Launch of First Climate Resilience Centre in Belgium

Launch of First Climate Resilience Centre in Belgium

Limburg (Belguim) – January 4, 2018 ( – To mark the end of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development an MOU has been signed between Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland and SUNx to build a climate learning, innovation and resilience centre in the Hoge Kempen National Park in Limburg, Belgium. The centre will be established at Terhills-Connecterra, the main gateway to the National Park. It will be a proof of concept and focal point for a global network. It will also link with Ecotron, a global science project of the Park and University of Hasselt on climate change and nature-based solutions, as well as the University’s Field Research Centre.

The MOU was signed following a meeting between the Governor of the Province of Limburg, the Rector of Hasselt University, RLKM and SUNx. Leading the partnership are Professor Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder, and Ignace Schops, Director RLKM, President of EUROPARC Federation and a Goldman Award winner.

SUNx – Strong Universal Network- is a program of the EU based, not for profit Green Growth and Travelism Institute, and a legacy to the late Maurice Strong – sustainable development pioneer. Its goal is to promote Climate Resilient, Impact-Travel with good & bad effects measured and managed coherently: with Green Growth at the core and, 2050-proof in line with the Paris Accords and the W.E.F. 4th Industrial Revolution. At its heart are SUNx Centres: prefabricated, solar powered climate research and innovation centres for climate resilience learning and capacity building.

Ignace Schops said:
“We have partnered with SUNx to strengthen our research on climate change, specifically focusing of climate resilience for the wider society and the relation with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). Hoge Kempen is Belgium’s first and only national park, and protects one of the largest open green spaces in the country. As well as being an important visitor attraction we are also investing in research on climate change and biodiversity protection as we believe that climate change poses the greatest threat to humanity and life on earth.”

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder said:
“We are proud to be working in partnership with RLKM who are leading the way in protecting Belgium’s natural resources and creating a blueprint for sustainable tourism in National Parks. We believe that tourism has the power to be a massive force for change if managed carefully and have developed a system that will be accessible to every community to help climate adaptation. The Limburg Centre is being developed as a model for a global network that will support Travel & Tourism in its journey to align with the Paris Climate targets and relevant Sustainable Development Goals.”

The Strong Universal Network SUNx, is a program of the EU based, not for profit Green Growth and Travelism Institute, and a legacy to the late Maurice Strong – Sustainable Development Pioneer.

Its goal is to promote Climate Resilient, Impact-Travel with good & bad effects measured and managed coherently: with Green Growth at the core and, 2050-proof in line with the Paris Accords and the W.E.F. 4th Industrial Revolution.

Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland (RLKM), is responsible for the management and the quality control of The Hoge Kempen National Park, in the Belgian province of Limburg. The park is a unique nature area, covering more than 5700 ha of woodlands and heathland, all protected and managed by the Flemish Government’s Agency for Nature and forestry.
RLKM aims to develop durable, nature orientated tourism in and around this natural area. The balance between NATURE – PEOPLE – TOURISM is their main focus.

Professor Geoffrey Lipman

Saint Ange Tourism Report – 31st December 2017

Saint Ange Tourism Report – 31st December 2017

Victoria, Mahe (Seychelles) – December 31, 2017 ( – As we say goodbye to 2017 and welcome in 2018, it is important to reflect upon what we have experienced during the past twelve months to better appreciate what is in store for us in 2018.

I start by considering the article titled ‘That Time of the Year’ by John Couris, the President and CEO of Tampa General Hospital in Florida, wherein he stated, “With 2017 coming to a close and 2018 just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to talk about setting professional leadership goals. As with anything, having a road map to guide you makes your route clearer. So, think about goal setting as a way to map out – in broad strokes – your path for the year ahead”.

Seychelles and the Seychellois People as a whole are testing new waters and swimming against currents never experienced before. Seychellois need a road map to guide everyone and to illuminate the path ahead.

As we celebrate the arrival of the new year, most will undoubtedly be making their resolutions for 2018; a worthy resolution would be for Seychellois to remain united as one. We owe this to Seychelles. Let us undertake to treat others with utmost respect, and to entertain differing religious beliefs or political ideals with tolerance. This is the way to make our island home safer, more sustainable, and more prosperous for future generations to come.

It is inevitable that some will always try to destroy the fabrics of good society because in chaos they hope to find personal benefits. The quote for this week is by Steven Aitchison –

“Positive thinkers have a solution for every problem, Negative thinkers have a problem for every solution. Stay Positive !”

A year ago, on the 27th December 2016, I resigned from my position as Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine of the Seychelles, following a meeting with President Danny Faure at State House. This was done on the mutual understanding that I would become the Seychelles candidate for the post of Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). The abrupt withdrawal of my candidature by the Government, but a couple of days before the elections in Madrid, lost Seychelles, a country overly dependant on its tourism industry, the invaluable chance to lead this prestigious United Nations Body. The decision also condemned Africa to lose its first chance of sitting in the highest tourism office of the world. What a loss for Seychelles and for Africa this was.

2017 has ended with many alarming announcements of decisions and actions taken in the name of the people of Seychelles. The cost of electricity is going up immediately, and a further revision is expected to again hike the price in March for both the public and the commercial sector. The Seychelles Public Transport Corporation (SPTC) is also increasing its fares over and above the many other increases that were announced in the Budget 2018 presentation that was duly approved by the National Assembly of the People.

More alarming still is the announcement by Etihad Airlines that the 40% shares they own in Air Seychelles have now been transferred to an Etihad Holding Company. At face value, it seems that it is but an innocent company share transfer, but in reality, when all the dust has settled, we will realise that Air Seychelles was previously part of a major Airline, but now it is just a mere investment by its holding company.

This announcement came just after an alleged lone call in the Seychelles National Assembly for Etihad Airlines to pack its bag and get out. A further announcement swiftly followed regarding the looming redundancy of staff at Air Seychelles. Many Seychellois families will suffer when the redundancies start in earnest, and its impact on tourism will be felt for years to come.

Many have been commenting on the Seychelles Airline’s recent announcement that they will be taking to the skies in 2018. It is recalled that prominent politicians are involved in this private venture. In our economic climate, would it not be wiser to merge efforts and resources to establish a single airline for the country where those with means are invited to participate in the consolidation of the country’s airline?

The image of the country in the global arena is more vulnerable than ever. Domestic issues continue to impact the idyllic dream paradise we all say we offer. We have received a report of a young unsuspecting German tourist who booked an available bedroom in somebody’s private home, and soon felt compelled to call a tourism establishment owner to come pick her up because she was frightened for her security. I consider her case in more depth in a separate article below.

On a more positive note, Cosmoledo Atoll of Seychelles has been featured by NASA in their top 17 photos for the 2017. This is an amazing feat for Seychelles, and one that shows that the beauty of this island Nation is well worth protecting; Its flora and fauna, its wide ocean, which is now the centre of the Blue Economy, its culture, and its entire population of only 93000 living and working in the country.
Seychelles during the second half of the month of December joined the grouping of the Vanilla Islands to celebrate the Liberté Métisse Festival of Reunion Island. The world of events continue to be used around the globe as a vector to consolidate culture and, in so doing, to also promote tourism as an industry. All the islands of the Indian Ocean have used their Vanilla Islands Organisation to push their cultural events in order to attract press and increase the visibility of the destination.

International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development Legacy

International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development Legacy

Madrid (Spain) – December 31, 2017 ( – We have come to the end of a very special year for UNWTO and for the global tourism community.

In late 2015, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2017 as the ‘International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development’. This was, without doubt, a global recognition of tourism as an important contributor to the development agenda through economic growth, social inclusion, as well as cultural and environmental enrichment and preservation.

UNWTO was designated by the UN General Assembly to coordinate the activities and the celebrations of the International Year. With your support and the great support of our partners, we have promoted the value and contribution of sustainable tourism to development, to inclusive economic growth, social empowerment cultural and environmental enrichment and protection as well as mutual understanding, peace and justice. This was in many ways a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to come together and work closer in making travel and tourism a catalyst for positive change.

The launch of the Measuring Sustainable Tourism last June in the Philippines, the adoption by Members States during the Chengdu General Assembly of the ‘Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals’ Declaration, the Montego Bay Declaration and the Lusaka Declaration, our 14 official events held in all regions of the world, our first consumer campaign – ‘Travel.Enjoy.Respect’ and our online space for sharing stories, knowledge and actions which gathered over 1000 initiatives, were just some of the initiatives of this Year. All my thanks go to each and every one of the 65 partners who joined us in making this possible as well as the 12 Special Ambassadors for the International Year .

This International Year will not end in December 2017. All the work we have done together during this year needs to be sustained and expanded if we are to ensure tourism’s effective contribution to the 17 SDGs. We were, therefore, very pleased to have been able to launch the findings of the ‘Tourism and SDGs’ report at the Closing Ceremony of the Year in Geneva on 19 December. The Report, which was developed in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), looks into the links between tourism and the SDGs in national policies, in private sector strategies and sets recommendations for our common journey towards 2030.

2017 was also a momentous year for me personally, as it was the last year of my mandate as UNWTO Secretary-General. Over 12 years at UNWTO I have seen tourism become one of the world’s most important and impactful socio-economic transformative forces of our times. I have seen its growing relevance to the lives of millions of people around the world, to the preservation of our common values and to the greater understanding among people of all walks of life.

I have been touched by every person I have met throughout my humbling, rewarding yet challenging journey and deeply moved by many of the tourism stories I have come across around the world.

I want to thank all those who make our work meaningful every day. I also wish to thank all our Member States, Affiliate Members, sister UN Organizations, industry leaders and their teams, associations and global bodies for their support to me and to the mandate of UNWTO throughout these years. It has been a truly humbling experience.

I wish to say a very special thanks to the UNWTO staff that made possible every success that the Organization has enjoyed over the past years. I am extremely grateful to everyone I have worked with. It has been a privilege to serve as Secretary-General, not the least because of the diverse breadth of exceptional colleagues I have had the pleasure of working with.

I wish Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, the incoming Secretary-General, every success in continuing to drive our sector forward to a better future.

Whatever our business in life may be, let us always remember that our core business is, and will always be, to make this world a better place.

Saint Ange Tourism Report – 24th December 2017

Saint Ange Tourism Report – 24th December 2017

Victoria, Mahe (Seychelles) – December 24, 2017 ( – Christmas time is that most wonderful time of the year when family and friends rally. I am indeed lucky to have a loving family. I returned from Brisbane, Australia, with my wife, Ginette, only on Thursday after spending quality time with my eldest daughter, Christine, and Steve, her fiancée. Tomorrow for Christmas Day, we shall be joined by our second daughter, Michelle, and her husband, Ameer.

Christmas is all about family, and we are lucky to have close family and many good and sincere friends. This year, both the St.Ange and Michel families are here in force, and this strengthens even more the joyful spirit of Christmas.

As we celebrate Christmas we must also reflect on our country to ensure we remain united as one. Each and every citizen owes it to their fellow man, woman and child to treat others with utmost respect, to entertain differing religious beliefs or political ideals with tolerance, and to do their part to make our island home safer, more sustainable, and more prosperous for future generations to come.

This takes us to the quote for this week which is by President John F. Kennedy of the USA.

“If not us, who? If not now, when?”- John F. Kennedy.

Kaisar Hamid took that quote and expanded on it by saying, “You are blessed with everything. You have a brain, you are fit, you have support, you have guts. So what are you waiting for? The world needs you badly. The nation needs you badly. Your family needs your support. Your society needs your contribution. People expect your company. If it is not us then who would take the responsibility to make a change in society? If it is not us then who would contribute for the nation? If it is not us then who would make this world a better place for living? When you are ready to go, go with all your heart. When you are set to go, go with full swing. It is high time, you should show your class. Starts from today, even now. Every single moment matters.”

Seychelles’ beaches of Praslin and La Digue, the Anse Lazio and Anse Source D’argent beaches, are again listed in the World’s Top 50 Best Beaches. This is another great accolade for Seychelles, today a leader in the work for the Blue Economy & Sustainable Development concept, where many talented professionals dedicate time and effort in the James Michel Foundation of Seychelles. The good news this week that Nirmal Shah has been named Global Goodwill Ambassador, recognising his work as a respected conservationist and for his fight against plastic pollution in marine ecosystem, is also confirming the hard work by Seychellois who strive for a sustainable future. Congratulations to Dr Nirmal Shah. You make Seychelles proud.

On its part Air Seychelles, the National Airline of our mid-ocean islands, has announced the appointment of Remco Althuis as its Interim Chief Executive Officer, succeeding Roy Kinnear. Mr Althuis joins the carrier from Etihad Airways, where he held the position of Regional General Manager Europe, with responsibility for the airline’s commercial activities in 17 European markets. The Saint Ange Tourism Report says welcome to Mr Althuis and takes this opportunity to wish him success as the head of Air Seychelles at that crucial time of streamlining, coupled with the announced staff redundancies which came at the most difficult time for the dedicated and committed staff flying the Seychelles Creole Spirit for the country`s National Airline.

AIDA Cruise Ship entered Port Victoria for the first time this week. No one should forget the work done by the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands, our Regional Body that worked tirelessly for the last couple of years on the consolidation of Cruise Tourism. Marketing Funds were dedicated by the organisation to Cruise Tourism and today the Region as a whole is seeing new Cruise Ships and the extension of time in Ports by the visiting ships. They worked side by side with the Regional Ports Organisation (APIOI), the Indian Ocean Commission (COI), the Ports Association of Eastern and Southern Africa (PMAESA) and the Indian Ocean Rim (IORA), and we are now reaping the benefit of all the hard work.

The WEI Hospitality Group were in Seychelles this week looking at an upmarket hotel complex in the islands. Ms Meijuan Chen & Dr Ziyad Zaidan were in Seychelles and toured both Praslin and Mahe looking at possibilities for a straight out purchase, a management contract or even a partnership.

Seychelles has been after tapping into the Chinese Tourism Market, and the interest now by the WEI Hospitality Group is indeed good news for the tourism industry and for airlines connecting us to China.

Seychelles has announced that it is relaunching the Regatta where known international sailors will be in Seychelles for the yacht race between our islands that were conceived with sailors in mind, as Glynn Burridge of the Tourism Board would fondly say. Events that attract World Press to our shores is a good thing for the tourism industry of Seychelles as it increases the visibility of the destination. James Mancham used a festival in 1972 when he was responsible for tourism and needed to create a buzz for the islands and its new International Airport. Over the years, it is the World of Events that has helped propel Seychelles into the International Arena as a relevant Tourism Destination.

Finally, I will not stop to throw stones at every barking dog because this will just delay me getting to my destination, and as was said in a previous editorial:- “When people throw you stones it’s because you are a good tree full of fruits. they see a lot of harvest in you. Don’t go down to their level by throwing them back the stones, but throw them your FRUITS so the seeds of yourself may inspire them to change their ways.” It is important to again today acknowledge all who are diligently re-posting the Saint Ange Tourism Report weekly. Our Report ranges far and wide, from Australia to the Americas, from the Indian Ocean Vanilla islands to Africa & Asian and Greater Europe, with your continued support, which is greatly appreciated. You are helping us to grow from strength to strength with each new Edition.

Arabian Book Celebrated at Swiss-Belhotel Seef Bahrain

Arabian Book Celebrated at Swiss-Belhotel Seef Bahrain

Manama (Bahrain) – December 26, 2017 ( – Swiss-Belhotel Seef Bahrain is exploring the art, culture and lives of an ancient Arabian civilization with a limited-edition book, Dilmun: Love and Peace in collaboration with the Rowaq Al Balqa Arts Foundation in Jordan.

The 300-page collectors’ edition features photographs and paintings from international artists to portray the everyday lives of the Dilmun, one of the oldest civilizations of the Arabian Peninsula who thrived over 5,000 years ago as part of a commercial centre; revealing how the community spread within the Middle East as well as their customs, arts, folklore and mythology.

Artwork from the Dilmun: Love and Peace book was exhibited in the hotel’s ballroom at a launch event, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, on 25 November 2017, with His Excellency Mohammed Bin Ibrahim Al-Mutawa, Minister of Cabinet Affairs and Sheikha Haya Al Khalifa in attendance. Schools, universities and organisations within Bahrain were invited to view the exhibition on the same day and take part in a workshop led by Jordanian artist, designer and filmmaker, Khaldoon Daoud.

The book launch continued on the following day with an exclusive cocktail reception held in the presence of His Excellency Shaikh Khaled bin Humood Al Khalifa, Chief Executive Officer of Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority. Also in attendance at the VIP event were ambassadors, diplomats and members of the media who widely reported the publication, along with several Swiss-Belhotel Seef corporate partners and clients.

A meeting at the Office of the Crown Prince also took place, with future plans to present a copy of Dilmun: Love and Peace to the Office of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

Gavin M. Faull, Chairman and President of Swiss-Belhotel International, explains how important the book project is in proudly highlighting the rich heritage of Bahrain.

“The Swiss-Belhotel Seef is designed as a contemporary stay in the heart of Manama’s business and commercial district, yet there is also a deep connection to the roots of this incredible destination,” said Mr. Faull

“Dilmun: Love and Peace book celebrates and values the history of Bahrain and this advanced and creative civilization; bringing a sense of the country’s past, its peoples and its traditions to resonate with today’s modern-day visitors,” he added.

The Rowaq Al Balqa Arts Foundation, which partnered with Swiss-Belhotel Seef to produce the creative volume, focuses on preserving the region’s art, culture and environment for future generations to come.

Dilmun: Love and Peace is available in Arabic, English, French, German and Italian; retailing for USD $160 exclusively at Swiss-Belhotel Seef Bahrain. A perfect gift for businesses, embassies and government ministries to present to corporate clients and valued partners, the book will also be displayed at key locations such as airport executive lounges, libraries and university faculties such as art and history departments.

Book your Swiss-Belhotel in Bahrain and around the world at best rates available. Pay at the hotel. Book now at!

About Swiss-Belhotel International
Swiss-Belhotel International currently manages a portfolio of more than *125 hotels, resorts and projects located in China, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Turkey, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Australia and New Zealand. Awarded Indonesia’s Leading Global Hotel Chain for five consecutive years, Swiss-Belhotel International is one of the world’s fastest-growing international hotel and hospitality management groups. The Group provides comprehensive and highly professional development and management services in all aspects of hotel, resort and serviced residences. Offices are located in Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia, Europe, United Arab Emirates, China, Indonesia and Vietnam. *Numbers may fluctuate

Nostalgic Past Comes to Life On New Year’s Eve at Praya Palazzo

Nostalgic Past Comes to Life On New Year’s Eve at Praya Palazzo

Bangkok (Thailand) – December 25, 2017 ( – Praya Palazzo, an elegant, 17-room boutique hotel, formerly a private mansion, standing elegantly on the banks of the Chao Phraya River, is offering a romantic and nostalgic dinner for history buffs and authentic Thai cuisine gourmands on New Year’s Eve on Sunday, 31 December 2017. Guests can delight in an al fresco 5-course Thai set dinner ‘with a view’ @Baht 7,000 plus plus or @Baht 8,239 nett per couple, or, a romantic dinner indoors in the hotel’s restaurant Praya Dining amidst classic Thai décor @Baht 5,000 plus plus or @Baht 5,885 nett per couple.

The 5-course menu features such traditional Thai dishes as “Goong Sarong Golden Fried White Shrimps rolled in Vermicelli Noodles”, “Mussaya Deep Fried Fish Cakes filled with Egg Yolk” and “Phak Phak Benjarong Stir Fried Broccoli, Enoki, Shitake, Asparagus and Carrot with Oyster Sauce” amongst others. Dessert is the all-time favourite Thai sweet “Dao Lorm Duan Thai Dumpling stuffed with Mung Bean in Coconut Milk”. Both set menus are served with one bottle of red or white wine or sparkling wine per couple.

For an additional Baht 1,500 plus plus or Baht 1,765.50 per person, diners can order unlimited drinks from the hotel’s Drinks List until 01.00 hrs.

For revellers who wish to ring in the New Year in private and outdoors against a unique bygone era setting on the banks of the Chao Phraya River, a nightcap at Praya Palazzo’s Garden is highly recommended: Just drop by the Praya Palazzo Lounge where a friendly staff will immediately arrange for hotel Shuttle Boat pickup to the hotel – from Tha Phra Arthit pier. There, on the lawn of Praya Palazzo partygoers can enjoy a free flow of beverage and canapés @Baht 3,900 plus plus or @Baht 4,590 nett per person from 20.00 hrs – 01.00 hrs. including entertainment by DJ as a modern touch.

For further details or reservations, please call tel. 02 883 2998 or 081 402 8118

About Praya Palazzo Bangkok
Situated on the Chao Phraya River, Praya Palazzo offers guests the opportunity to enjoy history, elegance and river serenity in traditional style all in the heart of Bangkok. Constructed nearly 100 years ago as a private, Thai-Italian style mansion in the reign of His Majesty King Vajiravudh (Rama VI), the 17-room boutique hotel, recently acquired by Montara Hospitality Group, provides personalized services to discerning tourists seeking a unique experience in the gentle traditions of a bygone era. Opened since 2012, the recently revamped Praya Palazzo will undergo further extensive renovations in the summer of 2018.

Montara Hospitality Group, owners and managers of luxury resort Trisara Phuket world renowned for its superb all-pool ocean view villas and residences and the finest of Thai hospitality, continue to expand the range of services and experiences linked to the history, culture, traditions and way of life of the Thais.

The Palazzo where the Past Comes to Life for Modern Visitors

The Palazzo where the Past Comes to Life for Modern Visitors

Bangkok (Thailand) – December 22, 2017 ( – With their latest acquisition, Montara Hospitality Group, owners and managers of luxury resort Trisara Phuket, continue to expand the range of services and experiences linked to the history, culture, traditions and way of life of the Thais.

Situated on the Chao Phraya River, Praya Palazzo, which the group recently acquired, offers guests the opportunity to enjoy a traditional style that only this boutique hotel can offer. After all, how many boutique hotels can claim history, elegance and river serenity all in the heart of Bangkok?

Constructed nearly 100 years ago as a private mansion in the reign of His Majesty King Vajiravudh (Rama VI), Praya Palazzo shows the graceful Thai-Italian style so popular then.

Now, under the aegis of Montara Hospitality Group, Praya Palazzo, an elegant, 17-room boutique hotel, opened since 2012, providing personalized services to discerning tourists seeking a unique experience in the gentle traditions of a bygone era, will undergo extensive renovations from June 2018 onwards with a new General Manager coming on board to oversee the “facelift” of this historical landmark on the banks of the River of Kings.

“The renovations will be aimed at ensuring that every detail in Praya Palazzo is carefully restored to meet our guests’ needs and interest in the Thai culture and history,” said Mr. Kittisak Pattamasaevi, Montara Hospitality Group’s Chief Commercial Officer.

Rooms which are all air-conditioned and furnished with hand-made antique fittings designed for comfort and relaxation, will be upgraded. Every room offers free Wi-Fi, a flat-screen TV, and DVD player. The attached bathroom includes premium spa toiletries.

Within the hotel are a library, where guests can enjoy afternoon tea while perusing books on Thai culture and history, an art gallery, as well as a 15-meter riverside outdoor pool lined with sun loungers.

Praya Dining, providing indoor or outside dining by the riverside, offers Royal Thai cuisine available nowhere else in Bangkok. The dishes are prepared from recipes dating back to the days of King Rama V and King Rama VI, when ladies of the royal palaces would devote themselves to creating this ‘heritage’ cuisine fit for the king.

Praya Palazzo offers another intangible element to the visitors’ Thai experience – the personal attention staff pay to each guest. In particular, Praya Palazzo is accessible only by water, with its own private traditional shuttle boats available to guests on a 24- hour basis. Whether the guest is departing for Suvarnabhumi International Airport (28 km away) or wishes to visit the nearby Grand Palace, Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Chinatown or Khao San Road, the staff are happy to make the boats available on a 24- hour basis.

“Since our Group is a wholly Thai-owned and operated business, we hope to continue to seek heritage buildings and restore them to serve modern-day guests who are interested in the history, culture and the traditional way of life of the Thais, and last but not least the Thai hospitality,” said Mr. Kittisak.

– 2015 TripAdvisor’s Certificate of Excellence
– Prime Minister’s “2014-2015 Thailand Boutique Awards” under “Luxury Thematic
River/Lake Hotel” category
– “2011 Architectural Conservation Award” selected by The Association of
Siamese Architects under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King
– Prime Minister’s “2011 Thailand Boutique Award” under “Luxury River Hotel”
category for Architecture & Design

Cafédirect Premium Coffee Launches its Latest 100% Arabica Ground Espresso Blend

Cafédirect Premium Coffee Launches its Latest 100% Arabica Ground Espresso Blend

Bangkok (Thailand) – December 22, 2017 ( – Cafédirect, the UK’s largest award-winning 100% Fairtrade hot drinks company, is introducing its latest blend of premium coffees – an extraordinary darker roast and intense ‘cuppa’ in its Cafédirect 100% Arabica Espresso Roast and Ground Coffee with a superbly designed packaging – available at gourmet stores and supermarkets of major shopping malls including Central Food Hall, Tops Market, Gourmet Market and Villa Market.

Created for true coffee connoisseurs, this espresso blend is crafted from specially selected beans sourced directly from coffee co-operatives in Peru and Costa Rica; and are meticulously blended and roasted to deliver on consumers’ need for a truly dark and intense high-quality coffee.

This extraordinary “cooperatives-to-table” blend has been perfected by using Peru’s rich Arabica beans as a strong base of the coffee, bringing a natural dark chocolaty taste to each sip. Because of the strong roasting process, that dark chocolaty taste is made all the more powerful. As the ultimate counter-balance, Costa Rica Arabica beans have been added, which softens the mouth feel and gives the coffee a deliciously creamy finish.

To help coffee lovers select a coffee strength that suits his/her taste, Cafédirect has placed a numbered icon ranging from 3 to 6 on each pack. The strength of the coffee depends on a number of factors, namely the composition of coffee beans in the blend as well as the intensity of the roasting process for coffee beans. The Arabica Espresso Roast and Ground Espresso, for example, is a 6, which means that it is a full-bodied and intense coffee, promising a flavour explosion, yet leaving a naturally sweet finish.

Cafédirect 100% Arabica Espresso is finely ground for easy brewing in an espresso machine, stove-top espresso pot or percolator, and cafetiere (plunger).

As a pioneer member of Fairtrade*, Cafédirect’s business model entails 50% of the profits to be returned to the coffee growers who passionately nurture and harvest the beans. This not only improves the lives of the growers but also the quality of each coffee bean. Each purchase of a Cafédirect product is a small stake in the future of thriving coffee grower communities.

A 227-gram Cafédirect 100% Arabica Espresso Roast and Ground Coffee is retailed at Baht 385 per pack at gourmet stores and supermarkets at Central Food Hall, Tops Market, Gourmet Market and Villa Market.

Note: Fairtrade is a global movement with a strong and active presence in the UK represented by the Fairtrade Foundation. It makes a difference to the lives of the people who grow the things we love including coffee. It strives to change the way trade works through better pricing, decent working conditions and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries.

About Cafédirect:
1. Cafédirect was founded in 1991 and is a leading social enterprise and 100% Fairtrade hot drinks company.
2. Through direct, personal and long-term relationships, Cafédirect partners with over 280,000 smallholder growers in 40 grower organisations across 12 developing countries.
3. The work of Cafédirect positively impacts the lives of 1.8 million people in developing countries.
4. As a business, Cafédirect is different: Growers have shares in the company and have two seats on the Cafédirect Board of Directors.
5. Cafédirect’s unique approach has seen the company paying fair prices and working directly with smallholder growers so that they can develop their businesses and increase their influence in highly competitive commodity markets.
6. Cafédirect have invested over 50% of their profits back into the growers communities they work with.
7. The re-investments are since 2009 channeled through the Cafédirect Producers Foundation, a grower-held foundation, with a total of £ 6 million re-invested to date.
8. Cafédirect has won over 30 prestigious Great Taste Awards over the last 8 years The Tarrazu Roast & Ground Coffee has just clinched a Great Taste Award in 2016.

Swiss-BelHotel International High at Indonesia Travel & Tourism Awards

Swiss-BelHotel International High at Indonesia Travel & Tourism Awards

Jakarta (Indonesia) – December 22, 2017 ( – Global hospitality management chain, Swiss-Belhotel International, is celebrating once again after it was named “Indonesia’s Leading Global Hotel Chain” for a record-breaking seventh awards recently at the Indonesia Travel and Tourism Awards (ITTA) 2017-18.

In a glittering award ceremony held in Jakarta on 11th December 2017, Swiss-Belhotel International was presented with the award in recognition of the quality of its hotel portfolio in Indonesia with four properties awarded by the judges.

The voting process included an online ballot that generated more than 50,000 responses, followed by expert assessments from the Board of Advisors and BINUS Business School. The winning hotels were Swiss-Belboutique Yogyakarta (Indonesia’s Leading Boutique Hotel – Yogyakarta), Swiss-Belhotel Airport Jakarta (Indonesia’s Leading Airport Hotel – Jakarta), Grand Swiss-Belhotel Medan (Indonesia’s Leading 5 Star Hotel – Medan) and Swiss-Belinn Luwuk (Indonesia’s Leading Hotel – Central Sulawesi).

“We are absolutely delighted to have won this 7th prestigious award,” said Gavin M. Faull, Chairman and President of Swiss-Belhotel International. “With a large and youthful population, rising levels of affluence and a dynamic economy, Indonesia is a hugely important market for us, so it is extremely gratifying to know that our brands are so well-known and respected in the country.”

Since arriving in Indonesia 25 years ago, Swiss-Belhotel International has built an extensive collection of almost 70 hotels and resorts all across the country. This makes Indonesia the hotel group’s largest market globally.

“I would like to thank our entire Indonesian team – at our regional and group offices and at all of our hotels nationwide. We could not succeed without each and every one of them, and this award is a testament to the passion and professionalism they demonstrate on a daily basis,” added Mr Faull.

“We look forward to unveiling even more exciting Indonesian hotels in the future, as we continue to expand our presence across the country. Our mission is to provide high-quality accommodation to guests at all price points, and to bring world-class services and standards to every corner of the Indonesian archipelago,” he said.

Swiss-Belhotel International now operates a broad collection of hotels, resorts and residences all across Indonesia. These include a choice of brands, from upper-upscale Grand Swiss-Belhotel to classic Swiss-Belhotel, extended-stay Swiss-Belresidences and economy Swiss-Belinn. The company is also rolling out its exciting new budget brand, Zest Hotels, in key Indonesian destinations.

The eighth edition of the Indonesia Travel and Tourism Awards (ITTA) was organised by the ITTA Foundation, a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the growth and development of Indonesian tourism. ITTA 2017-18 recognised the country’s best hotels, resorts, suites, villas, tourism agencies, travel agents, tourist attractions and other tourism stakeholders.

Book your Swiss-Belhotel in Indonesia and around the world at best rates available. Pay at the hotel. Book now at!

About Swiss-Belhotel International
Swiss-Belhotel International currently manages a portfolio of more than 145* hotels, resorts and projects located in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Australia, New Zealand, Bulgaria, Georgia, Tanzania and Turkey. Awarded Indonesia’s Leading Global Hotel Chain for six consecutive years, Swiss-Belhotel International is one of the world’s fastest-growing international hotel and hospitality management groups. The Group provides comprehensive and highly professional development and management services in all aspects of hotel, resort and serviced residences. Offices are located in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Australia, China, Europe, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam (numbers may fluctuate).

Movenpick Hotels Signs New Manila Property

Movenpick Hotels Signs New Manila Property

Manila (Philippines) – December 21, 2017 ( – Movenpick Hotels & Resorts has signed a new property in Manila, expanding its portfolio in the Philippines to three properties strong, and marking another milestone in the company’s Asian expansion strategy.

Due to open in Q4 2021, Movenpick Hotel & Residences Quezon City will feature a combination of 350 contemporary hotel rooms and suites and 250 stylish residences. All 600 units will offer state-of-the-art technology and upscale amenities, making the hotel ideal for both short and extended stays in Quezon City.

Located in Metro Manila, and featuring a business centre and extensive meeting space, the modern hotel is expected to appeal to leisure and corporate guests, as well as groups.

“The Philippines, which is emerging as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, is a target development market as we continue our expansion drive across Asia,” said Andrew Langdon, Global Chief Development Officer, Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts.

“Manila has been on our radar for some time and Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Quezon City, located in one of the country’s more important commercial centres, affords us the perfect opportunity to leverage the capital’s growing prosperity while showcasing our Swiss hospitality style and exceptional facilities.”

Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Quezon City will feature two upscale restaurants serving Chinese and international cuisine respectively, plus a chic rooftop restaurant and bar boasting panoramic views, which is tipped to become one of Quezon City’s most popular nightspots.

Property highlights also include a swimming pool and fitness centre, plus four function rooms and a large pillar-free ballroom, all fitted with the latest audio-visual technology and designed to host successful conferences, conventions, product launches or social events.

The hotel is just 17km from Manila’s Ninoy Aquino International Airport, the Philippines’ main international gateway, offering direct connections to and from major cities including London, New York, Los Angeles and Sydney.

Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts currently operates two upscale hotels in the Philippines: Mövenpick Hotel Mactan Island Cebu and the recently opened Mövenpick Resort & Spa Boracay.

Book your Movenpick hotel in Manila Quezon City, the Philippines and around the world at best rates available. Pay at the hotel. Book now at!

About Movenpick Hotels & Resorts:
Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts, an international upscale hotel management company with over 16,000 staff members, is represented in 24 countries with 83 hotels, resorts and Nile cruisers currently in operation. Around 40 properties are planned or under construction, including those in Kuredhivaru (Maldives), The Hague (The Netherlands) and Basel (Switzerland). Focusing on expanding within its core markets of Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts specialises in business and conference hotels, as well as holiday resorts, all reflecting a sense of place and respect for their local communities. Of Swiss heritage and with headquarters in central Switzerland (Baar), Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts is passionate about delivering premium service and culinary enjoyment – all with a personal touch. Committed to supporting sustainable environments.