Saint Ange Tourism Report – 4th February 2019

Saint Ange Tourism Report – 4th February 2019

Victoria, Mahe (Seychelles) – February 4, 2019 ( – Welcome to Edition 4 of our Volume 3 series. Today, as we start with the announcement that the French President will be visiting the Vanilla Islands of Reunion and Mayotte in June and appeal for the tourism organisation of the Indian Ocean to be able to benefit from the Presidential visit and the visibility that comes with him.

Emmanuel Macron will be in Réunion & Mayotte Islands this June

The Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands will be in the limelight in June when Mr Emmanuel Macron, the President of the Republic of France will be visiting two of the six islands of the group. The French President confirmed his Indian Ocean visit as he addressed the representatives and elected officials of the Republic’s Overseas Territories within the framework of the Great National Debate. The President of the Republic first said he would go to Mayotte in June. Then, when pressed by the elected officials of Reunion, he assured: “If you have other questions, you can ask me in June.”

Can the Vanilla Islands group benefit from the visibility that this Head of State visit offers when President Macron sets foot in Reunion and Mayotte? We are sure that President Didier Robert will do all what is possible for the Vanilla Islands to be on the agenda and we are all hoping the Pascal Viroleau, the CEO of the Vanilla Islands will be able to place tourism for the islands as the catalyst for development in the Indian Ocean.

Seychelles Tourism should not be taken for granted as we continue reflecting on the tourism sector’s achievements and challenges

Last week in our Edition 4 of Vol 3 of 2019 we said that it was an opportune time to reflect on the Seychelles tourism sector’s achievements and challenges, and for tourism leaders in Seychelles to continue to work together to shape what lies ahead. We discussed the moratorium on hotel construction, the vertical integration regulation, the selective approval where on the island of La Digue leased properties are barred from having a hotel license (even if many leased properties have been granted licences outside of La Digue), the increase in fees, the new introduction of courtesy vehicles for 4 Star Hotels etc. .This last editorial opened a floodgate of feedback and all without exception said Seychelles should stop taking its tourism industry for granted.

We shall today take some of the points raised in the email to help steer tourism back to a safe port. Tourism is an industry and not just an activity. This statement aired in Seychelles many years ago should continue to guide the policy makers today. Chopping and changing is not helping the industry that remains more than ever before the pillar of the Seychelles economy. To build confidence it is essential that the private sector trade feel Government understands the industry and above all believes in the industry that is holding the Seychelles economy.

According to the Central Bank of Seychelles, the island’s tourism is still performing even though the visitor arrival numbers slowed in 2018, the foreign exchange earnings are growing. The reasons given were that visitors spending was making it to local banks where that data is captured. We know that, and the private sector trade have all said this over and over again, that if tourism is to continue to be a viable source of broad-based economic growth, then the industry needs to be consolidated as it evolves and that it should be free of obstacles. The stagnating visitor arrival figures can be seen just as an early warning about the state of the tourism industry and the need, as has been aired before in many a tourism destination, for “innovation, investment, and broad social engagement”.

Seychelles must now move further to empower Seychellois to claim back its tourism industry. This is the time and this is the future for Seychelles. An empowered people in their tourism industry with little red tape and a genuine drive to see businesses grow will make for a solid economy for the islands. What is good for the local entrepreneurs will also be a better business climate for the foreign investors as well. The ‘one stop shop’ concept discussed over and over again is so needed today to kill all the running around the business community have to endure.

The government cannot continue to take tourism’s continuing economic contribution for granted. Seychelles needs to recognise how our tourists are thinking and we need to appreciate that their choice is changing, as we consider how the existing Seychelles product might be encouraged to develop and /or upgrade in different ways.

Although it is unlikely that demand for the sun, sea and sand will subside, there is every indication that other warm water destinations such as in the Caribbean are moving rapidly to upgrade their offering, offer better value for money, and explore how to integrate their industry to guarantee sustainable growth. In this regard Jamaica has emerged as a leading force in trying to change Caribbean thinking about tourism’s future role in development. It has achieved this by focussing not just on increasing visitor arrival numbers, encouraging investment and undertaking product development, but by spending time exploring and delivering programmes that make the sector central to sustainable growth and just as importantly, of wider societal benefit.

To accomplish this Jamaica said that attention is being paid to a much wider number of issues, including some not normally regarded as being with tourism’s purview.

For example Jamaica has included: “exploring how best to attract investments that spread tourism’s dollar into rural areas and local communities; ensuring that small and medium sized service providers benefit from the industry; encouraging foreign chain hotels to support training schemes so that many more Jamaicans can become members of senior management among others”.

The question today is how to link the industry and its success and profitability to being better shared with those who deliver it for Seychelles. Seychelles needs to find ways to ensure that the island’s unique cultural experience is infused into all that is offered to visitors. When that is done our people will be at the centre of development in Seychelles.

If Seychelles is to extract the maximum sustainable value from tourism, Seychelles needs to think in new ways about the industry’s future development, how to spread its benefits in ways other than through additional taxation, and about how to update our visitor offering to meet the changing nature of our discerning visitors. We need to find ways of leveraging our identity to the long-term value of own people. Encouraging Seychellois involvement is essential and any proposed policy that curtails their involvement is sure to impact negatively on the industry that is the pillar of the economy.

Thai Tourism Income Crosses 2 Trillion Baht

Thai Tourism Income Crosses 2 Trillion Baht

Bangkok (Thailand) – February 4, 2019 ( – A sharp resurgence in Chinese visitor arrivals in December helped Thailand close 2018 with a total of 38.27 million arrivals, generating tourism expenditure of just over two trillion Baht.

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The final arrivals count released by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports showed that Chinese visitors jumped from 675,129 in November to 838,634 in December, closing the year with a total of 10,535,955, up 7.44% over 2017. Similarly, Chinese visitor expenditure also surged from 36.45 billion Baht in November to 44.42 billion Baht in December, ending the year with 580.69 billion Baht.

In total, Thailand’s international visitors were up by 7.54% over 2017, and the estimated 2.007 trillion Baht in tourism revenue was up by 9.63%. For the first time, ten countries and one SAR territory (China, Malaysia, South Korea, Lao PDR., Japan, India, Russia, USA, Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong SAR) generated more than one million visitor arrivals.

Summary of the key results in 2018:

Overview: All regions grew well except the Middle East and Oceania. Visitors from East Asia totalled 26.06 million (+9.30%), Europe 6.76 million (+3.86%), the Americas 1.60 million (+3.82%), South Asia 1.98 million (+11.82%), Oceania 922,520 (-1.74%), the Middle East 739,494 (-6.39%), and Africa 201,519 (+7.63%).

Announcing the results, the Minister of Tourism and Sports Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat noted that while these record-breaking figures were extremely good news, they had set the stage for Thailand to refocus its future tourism development strategy towards emerging destinations and niche markets with high spending potential.

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Now that travel and tourism is well established as a major contributor to the national economy, it is important to strengthen its foundations to make it “convenient, clean, safe, unique and sustainable”, reduce income disparity, upgrade safety and security, and enhance personnel development.

For 2019, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports is forecasting 41.1 million foreign tourists (+ 7.5%) generating an estimated 2.21 trillion Baht in tourism revenue (+ 10%). This is based on a forecast of 11.69 million tourists from China (+11 %), 11.31 million tourists from the ASEAN countries (+ 10%), and 6.90 million visitors from Europe (+ 2%).

Solin to Host Acclaimed Tourism and Multimedia Festivals

Solin to Host Acclaimed Tourism and Multimedia Festivals

Solin (Croatia) – February 1, 2019 ( – The historic and charming city of Solin on Croatia’s Adriatic Coast, build on the location of ancient city of Salona will host of the 26th INTERSTAS, the 22nd ITF’CRO-International Tourism Film Festival and the 17th CEA-CRO 2019, all three international events, already traditional, internationally affirmed multimedia project with a world-renowned reputation, are unique manifestations of this kind in Croatia. Conceived to actively contribute to the stimulation of international integration processes of modern tourism, over the past years has gained the reputation of a very dynamic and important meeting. It is held in a very convenient time, the beginning of active preparation for the next tourist business year.

All three events are members and partners of world associations; travel, tourist film, tourist journalism, landscape, ecology and sustainable development; FIJET, FEST, ITCO, CiB. With the support of these world associations and the host of Hotel President Solin, all three events are held under the patronage of the Split-Dalmatia County, Town of Solin, and with the high patronage of the Croatian Parliament and the President of the Republic of Croatia, Mrs. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović.

The event begins on Wednesday, November 13th at 6pm with a commemorative program, at 7pm the ceremony of raising the flag, then a retrospective of the films awarded at the recent Tourfilm Festival – ITF’CRO. On Thursday, November 14th from 10am; continuation of the work of all three events, protocol and work presentation of the Exhibitors / Laureates – winners of International tourist awards and prizes; KEA-CRO, THE FEST AND THE GOLD INTERSTAS ‘2019. The closing ceremony of the entire event is on Friday, November 15th from 7pm, with the award; Certificates for Croatian competitors for INTERNATIONAL GOLDEN FLOWER – CiB, special awards “Dr.Luka Čikeš”, International tourist awards: FEST ‘2019. and GOLD INTERSTAS ‘2019 and the film festival awards, certificate and Grand Prix for 22nd ITF’CRO 2019. Per Programmes.

26th INTERSTAS 2019 is the venue for meeting and presenting the Laureates – prominent individuals and organizations from Croatia and world winners of prestigious international tourist individual and collective prizes. Awards are awarded to them; “For their excellence in and for tourism, contributing to the development of tourism through culture, ecology, sport … and contributing to improving the quality of life, sustainable development and environmental protection”. In the last year 2018, with the explanation of the Committee of Tourism Journalists and Writers, from the 29 countries of the world, there were 141 entries. Reasons for 78 individual and collective candidates were accepted, and 57 were nominated. By decision of the Central Committee of F.E.S.T. and Event Directory, the 35 graduates were selected : 1 Certificate, 21 individual prizes and 13 collective prizes. Here you can apply: 26th INTERSTAS APPLICATION

22nd ITF’CRO 2019 /The International Tourfilm Festival, as an ITCO member, has become a respectable festival in this domain of international action. Every year attracts an increasing number of production companies from around the world that their authors reported tourism, travel, documentary, cultural, environmental films. In the last year 2018, a respectable number of 307 films from as many as 83 countries of the whole world came from all continents. Of the total of films, Selector Festival in the official nomination for one of the International festival awards, national award “Baldo Cupic” and the Grand Prix 21st ITF’CRO ‘in 2018, has included 107 films from 62 countries, 95 films from the world and 12 films from Croatia.The International Jury awarded: 12 Special Awards, 8th Film /Producer Certification and the National Award “Baldo Čupić” and Grand Prix for 2018. Here you can apply: 22ND ITF’CRO APPLICATION

17th KEA-CRO 2019 / presents Croatian cities / towns / centers competing for international prize CROATIA WITH INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION FOR INTERNATIONAL GOLDEN FLOWER AWARD – INTERNATIONAL GOLDEN FLOWER. Under the slogan “PEOPLE, PLANTS AND PRIDE … MULTIPLE GROWTH”, and a special prize “Dr.Lucija Čikeš”. By competing to beautify of their environment, urban or rural, solutions are sought for the best ecological challenges and the improvement of the quality of life. And not only in landscape, horticulture, gardening, but also in the culture of living, tourism, ecology and many others. Development and dissemination of education and awareness of more people about the value, improvement, importance and sustainable development of green areas and the natural environment in each society are the underlying goals of this project. In the context of climate change and environmental concerns, all communities involved in the project can be proud of their efforts to bring about concrete solutions to the environment and contribute to the improvement of the overall society. In the year 2018, the 13 applications were received from Croatia for the Certificate of KEA-CiB and the special “Dr Lucija Čikeš” prize. There were 9 entries from the world for the special prize “Dr. Lucija Čikeš”. For the Certificate of KEA-CiB 2019, from Croatia was nominated 5 cities and from abroad for “dr. Lucija Čikeš “were nominated 3 centers. You can see the winners on the link: Here you can apply:17th KEA-CRO

All three international events, already traditional, internationally affirmed multimedia project with a world-renowned reputation, are unique manifestations of this kind in Croatia. Conceived to actively contribute to the stimulation of international integration processes of modern tourism, over the past years has gained the reputation of a very dynamic and important meeting. It is held in a very convenient time, the beginning of active preparation for the next tourist business year. In the realization of these events, connecting the world’s tourist, film-festivals, cultural and landscape associations, combining culture, tourism, tourism, ecology, strengthen the positions of these three events. This is also actively contributing to the development of environmental awareness, sustainable development, ecology and quality of life. Every year, an increasing number of accredited participants are also very excited, among them, with prominent individuals and organizations – Laureates, authors and producers of tourist films are domestic and foreign tourist journalists.

Through 3 business days (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday), along with exhibitions, the presentation of the Laureates – winners of international tourist awards, projection of tourist films, presentation of this exhibition are organized; an international symposium, a “round table”, film, tourist, educational ecological workshops, special promotions, professional excursions and exploring historical, cultural and other sights in the surroundings. It is an opportunity for meetings and the realization of numerous contacts, business conversations, exchange of international experiences and knowledge with people who make important decisions from the domain of international tourism, environmental protection, sustainable development, production and production of tourist film … With journalists covering these events, and of world media promoters – Travelindex, immeasurable contribution to events promoting tourism Solin / Split, Split-Dalmatia County, and tourism branding of Croatia in the world. This project significantly contributes to the overall development of cultural tourism in the world.

We are also proud of the fact that we have recognized the world and European landscape, film festival and tourist journalists’ associations; FEST, FIJET, ITCO, CiB. The assessment is that this event, by encouraging the international integration of contemporary tourism through the connectivity of the participating entities, contributes jointly to the development of tourism, tourism film, environmental preservation, better quality of life, and overall international tourism exchange, thereby meeting the high demand tourism in all its segments. It significantly contributes to the recognizability of the tourist product of all the local, regional, national participants participating in it, and thus a better understanding between nations and countries, which is also the fundamental objective of this event.

With a welcome to all the participants of the event in Solin / Croatia in 2019, in advance, our sincere congratulations to Laureates, and with that, the entry into the International Club for the Development of Tourism.

Contact information:
c/o FISCALIS d.o.o.
PO Box 270
Vukovarska 6
Croatia – 21000 Split
Tel: 00385/21/344 255
Tel/Fax: 00385/21/344 048

World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage to Combat Overtourism

World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage to Combat Overtourism

Sydney (Australia) – February 1, 2019 ( – The new body will focus on measures to protect and empower host communities who want a long-term ‘sustainable’ relationship with tourism that respects their cultural values. The World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage (WTACH) has been formed to protect local cultures, heritage and historical sites that are in peril from overtourism.

The new association will promote ethical practices and better management relating to culture and heritage destinations that are now buckling due to unrestricted visitor growth. WTACH will also encourage the implementation of sustainable practices at locations that are still in a honeymoon phase of tourism development.

The creation of WTACH comes at a time when the UNWTO reports that international tourism arrivals hit 1.4 billion in 2018, two years ahead of its previous forecast of 2020. The global economy grew 3.7% in 2018, says UNWTO, propelling international tourism arrivals growth to 6% for the year.

To advance its agenda, WTACH has been launched with 15 specialist advisors from diverse backgrounds relating to the culture and heritage tourism sector. They will work with destinations that need help now or want to put plans in place before running into trouble.

Chris Flynn and Carolyn ChildsWTACH is the brainchild of its founder and CEO, Chris Flynn, a former director for the Pacific region at the Pacific Asia Travel Association, a role he held for 15 years.

He says emerging tourism destinations need more help. While there are overtourism abuses in economically developed, highly regulated destinations, Flynn argues that it is in lesser economically developed destinations where overtourism has disproportionately greater negative impact.

Tourism meltdown locations
“WTACH works with destinations to provide development strategies and policy framework recommendations to avoid the kind of tourism meltdown we are seeing at Angkor Wat, Phi Phi Island and Mt Everest,” says Flynn.

WTACH’s position is that tourism needs to respect host communities and their cultural and heritage assets by adhering to a framework that has the host community at its heart.

“It’s time for the tourism industry to take step back and look at the long term impact of its decision making,” says Flynn.

Social media and mobile devices aren’t helping. Carolyn Childs, CEO of, and a member of the WTACH advisory specialising in analysing data and trends, says it is no coincidence that WTACH is being born at a time when ‘selfie’ culture and the promotion of ‘Instagramable’ travel is sweeping the world.

“A unique image can ‘create’ a destination in moments – often leaving it unprepared or wrong-footed,” says Childs. “This is particularly true if the image runs counter to cultural values. It risks tourism losing its ‘social licence’ with host communities. Ironically, these ‘instadestinations’ risk destroying the very thing travellers are seeking,” she warns.

The desire for ‘authenticity’ in travel is also problematic. Childs cites an AirBnB survey which found that over 80% of millennial travellers (and 93% of Chinese millennials) seek a “unique” experience and want to “live like locals” while on holiday.

Monetising authenticity
“The pressure on destinations and tour operators to find and monetise ‘unique’ and ‘authentic’ experiences will only increase as both millennial and mature travellers work through their ‘been there done that’ bucket lists,” she says.

“Having the right frameworks in place help communities and tourists. They build a more sustainable destination that delivers truly rewarding experiences,” she says.

On the supply side, WTACH believes that destinations should no longer make arrival numbers their holy grail.

The new association is deeply concerned that Turkey, for example, has decided to expand tourism arrivals from 40 million in 2018 to 70 million by 2023 – less than four years away.

“What interpretive and cultural safeguards have been put in place?” asks Flynn. “Have local communities been consulted? Is there an actual plan that involves a holistic government approach and key stakeholder and community engagement?”

Says Flynn: “At WTACH we know there’s a better way. We are now seeking like-minded organisations and individuals to help us advance responsible tourism in culturally sensitive host communities.”

About the World Tourism Association For Culture and Heritage
The World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage (WTACH) was formed to establish clear goals, objectives and strategies for the protection of cultural heritage through responsible and sustainable tourism practices. Working in collaboration with public, private and specialist academic sector organisations, WTACH determines best practice ethical principles and standards in line with the most robust global research available. A community of like-minded organisations and individuals, WTACH seeks to ensure that the unique attributes, history and cultural values of the world’s communities are celebrated and preserved for generations to come.

The WTACH logo: We wanted to create a symbol that represents humanity. An image that characterised unity and togetherness. Although it may look like an ethnic design, the logo is in fact the molecular structure of a human DNA molecule. The colours used are also symbolic as they represent the first known pigments ever used by mankind. Earth pigments born out of rock and soil and used in the earliest known rock paintings. The high level of iron and limonite creating ochres that produced rich umber, sienna and yellows that were the pallet of humanity’s first artists.

Best Western Hotels Opens Brand New Hotel in Downtown Osaka

Best Western Hotels Opens Brand New Hotel in Downtown Osaka

Osaka (Japan) – February 1, 2019 (travelindex) – Best Western Hotels and Resorts has celebrated the launch of a brand new hotel in the heart of Osaka, Japan’s second largest city, commercial center and culinary capital. Best Western Plus Hotel Fino Osaka Kitahama is perfectly positioned in the city’s Chuo-ku ward, surrounded by many major business and leisure attractions. It is also just a one-minute walk from Kitahama Station, allowing guests to connect to the entire city and beyond via the Osaka Subway and Keihan Main Line.

This modern upper-midscale hotel becomes Best Western’s 19th property in Japan, underscoring the company’s deep commitment to providing world-class accommodation to domestic and international travelers all across this dynamic Asian country.

“We are delighted to welcome guests to Best Western Plus Hotel Fino Osaka Kitahama, an impressive new hotel located in the center of one of Asia’s most important cities” commented Olivier Berrivin, Best Western Hotels & Resorts’ Managing Director of International Operations – Asia “As Japan’s second largest metropolis and the heart of the thriving Kansai region, Osaka is a key market for business travel and an enticing destination for leisure visitors. This smart and stylish property will serve all guests with a range of international facilities and Best Western’s famously warm and friendly service.”

“Best Western now operates almost 20 hotels in Japan, including four locations in Osaka alone. As visitor numbers to Japan continue to rise and the country prepares to host major global events such as the 2019 Rugby World Cup, 2020 Olympic Games and 2025 World Expo, we will continue to bring high-quality accommodation to guests in destinations across the country,” Olivier added.

Best Western Plus Hotel Fino Osaka Kitahama features 129 comfortable and contemporary rooms, all fully equipped with sleep-inducing beds, refreshing showers, work desks and cutting-edge technology, including high-speed Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs. Guests will be able to enjoy Japanese and international cuisine at the onsite restaurant or grab 24-hour snacks and drinks from a vending machine. A fitness center and laundry service are also available.

A major commercial and industrial hub, Osaka is home to multinational companies including Panasonic, Sharp and Daihatsu. It is also an exhilarating global city that captivates visitors with its vibrant nightlife and sensational street food. Travelers can explore cultural landmarks such as Osaka Castle or experience the bright lights of Dotonbori, the city’s famous entertainment area.

Located close to the Aji River, Best Western Plus Hotel Fino Osaka Kitahama is surrounded by key business and leisure attractions such as the Osaka Securities Exchange, Nakanoshima Park, Osaka Prefectural Nakanoshima Library and the Museum of Oriental Ceramics. Other major attractions including Osaka City Hall, Goryo Shrine and the Osaka Museum of History are within easy reach.

Japan is now home to 19 Best Western-branded properties, ranging from sleek urban hotels to idyllic beach resorts, convenient airport hotels and more. In Osaka, Best Western now operates four distinct hotels under three of its brands: Best Western, Best Western Plus® and SureStay Plus® Hotel by Best Western.

To learn more about Best Western Plus Hotel Fino Osaka Kitahama, please click here…

About Best Western Hotels & Resorts
Best Western Hotels & Resorts headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, is a privately held hotel brand with a global network of over 4,200 hotels in nearly 100 countries and territories worldwide*. Best Western offers 13 hotel brands to suit the needs of developers and guests in every market: Best Western®, Best Western Plus®, Best Western Premier®, Vīb®, GLō®, Executive Residency by Best Western®, Sadie HotelSM, Aiden HotelSM, BW Premier Collection® by Best Western, and BW Signature Collection® by Best Western, as well as its recently launched franchise offerings: SureStay® Hotel by Best Western, SureStay Plus® Hotel by Best Western and SureStay Collection® by Best Western**. Now celebrating more than 70 years of hospitality, Best Western provides its hoteliers with global operational, sales and marketing support, and award-winning online and mobile booking capabilities. Best Western continues to set industry records regarding awards and accolades, including 66 percent of the brand’s North American hotels earning a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence award in 2018, Business Travel News® ranking Best Western Plus and Best Western number one in upper-mid-price and mid-price hotel brands respectively for two consecutive years, and Fast Company honoring Best Western Hotels & Resorts with a spot in the Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in the Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality category. Best Western has also won 10 consecutive AAA®/CAA® Lodging Partner of the Year awards, recognizing the brand’s commitment to providing exceptional service and great value to AAA/CAA’s nearly 60 million members in the U.S. and Canada. Best Western-branded hotels were top ranked in breakfast (food and beverage category) by J.D. Power’s 2018 North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index Study – ranking first for midscale; and second for upper midscale. Over 37 million travelers are members of the brand’s award-winning loyalty program Best Western Rewards®, one of the few programs in which members earn points that never expire and can be redeemed at any Best Western-branded hotel worldwide. Best Western’s partnerships with AAA/CAA and Google® Street View provide travelers with exciting ways to interact with the brand. Through its partnership with Google Street View, Best Western is the first major company of its size and scale to launch a virtual reality experience for customers, setting a new industry standard and reinventing how guests view hotels.
* Numbers are approximate, may fluctuate, and include hotels currently in the development pipeline.
**All Best Western and SureStay branded hotels are independently owned and operated.

Contact information:
Sirimanas Maungrod (Cake) | Senior Regional Marketing Communications Manager | Asia

Best Western Hotels & Resorts
BWI (Thailand) Co., Ltd.|Unit 5A-2 | 5th Floor Gaysorn Place Office Building
999 Ploenchit Road Lumpini Phatumwan | Bangkok | 10330 | Thailand
Phone: +662.656.1260 |

Saint Ange Tourism Report – 28st January 2019

Saint Ange Tourism Report – 28st January 2019

Mahe, Victoria (Seychelles) – January 28, 2019 ( – Congratulations to a dear friend, Joël Randriamandranto, who has been appointed as the Minister responsible for Transport, Tourism & Meteorological Services. Joel is someone who believes in togetherness in the Indian Ocean Islands and was one of the five Heads of Tourism Boards who sat together in 2010 at the first meeting to form the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands, which was followed by my election as its first President. His appointment comes at the time when the Vanilla Islands family will see the Presidency once again taken over by Seychelles in February. The far-sighted Minister Joël Randriamandranto and President Didier ROBERT of La Reunion, worked hard with Minister Nando BODHA of Mauritius and myself way back in 2010 to get the Indian Ocean Islands to be seen as a new Tourism Region. Today, this spirit of togetherness is paying dividends for all the islands of the Indian Ocean, especially in the world of cruise tourism. We wish Minister Joël Randriamandranto continued success in his new Office as Minister.

Alain St.Ange, Reflecting on Seychelles’ tourism sector’s achievements and challenges

As we near the end of January, it is an opportune time to reflect on the Seychelles tourism sector’s achievements and challenges, and for tourism leaders in Seychelles to continue to work together to shape what lies ahead. These days, different meetings are held and each one ends up alerting the ambitions and expectations of the private sector trade, those who sit as the front line team of Seychelles Tourism. Seychelles’ Visitor Arrival numbers in 2000, are different to the arrival numbers being received today. But the financial expectations and direct benefits from today’s figures have also increased to new heights. I took the trouble to meet many a Praslinois after their Praslin Business Association meeting. Through casual discussions at the Airport Coffee Club, to chatting to them at the Cat Cocos Inter Island Terminal, the views from Praslin as well as La Digue, sing the same tune. The moratorium on hotel construction, the vertical integration regulation, the selective approval in La Digue only for lease properties to have a hotel license, the increase in fees to National Parks among others are being strongly objected, the tampering of the foreign employment quota system that hinders quality of service and the island’s value for money tag line. The number of people employed across the tourism value chain is no small achievement on the main islands of Mahe, Praslin and La Digue among others, and the needed returns from the tourism industry is worrying many as the new arbitrary rules and regulations spark a slowdown of the industry.

The inhabitants of Praslin and La Digue join their Mahe colleagues in the realisation that, despite the tough economic conditions of last year that was again being experienced so far in January, tourism continued to be the factor holding everything in place even though it was at a slower rate than Seychelles had forecasted, and the tourism trade were all hoping for. Official figures for 2018 showed a modest increase in international visitor arrival figures, compared to the same period in 2017 (and the impressive growth figures of previous years). France stagnated as a key tourism source market and this cannot, and should not, be taken lightly any longer.

The safety of tourists was, and continues to be, a matter that warrants attention. What happens in Seychelles, even in the daily lives of us Seychellois, translates itself on the measuring scale of ‘safety & security’ for visitors. A stabbing in Victoria, or another domestic violence attack that results in another crime being committed, all cloud the clean slate Seychelles so desperately needs to protect.

Happily, the private sector controlled tourism services are working and they keep the fly flying, but Seychelles needs to take away as a lesson learnt is that it needs to free the hands of the business community with less restrictive regulations, diminish Income Tax as a burden stifling growth, and that it must emphasise responsible tourism and general responsible use of its natural resources that are listed as key USPs.

We are seeing the urgent need of upgrades in services by the State and these include Police, Roads and Medical. The Gate Way to the Blue Economy, the Beaches and the Ports needs the love expected from the State by the Private Sector motor. Popular public beaches are the gate way to the Blue Economy and require the basic facility of public toilets. Last week, on Amities beach on Praslin, an elderly German couple were seen begging for the use of a toilet. Seychelles must now be seen to be ‘Working for Tourism’ safety monitors and be more determined than ever to make it safe for tourists – (bearing in mind that what is good for tourists is also good for us Seychellois) – to visit our beaches, to hike, and to visit our spectacular attractions around the country. The National Airline, Air Seychelles will need the political vision to re-establish its ‘raison d’etre’. As we hear that one of the airline’s directors is resigning, we know that we need to grab this ‘bull by its horns’ to have the airline become once again, the insurance policy for Seychelles Tourism.

Tourism growth must be the desire of every patriotic Seychellois. It translates into economic growth, jobs and opportunities for many. In 2019 the collaboration between the public and private sector must be strengthened to further grow and drive the industry to reach even greater heights. It is the one industry that can readily deliver the jobs and economic growth that our country so urgently needs.

Despite the challenges we faced during 2018, the start of the new year offers us an opportunity to move forward positively and decisively. Let us make 2019 a magnificently successful year – a year in which we lay a solid foundation for even greater tourism successes in future years. We must appreciate our whole vibrant tourism community who continue – with passion – to invest in, innovate and enhance our tourism offering, provide excellent services, and deliver memorable experiences to all our international and domestic visitors. Let us listen to their suggestions and proposals.

Kenya’s Najib Balala, CS Tourism & Anita Menrdiratta of CNN TASK meet at FITUR in Spain

Tourism Trade Fairs are taking place one after the other and some tourism ministers are out and about making their mark and pushing their country ahead of the pack. One such man on the job is Najib Balala, the CS for Tourism for Kenya who was at FITUR in Madrid to tell the world that Kenya was waiting for their visitors. The “early bird catches the worm” was how Minister Balala’s presence at FITUR was described by many who saw his tireless efforts at to re-position Kenya as a safe tourism destination after the touch of a terrorism attack just a week prior. Kenya tourism had a successful 2018 and they are wasting no time in working to keep up the momentum. Anita Mendiratta, the well-known and very influential media and tourism personality, caught up with Minister Balala and she posted:- “Honoured to cross paths with Hon. Minister of Tourism of Kenya as he carries to FITUR in Madrid heartfelt appreciation of People of Magical Kenya for UNWTO, WTTC, US TOA, & Global Tourism community for their support in days of challenge into shared, united tourism”.

Vanilla Islands – how it started

Directors of various tourism boards of the Indian Ocean islands have attended a meeting held on August 4 on Reunion Island, in order to develop a marketing plan for the region’s tourism industry. Present at the meeting were, Alain St.Ange from Seychelles, Joel Randriamandranto from Madagascar, Pascal Viroleau from Reunion, and Dr. Karl Mootoosamy from Mauritius. The president of the Chamber of Commerce for Reunion Island, Pascal Plante, chaired the one-day meeting, which took place in Saint Denis on Reunion Island.

With the three leading destinations of the region – Mauritius, Reunion, and Seychelles – being at the forefront, the objective was to revitalize the Indian Ocean island’s tourism by reinforcing the islands’ attractiveness through a series of measures aimed to penetrate and secure new tourist markets through each of the island’s unique selling points and to put into place either a culture of evaluation or a system of marketing research that will assist the islands either on an individual or on a collective basis.

To better position the region at the international level, the tourism representatives from the region have agreed on a brand image – the Vanilla Islands – for the Indian Ocean to better sell the islands as a whole.
Accessibility, quality, uniqueness, and competitiveness, together with the local culture of each of the islands, are all attributes that can help the region rise to this new positioning.

The exotic and sentimental charms of the Indian Ocean, including its patrimony and multitude experience, are other characteristics that can also play a part in creating a more positive image and increase the visibility of the region within the European market (France, UK, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy), Scandinavian market (Denmark, Holland, Sweden, and Finland), and the South Africa and Asian market (India and China).

In order to start building this new image of the Indian Ocean, it was agreed that there were some priorities that first needed to be put in place, including the set up of a website, a joint promotion to further develop the cruiseship business, and the establishment of a “regional academy” so as to have people specailizing in products of the region.

Other issues discussed at the meeting are as follows:

– to carry out the audit of the region;
– the setting up of a meeting for tour operators of the region, which will be held on September 15 in Mauritius;
– announcement of the agreement for a joint project for the next Top Resa trade fair in France in September; and
– a meeting in Seychelles from October 19-22 for the endorsement of the plan for the Indian Ocean Economic Forum.

Alain St.Ange, the CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board, said on his return to Seychelles that the idea of a label for the Indian Ocean islands was a must in this globalized world. “We all need to be proud of our region and then to push that region to ensure that the strengths and unique selling points of each of our islands are put forward in our bid to bring the Indian Ocean Islands to the minds of potential visitors. Together we are strong, and together we are not an island but part of a whole destination,” Alain St.Ange said.

Kenya to Host European Tour, a Boost for Golf Tourism

Kenya to Host European Tour, a Boost for Golf Tourism

Karen, Nairobi (Kenya) – January 28, 2019 ( – The Kenya Open Golf Tournament, with prize money totalling Euro 1.1 (Ksh 126 million), is now part of the European Tour. Top Golfers from all over the world will play it out at Karen Country Club between 14 and 17 of March for the biggest Prize Kitty in East Africa. Live international TV coverage on all the four tournament days will make the Kenya Open a great promotion for Kenya as a superb Golf Destination.

Tobs Kenya Golf Safaris, Travel & Events – since 1991 – has developed a promotion around the Kenya Open to order to improve overseas interest for Kenya as a superb Golf Destination even more.

The “Watch and Play” Golf Package offers golfers globally the opportunity to watch the inaugural European Tour Event at Karen Country Club and tee off at Muthaiga, Limuru or Sigona Golf Clubs or play a round at Vet Lab Sports Club before and after the tournament. This attractive package cost around US $1000 per person and includes 5 nights in the new luxurious Trademark Hotel, a season ticket for entry to the tournament on all 4 days, tee times and all transfers.

Paul Carrigill, European Tour Tournament Director said: “We have national and international television this year live on all the four tournament days, that will make a massive difference and a great advert for Kenya. Kenya will be seen on the TV screen and the beautiful scenes here at the Karen Country Club will be passed around the world for everyone to see with the tournament being watched across the world by millions of viewers.”
He added: “The total prize money for this year’s tournament will be Sh126 million (1.1 million Euros); a move expected to attract the interest of top golfers from around the world.”

Tobs’ Kenya Open “Watch & Play” Package is promoted globally to all 2750 members of the International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO), on , on Facebook, as well as through an email campaign to Golfers in Africa.

10 years ago, Kenya won IAGTO’s prestigious Award for the Best Undiscovered Golf Destination, while Tobs Kenya won last year’s Africa’s Best Golf Tour Operator Award. The Kenya Open as part of The European Tour is another recognition that Kenya is
a true quality Golf Destination.

Tobs Cohen hopes that the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) capitalizes on this event and develops a five-year golf marketing plan, including strategy and budget. Kenya should be on the map as a World Class Golf Tourism Destination, as big revenue for Kenya can be generated from the golf tourism market.

He said: “South Africa gets 100.000 golfing tourists per year, while Thailand, Spain and Portugal receive more than 750.000 golfing tourists each. Kenya has the potential to attract at least 50.000 golfers yearly, if marketed properly. In combination with the award winning Masai Mara, super white sand beaches, a friendly English-speaking population, excellent weather the whole year-round, Kenya can do so much more to get its share in this very lucrative niche of the tourism industry.”

IAGTO’s membership comprises 2753 accredited golf tour operators, golf resorts, hotels, golf courses, receptive operators, airlines, tourist boards, approved media and business partners in 106 countries including, at its core, 703 specialist golf tour operators in 65 countries.

Tobs Kenya Golf Safaris, registered as a company in 1991, is a Specialized Golf Tour Operator organizing Golf Safaris into Kenya, Golf Travel Experiences around the world and luxurious Golf Events. The largest golf event the company has organized in Kenya is the Kenya Golf Trophy.

For more information, contact
Tobs Cohen
Tobs Kenya Golf Safaris, Travel & Events

Chinese New Year Festivities at Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel

Chinese New Year Festivities at Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel

Bangkok (Thailand) – January 25, 2019 ( – Welcome the Year of The Pig in style at Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel. Bring family and friends for truly scrumptious dining experiences with various offers across our award-winning restaurants. Dramatic Lion Dance shows on 5 February signify the good fortune and prosperity coming to you and your family this year.

Chinese Oriental buffet dinner at Madison and Aqua 5 February 2019, from 6.00 pm – 10.30 pm – Indulge in a spectacular oriental buffet featuring a magnificent array of fresh seafood. Feast on oriental specialities such as scallop with XO sauce, Peking duck, Szechuan soup, seafood, salad, Thai food and desserts. Priced at THB 1,888 ++ per person.

Shintaro 3 – 8 February 2019, from 11.30 am – 2.30 pm for lunch and 5.00 pm – 10.30 pm for dinner. Relish the delectable flavour of lobster menu, available for a limited time only. Guests can dine on “Tenbiyaki” – Teriyaki grilled whole lobster, and yuzu sea urchin cream, “Charcoal Tempura lobster with almond, lime wedge” or “Tonabe Gohan” – lobster, corn, vegetables on soya hijiki truffle butter rice, onsen egg, to name a few.

Spice Market 3 – 8 February 2019, from 6.00 pm – 10.30 pm.
Embrace family style dining this Chinese New Year at Spice Market. Tuck into special Thai delicacies such as “Grilled seafood platter”, “Pla kapong ob khamin” – baked whole sea bass with Thai herbs served with crispy garlic, fresh vegetables, and “Pla khao thord krob” – Deep-fried whole grouper. Prices start from THB 1,888++.

The Lobby 3 – 8 February 2019, from 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm.
Indulge in a special Chinese New Year afternoon tea featuring our finest gourmet savouries and sweet treats inspired by the Year of the Pig, paired with premium Mariage Fréres teas. Spend your afternoon in the blissful comfort of our plush chairs and sofas, with the gentle tinkling of a live piano as your soundtrack to the sweet and savoury delights.
– Afternoon tea buffet, Sunday 3 February 2019 *
THB 988++ per person, including two drinks of hot or cold coffee or tea
– Afternoon tea set, from 4 – 8 February 2019*
THB 888++ per set, including one drink of hot or cold coffee or tea
*(Including a glass of Ernest Rapeneau Champagne Brut Extra Aged)

Mocha & Muffins 3 – 8 February 2019, from 9.00 am – 8.00 pm
From oranges and fine wines to chocolates and cakes inspired by the Year of the Pig, Mocha & Muffins offer thoughtful and auspicious gift ideas for your loved ones and families. Anantara Siam’s Chinese New Year hampers offer treats of all sizes and tastes.

Chinese New Year Sunday Brunch 10 February 2019, from 11.30 am – 3.00 pm
Begin the Year of the Pig with a spectacular Chinese New Year Sunday Brunch. Savour Chinese delicacies and favourites from live cooking stations. Raise a glass of sparkling wine or Champagne. Marvel at the live entertainment in the spirit of the season.
– Chinese New Year Sunday Brunch including free flow soft beverages juices, mocktails – THB 2,888++ per person
– Sparkling Wine package including free flow sparkling wine, as well as house red and white, beers, house spirits, juices, soft beverages – THB 3,288++ per person
– Billecart-Salmon Champagne package including free flow Billecart-Salmon champagne , as well as house red and white, beers, house spirits, juices, soft beverages – THB 4,188++ per person

Prices are subject to 10% service charge and 7% government tax

Reserve your Chinese New Year experience at any one of our restaurants now by calling 0 2126 8866 Ext. 1201 or email: website

Ethiopian Airlines to Restructure Entire U.S. Network

Ethiopian Airlines to Restructure Entire U.S. Network

Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) – January 25, 2019 ( – Ethiopian Airlines, the largest Aviation Group in Africa and SKYTRAX certified 4-Star global airline, is pleased to announce that it will restructure its U.S. network, adding frequencies and shifting gateways as of the summer of 2019. The new U.S. network is aimed at giving passengers travelling between the U.S. and all over Africa the best possible connectivity and shortest routes, whether they are traveling for leisure, business or government work.

Accordingly, Washington D.C. flights will be increased from current daily to ten weekly flights. The new additional three flights will pass thru Abidjan with service continuing on to Addis Ababa. The current three weekly flights to Chicago will be increased to five weekly flights. From the planned daily flights from the New York area to Addis Ababa, four will be served via Lomé from Newark and three will be via Abidjan from JFK Airport. Lastly, there will be a new gateway, Houston, which will replace Los Angeles, and will operate three times per week to Addis Ababa via West Africa. The new Houston flights will be the only connection between Houston and Africa and will facilitate the travel of the huge African community in the Houston area, as well as oil and other companies doing business in the continent. Flights will be served with latest technology aircraft, the Boeing 787, which offers unparalleled on-board comfort.

Regarding the route restructuring, Group CEO of Ethiopian Airlines, Mr. Tewolde GebreMariam, remarked, “The U.S. is among our most important markets owing to the presence of a large African community and growing business and tourism ties with Africa. Our new route structure with additional frequencies to multiple gateways and the opening of the new route to Houston are aimed at responding to the market demand and availing the best possible connectivity to over 60 African destinations.

On board our flights, our customers will continue to enjoy our premium and award-winning service on the most technologically advanced commercial aircraft, the Boeing 787. In line with our Vision 2025 strategic roadmap, we will keep on expanding our U.S. and African network so as to facilitate people-to-people ties and the flow of investment, trade and tourism.”

Further details regarding start dates and timetables for the new services will be forthcoming.

Africa’s leading carrier, Ethiopian Airlines, has been expanding its international destinations which have now reached more than 119. Manchester, Moscow and Mogadishu are just some of the new destinations the airline launched recently.

About Ethiopian
Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopian) is the fastest growing Airline in Africa. In its seventy plus years of operation, Ethiopian has become one of the continent’s leading carriers, unrivaled in efficiency and operational success.

Ethiopian commands the lion’s share of the Pan-African passenger and cargo network operating the youngest and most modern fleet to more than 119 international passenger and cargo destinations across five continents. Ethiopian fleet includes ultra-modern and environmentally friendly aircraft such as Airbus A350, Boeing 787-8, Boeing 787-9, Boeing 777-300ER, Boeing 777-200LR, Boeing 777-200 Freighter, Bombardier Q-400 double cabin with an average fleet age of five years. In fact, Ethiopian is the first airline in Africa to own and operate these aircraft. Ethiopian is currently implementing a 15-year strategic plan called Vision 2025 that will see it become the leading aviation group in Africa with Six business centers: Ethiopian International Services; Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Services; Ethiopian MRO Services; Ethiopian Aviation Academy; Ethiopian ADD Hub Ground Services and Ethiopian Airports Services. Ethiopian is a multi-award winning airline registering an average growth of 25% in the past seven years.

For more information about this press release, please contact or:
Mr. Asrat Begashaw
Manager Corporate Communications, Ethiopian Airlines
Tel 🙁 251-1)517-89-07/656/165/913/529

Crossroads Maldives Redefines the Islands Vacation Experience

Crossroads Maldives Redefines the Islands Vacation Experience

Male (Maldives) – January 26, 2019 ( – Ask most people what images the Maldives conjures and chances are its cerulean seas, palm-fringed bays and overwater villas will top the bill. The Indian Ocean archipelago is also often described as the holiday destination of a lifetime — a kind reference to its reputation as an ultra-luxury bolthole that is considered beyond the reach of many travellers.

A brand-new development is, however, redefining this perception. By reviving the islands’ rich history as a meeting point for people from all walks of life, Crossroads Maldives is set to introduce the one-time exclusive Maldivian experience to a new generation of 21st-century explorers.

Book your luxury resort in the Maldives at Crossroads, Hilton or Hardrock and around the world at best rates available. Pay at the hotel. Book now at and Earn HolidayClicks Points for every dollar spend!

Managed by S Hotels & Resorts, the hospitality arm of Singha Estate Public Company Limited, the Maldives’ first “one-stop, non-stop” lifestyle destination comprises iconic oceanfront resorts, upscale lifestyle outlets and entertainment offerings, as well as the stunning natural, cultural and nautical attractions.

Offering travellers a wholly original resort experience on the tropical archipelago is the Maldives debut of the world-renowned Hard Rock Hotel brand and the first Curio Collection by Hilton property in the Maldives. The 178-key Hard Rock Hotel Maldives will feature family suites, beach villas and one and two-bedroom overwater villas complete with stunning views, infinity pools and legendary amenities, while SAii Lagoon Maldives, Curio Collection by Hilton caters to couples, families and friends in search of a playful destination getaway with its 198 guestrooms and stunning variety of villas.

The resorts, scheduled to welcome their first guests in June 2019, command dedicated islands, both of which offer direct access to the array of leisure and lifestyle options at The Marina @ Crossroads, the centrepiece — and heartbeat — of the development.

“Only fifteen minutes by boat from Malé International Airport, the lifestyle island combines world-renowned restaurants and retail outlets with cultural activities, an iconic beach club and leading-edge events hall — all centred around the eponymous luxury yacht marina,” says Martin van der Reijden, Vice President of Operations, Crossroads Maldives.

Many of the retail outlets and restaurants at The Marina at Crossroads are located along the expansive, breezy boardwalk, including the culinary delights of Sri Lankan chef Dharshan Munidasa’s Ministry of Crab and Nihonbashi, both of which are listed in Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants list 2018. The island really comes to life as the sun plunges into the Indian Ocean. From the live sounds of Hard Rock Cafe to the laid-back beats at the iconic Café del Mar beach club – both firsts for the Maldives – a day at The Marina @ Crossroads caters to all tastes.

>From international cuisine to local culture, a considerable onus is placed on promoting the Maldives’ heritage. At the Maldives Discovery Centre, visitors are given a window into the world of their host nation and its inhabitants that aims to enlightening guests on the history, handicrafts time-honoured traditions that have shaped the islands over the centuries.

Local culture also plays a key role in the design and style throughout the Crossroads Maldives development. Designed with an eye towards days gone by, and mindful of the natural environment, Crossroads Maldives, much like the archipelago’s history, showcases a rich tapestry of colourful and cultural influences.

Book your luxury resort in the Maldives at Crossroads, Hilton or Hardrock and around the world at best rates available. Pay at the hotel. Book now at and Earn HolidayClicks Points for every dollar spend!

“The references of the far-flung cultures that for centuries traded in Maldives have been tastefully mixed with local identity and seafaring flair to shape the playful design philosophy at Crossroads Maldives,” says Dirk De Cuyper, Chief Hospitality Officer, S Hotels & Resorts. “We’ve looked at the past to present our vision of the future of tourism in the Maldives; a future that will focus on inclusivity, accessibility and sustainability.”

The sustainable practices however go beyond action to incorporate education, which is where Marine Discovery Centre plays such a vital role. Located within The Marina @ Crossroads, the Marine Discovery Centre aims to educate and inspire both the local community and resort guests on how they can make a difference. Experts will educate visitors on the diversity of local marine flora, fauna and wildlife, and the latest coral propagation programmes, including coral transplantation activities and the ‘3R concept’: Recruit, Rehabilitation, Release.

“To truly understand the Maldives is to understand the sheer significance of the sea; how it has shaped the archipelago and will continue to do so long after we have gone,” adds Dirk De Cuyper. “To underestimate our impact would be to jeopardise the future of the marine life and local communities.”

About S Hotels & Resorts
S Hotels & Resorts, a subsidiary of Singha Estate Public Company Limited, is a new era Thai-inspired personalized hospitality brand that caters to upscale travelers with an independent spirit. The group offers guests a portfolio of 39 properties in 5 countries with a total of 4,647 keys and provides guests with the opportunity to experience the best destinations from a unique perspective while enjoying world class facilities and tailored services. S Hotels & Resorts’ properties are located in attractive, unspoiled locales to provide an exclusive playground built around nature, culture, wellness and adventure, with a generous helping of creature comforts and fine cuisine. Each property boasts its own distinctive, destination sensitive designs and unique signatures while also providing consistency thanks to a well-defined brand philosophy and a service culture that focuses on exceptional guest experiences backed up by Thai-inspired hospitality and global quality standards.

About Crossroads Maldives
Crossroads is the first and largest integrated tourist destination in the Maldives. The development will offer an extensive array of attractions for visitors, including Hard Rock Cafe; Café Del Mar, a 30-berth luxury marina; extensive retail, food and beverage outlets; a Maldives Discovery Centre supporting local arts and crafts, a Marine Discovery Centre, a multi-purpose event venue and a junior beach club.