Plastic pollution of the oceans is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time and I am proud that the UK is leading the way in tackling it. We are helping the governments of developing countries fulfil their commitment to eliminate avoidable plastic waste and to develop technologies to encourage recycling. I am delighted to be part of today’s launch and to commit UK support to the global push to make a lasting change on this issue.”

James Quincey, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Coca-Cola Company, USA, said: “We are proud to partner with the World Economic Forum on this important initiative. The world has a packaging waste problem, and our World Without Waste vision aims to help solve it. A litter-free world is possible, and we want to help lead the way.”

The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.
The Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

Ministerial Summit Tackles Technology Investment at the World Travel Market

Ministerial Summit Tackles Technology Investment at the World Travel Market

London (United Kingdom) – September 25, 2018 ( – Investment in innovation and smart management for tourism will form the major theme of the Ministerial Summit of this year’s World Travel Market, to be held in London, UK (6 November 2018). The 2018 Summit, a joint initiative of World Travel Market and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), will debut a revamped format

This year’s World Travel Market (WTM) will introduce a disruptive new format to the long-running UNWTO/WTM Ministerial Summit. With the private sector crucial in setting the tourism agenda, private sector leaders will be involved for the first time via a panel on investment in tourism technology. This will be followed by a round table of both ministers and private sector to discuss a way forward for tourism that includes stronger public-private partnerships and an agenda for the sector’s digital transformation.

The 2018 Summit will be hosted by CNN’s Richard Quest, anchor of Quest Means Business. Developing an innovation ecosystem, data-driven decision making, digital destination branding, and the role of government and policy in smart tourism management are among the topics to be addressed this year.

The Summit reflects on a hyper-connected and informed world where tourists are one click away from their next destination and share their interests and emotions in real-time – and where technological advances have an exponential impact on management efficiency and sustainability. It will expand its practical impact with a focus on creating and exchanging innovative ideas and partnerships that can boost investments in tourism technology.

The Summit will continue the conversation on ‘Tourism and the Digital Transformation’ that is set to dominate proceedings for this year’s World Tourism Day official celebration on Thursday 27 September. The event, to be held in Budapest, Hungary, will feature sessions on the role of innovation and technology in tourism development. It will also see the announcement of the semi-finalists of the 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition, launched by UNWTO and Globalia to give visibility to tourism startups with innovative and disruptive ideas.

UNWTO Communications Department
Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100
Fax: +34 91 567 8218

Clean for Green Activity – Green Heart Travel

Clean for Green Activity – Green Heart Travel

Bangkok (Thailand) – September 24, 2018 (travelindex) – Tourism Authority of Thailand (Online project for Issue-Based Green Tourism Project) would like to invite Thai people who love travelling and supporting natural resources and environment conservation to share environmentally friendly ways of travelling through the “Clean for Green” online activity. In addition to sharing your joy of travelling, you are also passing on the idea of responsible tourism which contributes to sustainable tourism.

Apart from sharing your idea, you also get a chance to win a special prize from Clean for Green Project. To participate in the activity, visit and express your idea about green tourism and tag one person you want to travel with under the activity post on Facebook with hashtag #7Greens. You can join this activity from September 11th until October 10th, 2018. The winners will be announced on October 17th, 2018 on

See more information at

In Control with Mobile Booking Apps

In Control with Mobile Booking Apps

Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR) – September 24, 2018 ( – Whether or not consumers believe they have control over events in their lives determines their likelihood of reusing hotel booking apps, find Professor Rob Law of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and co-authors in a recently published study. This belief is known as “locus of control” (LoC), the researchers explain, and consumers with an internal LoC are more likely to use hotel booking apps because they feel more positive about their ability to use technology and overcome any difficulties they may encounter. In contrast, consumers with an external LoC are likely to only use travel apps with user-friendly interfaces that also offer plenty of support when difficulties arise. Practitioners aiming to introduce or improve mobile booking apps will benefit from the useful recommendations the researchers offer for addressing the concerns of different user types.

Smartphones are increasingly popular, with more people now owning them than personal computers. The researchers note that this increase in smartphone use has prompted many hoteliers and online travel agents to develop mobile apps to facilitate easier reservations. By 2015, almost half of all travel bookings in China were made through mobile apps, as they are highly convenient and offer consumers a “pleasant booking experience”. China’s huge outbound tourism market offers great promise for the further development of tourism-related apps, and “global tourism practitioners are adjusting their strategies” to secure their share of this market.

Despite this market potential, however, the researchers note that little is known about “what drives consumers’ intention to continue using mobile apps for making hotel reservations”. They suggest that LoC may be useful in understanding individual differences in the intention to reuse mobile apps. The concept consists of three dimensions, the researchers explain: (a) internal control refers to belief that the outcomes of events are “determined by effort, ability and skill”, (b) control by powerful others refers to the belief that outcomes rely on “external agents that can make things happen”, and (c) chance control is the belief that outcomes are the result of “luck, fate and chance”.

While LoC is known to affect technology adoption, the cognitive mechanism by which it does so requires exploration. The researchers thus suggest that four cognitive factors are involved in the adoption of new technology. (a) The first factor, “performance expectancy” refers to the user’s perception of how mobile booking apps can improve the experience of making hotel reservations. (b) The second, “effort expectancy” refers to the perception of how difficult it will be to use the app. (c) The third, “social influence” is the extent to which the user is influenced by the opinions and behaviour of others. (d) The fourth factor, “facilitating conditions”, refers to whether users feel they “possess the necessary resources and support” to use the app to make a booking.

The researchers designed an online survey with the aim of determining the extent to which the four factors and LoC actually do influence the use of mobile apps for making hotel bookings, clarify “the cognitive mechanism that connects LoC and intention to reuse” and determine the perceived risk of using mobile booking apps. Targeting Chinese participants over the age of 18 who had previously used a mobile app to make a hotel reservation, the survey measured app performance expectancy, social influence, reuse intention, perceived risk, app effort expectancy, facilitating conditions and LoC.

Usable responses were collected from 466 participants over a 4-day period. The participants were evenly split between males and females, and they were generally quite young, with almost half aged 18-29 and a further 40% aged 30-39.

As the researchers point out, “user experience is central to the success of technology products and services”. Clearly, mobile apps for making hotel reservations must be pleasant and easy to use for consumers to use them regularly. Accordingly, the findings indicated that performance expectancy and, to a lesser extent, effort expectancy influenced the intention to reuse. In other words, participants who found mobile apps to be useful and superior to other booking methods and found them easy to use were most likely to use them in future. Facilitating conditions were also a significant factor, and the researchers note that users “tend to be highly demanding of supporting services”, particularly in the early stages of technology adoption.

These results suggest that app developers need to provide user-friendly interfaces and the booking process should be similar to that on the website to “reduce the effort and time required of users”. As support services are also highly important, online consultation functions should be available to minimise the constraints encountered by users, and providing a “frequently asked questions” section is also important for supporting users through the booking process.

Social influence also played a part, as participants who had friends who used booking apps and who encouraged them to do so too were more likely to use apps for future bookings. However, word of mouth did not seem to be as influential as ease of use and support services. Perhaps surprisingly, although perceived risk had a negative effect on intention to use, it was weaker than the effects of the other cognitive factors. Nevertheless, the researchers caution that the effect is “not negligible” and app developers “are obliged to optimize system security” to reassure users and reduce their risk.

Next, the researchers examined how participants’ LoC, in combination with the above cognitive factors, influenced their intention to reuse mobile apps. Participants with an internal LoC, believing they were in control of events, perceived mobile apps as easy to use and felt more able to overcome any difficulties. They were thus highly likely to use them for future bookings.

However, participants who perceived events to be controlled more by chance were less likely to use mobile apps in the future. The researchers explain that these participants tended to focus on the negatives: they perceived apps as difficult to use and were more concerned about the risks. People with a chance LoC tend to be female, young and with a low level of education, so it is important for app developers to survey these groups to find out which aspects of app use they find most difficult and thus “minimise the adverse effects of effort expectancy”.

Those who believed in “control by powerful others” were only likely to reuse booking apps if they felt that plenty of support services were available to help them complete their bookings. For these users, the researchers suggest, it would be particularly helpful to provide online instant consultations, perhaps through “popular peer-to-peer platforms in China, such as WeChat”, because they believe that outcomes depend more on other people than on themselves.

The study has shown that understanding consumers’ LoC can be helpful for developing targeted marketing strategies. This is a novel area of study in tourism research, despite LoC being a consistent predictor of attitudes, emotions and behaviour in other fields. Given that both dispositional and cognitive factors are known to strongly influence the adoption of technology, the study provides important information for tourism practitioners to understand how they can harness this knowledge to encourage consumers to use their mobile apps.

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Saint Ange Tourism Report – 17th September 2018

Saint Ange Tourism Report – 17th September 2018

Victoria, Mahe (Seychelles) – September 21, 2018 ( – The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has this year said that World Tourism Day places focus on Innovation & Digital Transformation. They said that “The importance of digital technologies in tourism, providing opportunities for innovation and preparing the sector for the future of work, is at the centre of World Tourism Day 2018”.

World Tourism Day, celebrated every 27th September around the world, is a unique opportunity to raise awareness on tourism’s actual and potential contribution to sustainable development.

This year’s World Tourism Day (WTD) will help to put the opportunities provided to tourism, by technological advances including big data, artificial intelligence and digital platforms, on the map of sustainable development. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) sees digital advances and innovation as part of the solution to the challenge of marrying continued growth with a more sustainable and responsible tourism sector.

“Harnessing innovation and digital advances provides tourism with opportunities to improve inclusiveness, local community empowerment and efficient resource management, amongst other objectives within the wider sustainable development agenda”, said UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili.

Seychelles has used World Tourism Day 2018 to launch a Tourism Festival and it should help echo the importance of tourism for the islands and for each and every Seychellois.

Taking recognition of the importance of tourism, and understanding tourism is a constant challenge. This is why a moment of reflection during the World Tourism Day Celebrations to assess the successes and the challenges is also important. Today the tourism trade are using the Club Liberte Casino for their casual evening out amongst friends and colleagues and using it as their networking venue. World Tourism Day is also the opportunity for the Government to take stock of their key players. recognising the Seychellois in the industry is an important start to ensure that the public / private sector partnership continues with new vigour.

The Seychellois tourism entrepreneurs like Kathy Mason or Joe Albert, William Rose or Mary Geers, Robert Payet or Danny Loizeau, Christopher Gill or Jean Weeling or Sylvie Cardon amongst others are all partners of the country’s tourism industry and as such assets for the country. They lead the front line team n Seychelles and have the success barometer firmly in their hands. Staying connected and holding conducive dialogues with them all is a must and no longer an option.

2017 World Tourism Day

Minister Maurice Loustau-Lalanne presents a Certificate of Appreciation. In 2017, during the Seychelles Tourism Board’s annual Tourism Ball organised as part of Tourism Week and in the presence of representatives from various sectors of the Seychelles tourism industry the then Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Port and Marine, Ambassador Maurice Loustau-Lalanne said there is much to ponder upon as the country looks set to achieve a new record in terms of visitor arrivals and its corresponding expenditure. He noted that this is indeed testament of the hard work by all actors in the industry to ensure that the product and services are everything that they can be in this very competitive arena.

“I salute you because without your commitment we would not be talking about records and we at the Ministry and the Seychelles Tourism Board look forward to another year of working together and contributing towards the continued success of the industry,” said Minister Loustau-Lalanne. It was during that ceremony that Minister Loustau-Lalanne presented me with a certificate of recognition for the contribution made while leading this primary sector of the economy as Minister responsible for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine and also for my continued contribution towards the betterment of this industry.

At the same ceremony that the names of Sir James Mancham, the founding President of Seychelles and first Minister of Tourism, Louis D’Offay, the long time Chairman of the Tourism Industry Association, Maryse Eichler and Zita Monthy were also added to the tourism pioneers list alongside the 2017 additions namely Adrien Michel, John de Matta Mascarenhas, Richard Mancham and Raymonde Delorie.

1st Seychelles Tourism Festival 2018

In a recent press point, the Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine, Didier Dogley has unveiled the program of activities marking the annual tourism week in Seychelles. The annual Tourism Week in Seychelles is an extension of the annual World Tourism Day celebrated on September 27 and initiated by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). This year’s celebration comes earlier on the calendar; the festivities will be launched in an official ceremony at the Savoy Seychelles Resort & Spa on September 15 and will last until September 22.

The organizing committee under the leadership of the Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine, Didier Dogley, constituted of the Tourism related agencies including the Seychelles Tourism Academy (STA), Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA), Seychelles Hotel Tourism Association (SHTA), the Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) alongside the private sector, all working together to revamp the event. Minister Dogley explained that objective of this year’s organising committee is to revamp the event by elevating the event’s profile. “This year’s event is very important to me; it will be my first participation in this key event. I believe that it is important while we celebrate the tourism industry and its achievement; we also raise awareness about its importance for the country,“ Said Minister Dogley.

As part of giving another dimension to the event, the department has decided to emphasis on the participation of local public and visitors alike. The thinking behind engaging the public is to raise awareness about the importance of the tourism industry to the local economy, the festival will be carried under the umbrella of the Seychelles Hotel Tourism Association (SHTA) campaign launched in 2017, “We are Tourism”.

Talking about the activities the Principal Secretary for Tourism Mrs. Anne Lafortune, explained that the tourism festival would bring to the public a plethora of activities merging education, information and pleasure to the calendar of events. Minister Dogley expressed his satisfaction to have succeeded in getting the support of various partners for the various activities. “We depend on tourism and we need to take care of it. The tourism festival is not only about the serious elements of tourism but also about having our stakeholders having fun. It is going to be an exciting experience for the local tourism industry,“ said Minister Dogley.

For this year’s edition, the committee’s effort has focused on service and standards besides raising awareness on the value and contribution of the Tourism as the main pillar of our economy.

Seychelles Tourism Festival 2018 launched by Minister Didier Dogley

Minister Didier Dogley, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine launched the 1st. Edition of the Tourism Festival 2018 at Beau Vallon accompanied by his PS for Tourism Anne Lafortune.

The week long Festival will also see a Waiters Race, a Food Fiesta on both Praslin and La Digue islands as well as the annual Tourism Ball of Saturday the 22nd September.

TAT Creates a Network of Local Community Lovers through Local Big Fan

TAT Creates a Network of Local Community Lovers through Local Big Fan

Bangkok (Thailand) – September 21, 2018 (travelindex) – TAT is organizing an activity to promote tourism and create a good relation of Local Lover people through personnel in the organization with the activity called “Thailand Local Big Fan“.

Tourism Authority of Thailand is in process of the path to becoming a leading state-owned enterprise. The corporate development to promote tourism and create a good relation of Local Lover people by the internal activity called “Thailand Local Big Fan” which is a part of the “TAT 360” project.

This online activity is persuading the personnel in TAT organization to share their photos of tourism in Thailand by uploading onto the website and describe how beautiful Thailand is and to create the lively photo gallery together.

TAT hopes that this activity may promote tourism awareness and a good relation between the Local Lover people through personnel in the organization which is a leading tourism promotion organization of Thailand.

In the future, TAT is planning on continuously proceeding the activities to stimulate tourism of Thailand. See more details at or Facebook Fanpage: TAT CG & CSR

UNWTO: New Report Helps Cities Manage Impact of Tourism

UNWTO: New Report Helps Cities Manage Impact of Tourism

Seoul (Republic of Korea) – September 21, 2018 ( – A new World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) report aims to help manage growing urban tourism flows and their impact on cities and residents. ‘Overtourism’? Understanding and managing urban tourism growth beyond perceptions’, was launched today during the 7th UNWTO Global Summit on Urban Tourism, in Seoul, Republic of Korea (16-19 September 2018).

The report examines how to manage tourism in urban destinations to the benefit of visitors and residents alike. It proposes eleven strategies and 68 measures to help understand and manage visitor growth. The report is the result of collaboration between UNWTO, the Centre of Expertise Leisure, Tourism & Hospitality (CELTH), Breda University of Applied Sciencesm and the European Tourism Futures Institute (ETFI) of NHL Stenden University of Applied sciences.

The recent growth of urban tourism requires the sector to ensure sustainable policies and practices that minimize adverse effects of tourism on the use of natural resources, infrastructure, mobility and congestion, as well as its socio-cultural impact. Increased reports of negative attitudes among local populations towards visitors, due to perceived overcrowding, noise and other issues, have led to the spread of terms such as ‘overtourism’ and ‘tourismphobia’ in the media.

“Governance is key. Addressing the challenges facing urban tourism today is a much more complex issue than is commonly recognized. We need to set a sustainable roadmap for urban tourism and place tourism in the wider urban agenda,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili. “We must also ensure local communities see and benefit from the positive aspects of tourism”, he added.

To better understand visitor management challenges in urban contexts, particularly the relationship between residents and visitors, the report includes an analysis of residents’ perceptions towards tourism in eight European cities – Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Munich, Salzburg and Tallinn.

“There is no one-size-fits-all solution to deal with overtourism. Instead tourism needs to be part of a city-wide strategy for sustainable development”, Dr. Ko Koens of the Centre of Expertise Leisure, Tourism & Hospitality (CELTH) and Breda University of Applied Sciences concludes. The report recommends a common strategic vision among all stakeholders involved, bringing residents and visitors together and adopting careful planning which respects the limits of capacity and the specificities of each destination. “The involvement and support of local residents is key in achieving sustainable tourism”, Professor Albert Postma of CELTH and NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences explains. “Building shared responsibility amongst stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in tourism development is a key for ensuring long-term sustainability”, involved researcher Bernadett Papp concludes.

Tel: (+31) 76 533 2325 /
UNWTO Communications Department
Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

IT&CMA and CTW Asia-Pacific 2018 Brings On Yet Another Defining MICE Event

IT&CMA and CTW Asia-Pacific 2018 Brings On Yet Another Defining MICE Event

Bangkok (Thailand) – September 21, 2018 ( – The 26th IT&CMA and 21st CTW Asia-Pacific kicked off today in Bangkok, Thailand and welcomed some 3,000 delegates, including over 500 hosted buyers and media, from more than 50 territories and countries over the course of the 3-day event from 18 to 20 September 2018.

This year’s budding programme includes a record 29 networking functions and hosted activities and a solid education line up of 21 knowledge sessions helmed by over 50 industry thought-leaders from government bodies, related associations, corporate organisations, and industry professions. The next 2 days of the exhibition and business components will feature some 316 destinations and corporates, the largest showings to date with a 35% increase in booth take up and expansion.

Said TTG Asia Media Managing Director, Darren Ng, “We have an extremely robust 2018 line up for all our delegates this year. Business objectives remain the main focus of IT&CMA and CTW Asia-Pacific in providing MICE and Corporate Travel-centric opportunities for all our exhibiting suppliers and buyers to achieve their goals for the region. The advocacy of knowledge-based sharing is also a key pillar at our events in advancing the intellect and innovation within our growing industry and we are happy to see so many destinations and brands take up captive social functions to personally get to know their audience.”

Today kicked off one of the strongest education series in the show’s history, with sessions crafted closely to address current market trends, challenges, and shifts in priorities. The main keynote presented by Martin Nydegger, CEO, Switzerland Tourism; Oscar Cerezales, COO, MCI Asia-Pacific; Nichapa Yoswee, Senior Vice President – Business, Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB); and Daniel Chua, Vice President – Meetings & Incentives, Singapore Associations of Conventions and Exhibition Organisers (SACEOS), set the tone towards the transformation of audience engagement as the demand to stand out and being top-of-mind becomes more competitive.

Another two stellar sessions took place this morning. The first ICCA-TTG Passionate Breakfast themed “Graceful Powers” celebrated the journey of women and diversity in the workforce, with inspiring sharings by incredible female achievers who have made their mark in the industry. The inaugural Asian MICE Cruise Conference, helmed by TTGmice, debuted with a half-day programme attended by close to 400 major cruise players and stakeholders in the region.

Insights centred on the industry’s burgeoning demand for MICE onboard cruises and the kinds of incentives and initiatives present to meet this potential. Star speakers across both sessions included: Angie Stephen, Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.; Steve Bloss, Co-Founder and President, Worldwide Cruise Associates; Michael Goh, Director, Star Cruise Travel Service Pte Ltd and Senior Vice President – International Sales, Genting Cruise Lines; Farriek Tawfik, Southeast Asia Director, Princess Cruises; and Svend Dalgaard, Conference Cruise Designer, #CruiserByHeart – Conferences at Sea.

Royal Caribbean Managing Director, Angie Stephen, dived into the importance of such conferences for the region, “Cruising provides great value to MICE groups that they might not yet be aware of right now. The popularity of cruise is just now starting to grow in the region and it is important for all of us to come together with key stakeholders to continue to fuel that growth. This is why we see major players here today to heighten that awareness.”

Pairach Piboonrungroj, Associate Dean of College of Maritime Studies and Management, Chiang Mai University which supported the MICE Onboard 2 track, said, “Supporting the first Asian MICE Cruise Conference is an important step for us because developing Maritime and Cruise education in Thailand is a current priority. Current negotiations are underway with the government to nurture this high-value industry that has immense potential economic impact. We aim to do even more for future editions of the conference.”

Over the next 2 days, the all-new Experiential Marketing Forums and Incentive Travel Forums will explore new and innovative ways to design ‘wow’ experiences while the coveted Association Days in partnership with GainingEdge, IAPCO, ICCA, SITE, and World PCO Alliance will revolve around long-term impacts on host destinations, examining how GDPR may affect the way associations manage member data, and a hot debate between proposers and opposers of PCOs. Not forgetting 8 of the year’s most relevant CTW Asia-Pacific forum sessions revolving around the best of corporate travel challenges, solutions, and best practices. Partner event with IMEX, MPI, and MCI, the Future Leaders Forum, returns to IT&CMA 2018, nurturing selected students from universities in Thailand to craft their future and interest in MICE.

Targeted outreach and sponsorship is also at a high this year, with companies like Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park, Busan, Desaru Coast, Dubai, Japan Airlines and American Airlines, Japan by JTB, Princess Cruises, and Taiwan, taking up exclusive functions to reach out to select buyers. The CTW Asia-Pacific pre-show networking event from 15 to 17 September at Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park and the returning Meet-Your-Peers session concluded today, allowing corporate travel managers to mingle and build their peer-to-peer connections beyond the show. Pre- and post-show Thailand FAM tours by TCEB, as well as post-show tours by Osaka and the Philippines have drawn high demand amongst buyers.

TCEB’s Senior Vice President for Business, Nichapa Yoswee, affirmed, “TCEB is proud to showcase Thailand at IT&CMA and CTW Asia-Pacific this year through a variety of high-impact activities, new pre- and post-tour destinations, strong exhibitor display and extraordinary pavilion expansion to showcase innovation that is sure to fulfil the needs of buyers planning for exceptional MICE events in our Land of Smiles. One highlight of this year is the launch of our new brand Thailand: Redefine Your Business Events to project Thailand as a co-creator in delivering exceptional experience for MICE travellers when our industry redefines its way of thinking and action to meet shifting business demands and the Thailand 4.0 policy, which will make Thailand stay ahead of the competition.”

TCEB hosted the Official Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception themed “Thailand Limited” that rounded off Day 1 of activities at the GMM Live House at CentralWorld, featuring a colourful night of uniquely Thai entertainment, local cuisine, and hospitality.

About IT&CMA and CTW Asia-Pacific 2018
18 to 20 September | Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld, Bangkok, Thailand
Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia (IT&CMA) and Corporate Travel World (CTW) Asia-Pacific is The Asia-Pacific’s Only Doublebill Event in MICE and Corporate Travel. Both events have been co-locating since 2004, offering its delegates an unparalleled platform to do business, learn and network.

Established in 1993, IT&CMA is at the forefront of fostering MICE growth opportunities for the Asia-Pacific and beyond. Its multi-faceted programme engages regional and international industry suppliers and buyers in the realms of business, education and networking. IT&CMA also features dedicated platforms designed around the interests of valuable MICE niche segments, enabling the event to consistently deliver a delegate profile that is both relevant and dynamic. IT&CMA remains uniquely positioned as the only global event with the largest exhibition showcase of Asia-Pacific MICE suppliers. The show has been incorporating Luxury Travel since 2012, and is part of the IT&CM Events series.

Launched in 1998, CTW Asia-Pacific is dedicated to cultivating Travel and Entertainment (T&E) best practices among Asia-Pacific’s corporate travel professionals. Influencers, planners and decision makers of corporate travel functions in their organisation attend the annual conference and exhibition to keep themselves abreast of the latest trends and knowledge that enable them to get the most out of their T&E decisions.

IT&CMA and CTW Asia-Pacific is organised by TTG Events, a business group of TTG Asia Media.

IT&CMA and CTW Asia-Pacific 2019
Date: 24 to 26 September 2019
Venue: Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld, Bangkok, Thailand

Contact information:
TTG Events
A Business Group of TTG Asia Media
1 Science Park Road, #04-07, The Capricorn
Singapore Science Park II, Singapore 117528
Tel: (65) 6395 7575
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PATA Welcomes National Geographic Traveller as Newest Media Partner

PATA Welcomes National Geographic Traveller as Newest Media Partner

London (Great Britain) – September 20, 2018 ( – The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is pleased to announce a new media partnership agreement with National Geographic Traveller (UK), the UK edition of National Geographic Traveler (US) — one of the most widely read magazines in the world. The UK magazine is one of 18 international editions in 15 languages that together reach more than 32 countries.

PATA CEO Mario Hardy said, “National Geographic has delivered some of the most engaging and educational stories for many readers across the world. This partnership with National Geographic Traveller (UK) provides greater exposure for the Asia Pacific region and our members, and I look forward to working with them in showcasing the unique cultures and heritages of the region and telling stories that celebrate that experience and authenticity.”

As part of the agreement, PATA members and the editorial teams of both National Geographic Traveller (UK) (print and digital) and the Travel Trends series of publications will work together to create editorial content covering this region. It will be produced by APL Media, the publisher under license of National Geographic Traveller (UK). During World Travel Market, PATA members will have the opportunity to meet with the editorial team and pitch ideas for stories.

Jo Fletcher Cross, associate editor, National Geographic Traveller (UK) said, “We’re looking forward to working together with PATA to best showcase the region in a way that will excite, inform and inspire our readers.”

About PATA
Founded in 1951, PATA is a not-for-profit membership association that acts as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from and within the Asia Pacific region. The Association provides aligned advocacy, insightful research and innovative events to its member organisations, comprising 98 government, state and city tourism bodies, 19 international airlines and airports, 91 hospitality organisations and 70 educational institutions, as well as over a hundred young tourism professional (YTP) members across the world. The PATA network also embraces the grassroots activism our 36 Chapters and 20 Student Chapters across the world. Thousands of travel professionals belong to the 36 local PATA chapters worldwide, while hundreds of students are members of the 20 PATA student chapters globally. The chapters and student chapters organise travel industry training and business development events. Their grassroots activism underpins PATA’s membership in Uniting Travel, a coalition of the world’s major Travel & Tourism organisations dedicated to ensuring that the sector speaks with one voice and acts in unison on the major issues and includes ACI, CLIA, IATA, ICAO, WEF, UNWTO and the WTTC. The PATAmPOWER platform delivers unrivalled data, forecasts and insights from the PATA Strategic Intelligence Centre to members’ desktops and mobile devices anywhere in the world. PATA’s Head Office has been in Bangkok since 1998. The Association also has official offices or representation in Beijing and London.

About National Geographic Traveller (UK)
National Geographic Traveller (UK) is published under license by APL Media Limited, from National Geographic Partners LLC in Washington, D.C. The 180-page travel and lifestyle magazine was launched in December 2010, and is packed full of you-are-there photography, authentic travel experiences and inspiring narratives.

About National Geographic Partners LLC
National Geographic Partners LLC (NGP), a joint venture between National Geographic and 21st Century Fox, is committed to bringing the world premium science, adventure and exploration content across an unrivaled portfolio of media assets. NGP combines the global National Geographic television channels (National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo WILD, Nat Geo MUNDO, Nat Geo PEOPLE) with National Geographic’s media and consumer-oriented assets, including National Geographic magazines; National Geographic studios; related digital and social media platforms; books; maps; children’s media; and ancillary activities that include travel, global experiences and events, archival sales, licensing and e-commerce businesses. Furthering knowledge and understanding of our world has been the core purpose of National Geographic for 130 years, and now we are committed to going deeper, pushing boundaries, going further for our consumers … and reaching millions of people around the world in 172 countries and 43 languages every month as we do it. NGP returns 27 percent of our proceeds to the nonprofit National Geographic Society to fund work in the areas of science, exploration, conservation and education.

About APL Media Limited
APL Media Limited works across the travel and lifestyle sectors in a number of media, from print through to events. APL Media produces the award-winning National Geographic Traveller (UK), Postcards, Worldwide Destination Guide for ASTA and a series of lifestyle newspaper supplements, apps and websites.

Contact information:
Paul Pruangkarn
Director – Communications
+66 (02) 658-2000 | Bangkok, Thailand

National Geographic Traveller & Travel Trends
Jo Fletcher-Cross
Associate Editor
+44 (0) 20 7253 9906

Matthew Jackson
Managing Director
+44 (0)20 7253 9009

Twin Cities World Tourism Association Founded in Presence of Worldwide Tourism Experts

Twin Cities World Tourism Association Founded in Presence of Worldwide Tourism Experts

Langkawi (Malaysia) – September 19, 2018 (travelindex) – On the 14th of September 2018 at the biggest travel fair of the South-East-Asian Region, the PATA Travel Mart on the island of Langkawi (Malaysia), a new association of international twin cities was founded with the aim to support and foster exchange and face-to-face encounter of citizens. With this event the “Twin Cities World Tourism Association (TCWTA)” started its activities.

Thomas-Peter Binder was elected “Founding President” of the TCWTA. The Swiss citizen residing in the town of Gossau-Zürich offers long-term experience as President of the Association of Public Services of the Zürich Kanton and also of Switzerland and is also well acquainted with international twin city relations. Binder expounds the goals of the TCWTA with the words: “Partnerships of towns and cities offer many opportunities because both partners are able to profit from this relation and also are able to learn a lot from each other. This is why the TCWTA has set itself the target to promote twin city partnerships and to support existing and new ones with a multitude of programs and services.”

The well-known tourism expert Hüseyin Baraner was appointed General Secretary of the TCWTA. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt, Director of the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute, will lead the Department Chinese Region, whereas the marketing expert Enrique Lepehne will offer his vast experience in the Latin American Region. Support for PR activities of active twin cities will be offered by the journalist Christopher Kubaseck as Chief Press Officer TCWTA. Kubaseck will also be responsible for the management of global communication for TCWTA.

At the forum on the stand of TCWTA on the PATA Travel Mart on Langkawi (Malaysia) participants stressed the fact that collaboration between twin cities could be developed even further than the level reached so far. This is also the case concerning exchange and personal encounters of the citizens of both cities by way of travel and tourism.

With these thoughts in mind Thomas-Peter Binder, the newly elected Founding President of the TCWTA, underlined that he does not only plan to promote the establishment of new twin city partnerships, but also will campaign for more exchange and an increase of the number of visitors on both sides of twin city partnerships.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt on the other hand emphasised that he feels honoured to be one of the founders of TCWTA and touched on the situation in China: “In China many cities have partnership relations with cities abroad and are very interested to use these partnerships in order to develop tourism activities on both sides. China is the biggest source for travel and tourism world wide. As a member of the “Expert Committee of the World Tourism Cities Federation“ with its headquarters in Beijing (China) I will strife towards creating a good start for the Department Chinese Region of the TCWTA within the framework of its global strategy.”

Enrique Lepehne expressed his joy to be responsible for the Region Latin America on behalf of the TCWTA: “I am glad to be able to create a new channel for contacts between towns and cities in South America and their partners in Europe and Asia. In this context I think it is very important to create opportunities for citizens to meet with each other during their mutual visits and to exchange experiences. I am happy to offer my marketing experience also for tourism marketing projects entered into jointly by twin cities.”

Günter Ihlau, the former long-term TUI manager and today Vice President UNWTO Affiliate Members, has taken up the responsibility as TCWTA Director International Relations. He stresses that existing partnership relations between twin cities should be filled with life: “The main goal to support tourism between the cities has to be professionalised by introducing and maintaining tourism standards. This can be achieved by exchanging expertise, know-how and later on by the implementation of adequate steps.”

Hüseyin Baraner, the general secretary of TCWTA, puts the focus of his activities on the establishment and upgrading of tourism infrastructure aimed at enabling citizens and NGOs of twin cities to meet: “I think it is very important that travelling activities between twin cities are organised by local travel and incoming agencies in order to create business for local economies. There are many opportunities to offer group tours for senior community members, youths, disabled persons, and also for occupational groups and associations to further the exchange of ideas, experiences and concepts. As TCWTA we will be present at the PATA next year, but also at annual meetings of other tourism associations. On the 18th of January 2019 we expect to meet with a number of mayors of important cities at the “Volkshaus Zürich” in order to converse about our mutual topics.”

To this Thomas-Peter Binder added: “Even now we witness a big interest in our planned meeting in Zürich, with numerous towns and cities from Europa and overseas telling us they plan to join. We will meet with all of them on the 18th of January 2019 in Zürich in order to talk about steps we will take in the future to increase the number of travel movements between twin cities.”

The Forum for the foundation of the TCWTA on the island of Langkawi was sponsored by the Turkish-Netherlands Airlines Corendon and the Turkish City of Mersin. Burhanettin Kocamaz, the Lord Mayor of Mersin, was elected Honorary President of the TCWTA as one of the Initiators of the idea to found this association. In his statement for the foundation of the TCWTA he emphasised: “In our time no city in any part of the world is able to survive economically without tourism. This is why I am glad to be able to make a contribution to further tourism relations between twin cities.”

For further information:
Christopher Kubaseck
Chief Press Officer TCWTA
Mainzer Str. 13
55270 Jugenheim/Rhh.
GSM: +49/163/985 06 94