World Tourism Day 2020 – Official Message by the UN Secretary-General

World Tourism Day 2020 – Official Message by the UN Secretary-General

New York City, NY, USA, September 27, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / In the 40 years since the very first World Tourism Day, much has changed. Demand for travel has soared. The world has opened up, allowing more people than ever to explore the globe and its different cultures.

Today, tourism is firmly established in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as an engine for advancing prosperity, protecting our planet and laying the foundations for peace and understanding among peoples.

Many millions of people around the world rely on tourism for income, especially women and young people.  People who might otherwise have been left behind have found decent work and the chance of a better life thanks to tourism’s unique potential.

Tourism has suffered enormously during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Some 120 million jobs are at risk.  The impacts could lead to the loss of between 1.5 and 2.8 per cent of the global GDP.  This will particularly affect the most vulnerable countries, including Small Island Developing States, the Least Developed Countries and many African nations, where tourism can represent between 30 and 80 per cent of exports.

As we look to recover from this profound crisis, the safe restart of tourism is essential, not least for rural development – the focus of this year’s World Tourism Day.  We have an unprecedented opportunity to transform the relationship of the tourism sector with people, nature, the climate and the economy.  We must ensure a fair distribution of its benefits and advance the transition to a carbon-neutral and resilient tourism economy,

As well as providing opportunities for people, tourism can play an important role in preserving our unique and shared cultures and protecting the biodiversity and the ecosystems that sustain us.

In this most challenging year, let us focus on tourism’s importance for people living in rural areas, so we can deliver on the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals to leave nobody behind.

Embrace Circular Economy or We Will Miss Paris Climate Goals

Embrace Circular Economy or We Will Miss Paris Climate Goals

The Hague, Netherlands, September 26, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / As political leaders seek to engage the private sector in making the European Union’s $1 trillion Green Deal initiative a reality, the focus should be on the whole circular economy, not just one sector.

“We need to look beyond energy if we want to attain the Paris Agreement goals,” said Stientje van Veldhoven, Minister for the Environment of the Netherlands, in her address today to the World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Development Impact Summit.

The minister pointed to a recent study by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation which reported that 45% of CO2 emissions are related to the production of goods and food. “We really need to link climate change and the circular economy because if we don’t, we’re not just neglecting half of the problem, we’re also neglecting half of the solution,” she said.

A focus on the circular economy offers much “low-hanging fruit” in the form of unnecessary waste and costs. “This is a great agenda to work on with industry,” she said. “It’s a very optimistic agenda…a lot can be done and we can manage this.”

The political legitimacy to take action on climate change has been enhanced by the rise of green parties across the European Union. Arancha Gonzalez Laya, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain, said: “What we now need is to accelerate this movement…in the form of the European Green Deal and use the recovery post-COVID to accelerate the change.”

She laid out the concrete steps to make this happen: legislating the plan; setting clear indicators to measure progress; generating the investment needed; and ensuring the transition to a greener Europe is inclusive, leaving no citizen behind. Working with the private sector is, she said, “essential in achieving this goal”.

AXA, the insurance giant, plans to shift $24 billion of its investments into green bonds by 2023, said Thomas Buberl, the company’s chief executive officer. He pointed out that AXA was the first large insurer to divest from coal but called for more clarity on how “green” is defined. “The criteria for what is green and what is not green needs to be rock solid and well-defined – there is still some work to be done,” he said.

Buberl questioned the European Commission’s silo approach to developing its green taxonomy and called for a new dialogue between business and government so companies can provide input very early in the process to ensure regulation heads in the right direction. He suggested that public and private sectors should co-develop standards and rules rather than the traditional, slow “proposal-feedback process”.

He contrasted the European Green Deal favourably with previous efforts to encourage green growth based on tax and production subsidies. “This new plan very much focuses on investment,” he said. “We are combining economic growth and decarbonization through investment – this is very important.”

Session participants explored how to turn the European Green Deal’s goals into action. These included the importance of encouraging the public to use new, green technologies as consumers need to change their behaviour as well as businesses. On top of incentivizing people to shift to more carbon-neutral choices, governments and companies need to invest in reskilling citizens for new jobs in the green economy. Small and medium-size enterprises generate 30%-40% of innovations but lack access to finance – and the Green Deal should channel more capital towards SMEs.

Europe needs to agree on a price for carbon and SwissRe’s working assumption is $100 per tonne. Standards, disclosures and metrics need more harmonization, and there needs to be more transparency around which products can be defined as green. The oil sector called for some recognition that their transition is not an overnight process – green bonds need to be supplemented by products and a taxonomy that encourage a transition in the right direction. Decarbonization is not the only goal requiring financing – natural capital also needs attention and infrastructure projects must be viewed through a green lens.

About the Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2020

The fourth World Economic Forum Sustainable Development Impact Summit comes at a time unlike any other. Under the theme, Realizing a Great Reset for Sustainable Development, this year’s summit brings together more than 3,800 leaders from government, business and civil society. From more than 141 countries, voices at the cutting edge of sustainable development are meeting virtually for the first time. They will share new perspectives to initiate, accelerate and scale-up entrepreneurial solutions that advance the Sustainable Development Goals and tackle climate change.

SUNx Malta Launches Climate Friendly Travel Registry

SUNx Malta Launches Climate Friendly Travel Registry

New York City, NY, USA, September 26, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / During the Climate Week NYC and in the side-lines of UN General Assembly, SUNx Malta launched a Climate Friendly Travel Registry for 2050 Climate Neutral & Sustainability Ambitions in partnership with the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), and Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA).

The idea of a Climate Neutral 2050 Ambitions Registry was built into the Paris 2015 Agreement, as a way for Parties to transparently declare and progressively increase their Carbon reduction ambitions through 2050, so as to secure global temperature stabilized at tolerable levels for human survival.

As a transformation catalyst this Registry will be open to all Travel & Tourism companies and communities, whether they have created a 2050 Carbon Neutral Ambition yet. It will cover transport, hospitality, travel services and infrastructure providers – from the smallest to the largest, anywhere in the world. It will also be a conduit to the mainstream UN Climate Action Portal.

Malta’s Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection, Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli, opened the event by saying:

“It is with great pleasure that I want to announce here today, the launch of the SUNx Malta Climate friendly Travel Registry – linked to the UN Climate Action Portal. This is another important building block in Malta’s commitment to support the Travel & Tourism sector in the battle against existential Climate Change. It places our nation in the forefront of transformation for this economically vital sector to become low carbon: SDG linked for 2030 and on the Paris 1.5o trajectory for 2050.

And in that context, we are very pleased to welcome as launch partners the important World Travel and Tourism Council WTTC as an industry leader, and Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) as a destination leader. It is good that we share a common vision for a greener, cleaner future.

This launch is also very much in line with the EU Green Deal and the recent call by the UN Secretary General for post Covid-19 Tourism to be Climate Friendly.

Finally, it extends Malta’s proud tradition of being a global Registry for Shipping, into the Tourism sector, which is so important to our long-term Sustainable Development and that of the international community at large.”

Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC said:

“The Travel and Tourism industry has an enormous role to play and can have, through its actions, positive impacts.

As the U.N. Secretary General said: “It is imperative that we rebuild the Tourism sector in a “safe, equitable and Climate Friendly” manner and so “ensure Tourism regains its position as a provider of decent jobs, stable incomes and the protection of our cultural and natural heritage”.

To put it bluntly: this industry is being forced to change right now. But this also opens the opportunity to do things better — more sustainably.”

Gloria Guevara, WTTC President & CEO, said:

“We are delighted to be partnering with SUNx Malta and Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association on this incredibly important initiative. Sustainable growth is one of our key priorities, and our Members care deeply about Climate Change and sustainability issues.

As the body which represents the global Travel & Tourism private sector, we are committed to supporting the sector in developing ambitious climate strategies, and this time last year, during the first Travel & Tourism Climate & Environment Action Forum in New York, we revealed our sustainability action plan to lead the Travel & Tourism sector, which included our ambition for the sector to be climate neutral by 2050.

We would also like to take this opportunity to applaud and thank the Government of Malta, which has been a leader on climate resilience, for its continued support.”

“There is no greater threat to humanity than the climate crisis and now is the time for the Travel and Tourism sector and communities to take transformative action,” said Glenn Mandziuk, President and CEO of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association. “As part of our commitment to responsible and sustainable tourism, we are honoured to align with SUNx Malta as a launch partner for the Climate Friendly Travel Registry for 2050.”

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, President SUNx Malta said:

“SUNx Malta is proud to deliver this Climate Friendly Travel Registry, to help our sector deliver in the mainstream UN Climate & Sustainability Agenda, and we are grateful to the Government of Malta for their strategic vision and encouragement. It will be a vital support tool in the long-term transformation to cleaner and greener Travel & Tourism companies and communities. It will also help them to stay on track as they shift from aspiration to performance, in linking to the relevant Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Climate 1.5 trajectory, as well as meeting the intensifying regulatory framework.”

The Strong Universal Network SUNx is a global Travel & Tourism Climate Response system, designed to act as a catalyst for the sector to develop Climate Friendly Travel – Paris 1.5 and SDG linked: and a conduit to the UNFCCC driven New Climate Economy. Operating globally from Malta, with a Registry of Climate Neutral Ambitions; a Climate Friendly Travel Diploma and an SDG17 led Climate Champions outreach program. Established as legacy to Maurice Strong, Climate Activist and Sustainable Development Pioneer. In 2019, through a partnership with Malta’s Ministry for Tourism and Consumer Protection, and Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) SUNx Malta was created to establish Malta as a Global Centre for Climate Friendly Travel.

UNWTO supports EBRD’s Web Tool for Green Technologies

UNWTO supports EBRD’s Web Tool for Green Technologies

Madrid, Spain, September 26, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / The EBRD and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) are joining forces to promote sustainable tourism, accelerate the transfer of climate finance and make green technologies more accessible for the tourism sector through the Bank’s online shopping-style platform Green Technology Selector.

More than 26,000 green technologies available

  • Hotels and hospitality businesses to benefit from access to green technologies
  • Green Technology Selector identifies more than 26,000 green technologies
  • EBRD and UNWTO promote the delivery of climate finance in the tourism sector

The coronavirus crisis has had a massive impact on the tourism sector. The priority now is to support the recovery of the sector, which supports many millions of jobs globally and has become an established pillar of sustainable development. The EBRD and UNTWO are currently working on driving sustainable recovery for tourism worldwide. Although the crisis is far from over, there is growing awareness of the need to set a direction for a greener tourism sector in the future.

All the latest UNWTO News and Announcements

With the objective of advancing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, UNWTO supports the EBRD’s Green Technology Selector, which can complement existing UNWTO’s online resource efficiency tools such Hotel Energy Solutions (HES) or the ambitious Nearly Zero Energy Hotels (neZEH). The EBRD’s Green Technology Selector is an online shopping-style platform that lists best-in-class technologies from manufacturers around the world.

The hospitality industry and businesses servicing the tourism sector are able to access the Green Technology Selector to find more than 26,000 green technologies that benefit from EBRD support –from the EBRD’s Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF), the Green Trade Facilitation Programme (Green TFP) and the Finance and Technology Transfer Centre for Climate Change programme (FINTECC).

Possible investments will improve energy efficiency, provide renewable energy and reduce water and resource use. They can include energy-efficient windows and doors, thermal insulation, lighting, construction equipment and machinery, photovoltaic solar panels and geothermal heat pumps.

Vlaho Kojakovic, EBRD Director, Property & Tourism said: “Buildings account for approximately 40 per cent of the global energy use. This estimate can be even higher for the hospitality sector, which offers great potential for boosting resource and energy efficiency, and reducing its carbon footprint. We are delighted to continue our cooperation with UNWTO and support the tourism sector through the challenging times of the coronavirus pandemic. Looking beyond the crisis we believe that the EBRD’s Green Technology Selector will help deliver a more energy efficient tourism sector in the years to come.”

The Green Technology Selector will accelerate the delivery of climate finance under GEFF and other financial instruments of the EBRD with the support of international donors and partners such as the European Union (EU), the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Climate Investment Fund (CIF).

The EBRD developed the Green Technology Selector under the GEFF programme with the support of donor funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.

The EBRD and UNWTO are longstanding partners. In 2019, the two institutions renewed their strong commitment and signed an agreement in the framework of the EBRD’s support of inclusive and sustainable tourism in the economies where the Bank invests, particularly in the southern and eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) region and the Western Balkans.

Thailand Golf, What Expats and International Visitors Really Think

Thailand Golf, What Expats and International Visitors Really Think

Bangkok, Thailand, September 24, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / With all the recent discussions on whether Thai caddies should be compulsory, well over 2/3rds of golfers polled in thaivisa’s Golf in Thailand Survey just published, actually agreed that Caddies do enhance their round of golf.

Golf had to take a step back at the start of the global pandemic, but now people are realizing that being out in the fresh air is not only a lot safer than staying at home, but also provides great exercise while still adhering to social distancing.

Over the past few weeks, thaivisa’s Golf in Thailand forum, have been conducting their own major survey, which has provided them with a current snapshot of golf across the country. The survey is published today on line. Over 472 golfers who regularly play their golf in Thailand, took part in this independent survey, which was held over three weeks September 2020.

The good news for local courses, was that 37% agreed that they would still take up club membership, which confirms loyalty to their golf clubs.

54% confirmed that the regularly tipped their caddie between 300-500 Thai Baht, roughly between US$10-15 a round.

Before the pandemic over 48% polled said they played golf at least six times a month, and another 28% played at least three times.

A Countrywide Concern

Perhaps of more concern to Thailand’s golf industry however, was that 67% polled had noticed that golf clubs were charging different rates for locals and foreigners. And a further 52% agreed that golf in Thailand was more expensive than elsewhere.

Golf in Thailand has received over 85,000 views since its launch in mid-July. It provides online information, local and international news, promotions and offers, and has over 140 of the top courses listed with comments and reviews from golfers here and overseas.

Mike Bridge the Forums creator said, ‘Thailand is the most popular golfing destination in Asia, so we wanted to create an online source to help provide expat golfers resident here in Thailand up to date information on prices, course conditions and reviews.

Naturally once the country re opens its borders, Golf in Thailand will also become the No1 source for golf vacationers wanting to play golf in the land of the smiles.”

Best Western Introduces New Era of Midscale Hospitality in Pattaya

Best Western Introduces New Era of Midscale Hospitality in Pattaya

Pattaya, Thailand, September 23, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / Best Western Hotels and Resorts expansion in Thailand has taken a significant stride forward with the opening of Best Western Plus Nexen. The property is the brand’s first hotel in Pattaya, the vibrant seafront city on the country’s rapidly emerging Eastern Seaboard.

Slated to open on October 1, 2020, Best Western Plus Nexen is a stylish new midscale hotel nestled in the Naklua district of Pattaya. Ideal for both corporate and leisure travelers, the hotel is located within a short distance to the beach and business centers, as well as impressive attractions such as major shopping malls, championship golf courses and world-class water parks.

The hotel’s 164 contemporary rooms and suites are fully equipped with comfortable beds, spacious bathrooms with power showers, flat-screen smart TVs, mini-bars, working desks with universal power sockets and USB ports. The outdoor swimming pool, children’s pool and fitness center allow guests to unwind, while business services are available in the lobby.

XSO Kitchen, the bright and inviting onsite restaurant, serves delicious Thai and international cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner, while Exe Bar promises refreshing drinks and scrumptious snacks throughout the day, and cool libations after dark – perfect for catching up with friends, family and colleagues.

“We are delighted to introduce Best Western’s trusted brand and service standards to Pattaya, one the most essential cities in Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard. Just a short drive from Bangkok and home to a wealth of activities, this seafront city is a great option for weekend breaks and extended vacations. With the industrial zones just a short drive away, this is also a great option for business travelers. We look forward to introducing this outstanding new hotel to all guests, and ushering in a new era of hospitality in this exciting area,” said Olivier Berrivin, Managing Director of International Operations – Asia.

The city of Pattaya is only two hours’ drive from downtown Bangkok, 1.5 hours from Suvarnabhumi Airport, and about 40 minutes’ drive from the expanding U-Tapao International Airport. The area will also soon be connected by a new high-speed rail link.

To cater for the rising demand for accommodation in this up-and-coming region, Best Western is planning to launch a series of new properties under three distinct brands. Following the opening of Best Western Plus Nexen, Bluphere, BW Premier Collection by Best Western and Best Western Premier Bayphere Pattaya are on track to make their debuts at the end of 2020.

Thailand is a key strategic market for Best Western Hotels & Resorts. The company currently operates 14 hotels and resorts in key destinations across the kingdom, including Bangkok, Phuket and Chiang Mai, as well as emerging locations such as Buriram, and Prachinburi, with many more to follow.

For more information about Best Western Hotels & Resorts in Asia, please visit

About Best Western Hotels and Resorts:
Best Western Hotels & Resorts headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, is a privately held hotel brand within the BWH Hotel Group® global network. With 18 brands and approximately 4,700 hotels in over 100 countries and territories worldwide*, BWH Hotel Group suits the needs of developers and guests in every market. Brands include Best Western®, Best Western Plus®, Best Western Premier®, Executive Residency by Best Western®, Vīb®, GLō®, Aiden®, Sadie®, BW Premier Collection® and BW Signature Collection®. Through acquisition, WorldHotelsTM Luxury, WorldHotels Elite, WorldHotels Distinctive and WorldHotels Crafted collections are also offered. Completing the portfolio is SureStay®, SureStay Plus®, SureStay Collection® and SureStay StudioSM franchises.**

* Numbers are approximate, may fluctuate, and include hotels currently in the development pipeline.
**All Best Western, WorldHotels and SureStay branded hotels are independently owned and operated.

Secretary-General of GTEF, Pansy Ho Gives Keynote at 2020 Sino-European Entrepreneurs Summit

Secretary-General of GTEF, Pansy Ho Gives Keynote at 2020 Sino-European Entrepreneurs Summit

Macao, Macao SAR, September 25, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / Vice-Chairman and Secretary-General of the Global Tourism Economy Forum, Pansy Ho gave a virtual keynote at 2020 Sino-European Entrepreneurs Summit: Qingdao Forum (SEES Qingdao). SEES Qingdao is hosted by the Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation (SIEF) and the Qingdao Municipal People’s Government to promote mutual learning and trust between Chinese and international business leaders. Additional speakers for the event include: Long Yongtu, Co-Chairman of SIEF, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Co-Chairman of SIEF, Gordon Brown, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Co-Chair of SIEF,  and Qian Jiannong, Executive Director of Fosun Tourism & Commercial Group, among others.

Vice-Chairman and Secretary-General of the Global Tourism Economy Forum, Pansy Ho Gives Virtual Keynote at 2020 Sino-European Entrepreneurs Summit: Qingdao Forum, Affirming the Complementary Advantages of Sino-European Cooperation; Injecting Positive Energy into the Global Economy.

“Trans-Eurasia Logistics” Unaffected by the Pandemic
The event took on the theme “New Developments, New Opportunities, and New Economy: Co-Building a Belt and Road Platform for International Partnership” and brought to the stage Chinese and international leaders to share visionary insights into new opportunities in the post-pandemic economy.  Vice-Chairman and Secretary-General of the Global Tourism Economy Forum, Pansy Ho expressed, “According to 2019 data, the combined economies of China and Europe amounts to one-third of the global economy; the forecast for the two in 2024 will likely be greater than one-third. It’s evident that an increase in Sino-European cooperation can not only have complementary advantages to each other’s economy, but it can also inject positive energy into the global economy.”

The launch and success of the Trans-Eurasia Logistics is a prime example of how One Belt One Road has mutually benefited economic development for China and Europe. She states, “The Trans-Eurasia Logistics was not affected by the stall in global supply chain as a result of COVID-19 implications, in which many countries are still feeling its effects. In fact, its total amount of goods shipped increased by 41% compared to the same period the year before. This Steel Silk Road has paved a smooth and wide path for not only the efforts to combat the virus but also Sino-European cooperation moving forward.”

This year marks the 45th anniversary of China-EU relations; she cited President Xi Jinping’s speech during the 22nd China-EU Summit held in June of this year, “As two major economies, China and the EU should play the role of ‘dual engine’ of the world economy and drive the recovery of the global economy.” She also looks forward to actively promote cross-border, cross-cultural, and cross-industry communication to stimulate international trade coordination and cooperation through the international NGO, Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation.

Macao: A Bridge for Sino-Europe Connection
In regards to Macao’s contribution towards Sino-Europe cooperation, Pansy Ho further pointed out that Macao’s GTEF is “a platform that has deepened and strengthened the cooperation of Chinese and European tourism industries. Since 2012, GTEF has received Spain, Portugal, France, the EU, and the 16 Central Eastern European Countries (CEECs), as well as Italy to be its Partner Country or Partner Region. GTEF acted as a platform to promote European tourism resources and investment opportunities to Chinese and global leaders from various sectors. Simultaneously, GTEF also acted as a platform to promote development and investment opportunities within China, including One Belt One Road and the Greater Bay Area, etc. to the European audience.” As the Vice-Chairman and Secretary-General of the Global Tourism Economy Forum, Pansy Ho has also led many delegations to visit various countries in Europe, as well as the EU headquarters and European Parliament; the delegation has met with leaders in both the public and private sectors to promote Sino-European cooperation in the tourism sector in efforts to lead Chinese companies to go global.

About Global Tourism Economy Forum
The Global Tourism Economy Forum (GTEF) is hosted by the Macao SAR Government, in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), co-organized by the China Chamber of Tourism (TCC) under the authorization of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) and the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), and coordinated by the Global Tourism Economy Research Centre (GTERC). GTEF’s supporting units include the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR, Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Macao SAR, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), World Tourism Cities Federation (WTCF), European Travel Commission (ETC), and the Macau Chinese Enterprise Association (MCEA).

Since its inception in 2012, GTEF has successfully established itself as an influential high-level cooperation platform to promote sustainable development in the global tourism industry with a focus on China. To date, GTEF had received more than 12,700 participants from 90 countries and regions, including delegations from 152 provinces and cities of Mainland China; and 600 internationally renowned speakers who are leaders in public, private, and academic fields. GTEF has continuously received consistent and wide amount of coverage from international press and media, valued up to USD $62 million.

World Tourism Day 2020, Message from the Seychelles

World Tourism Day 2020, Message from the Seychelles

Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles, September 25, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / As the world marks yet again Tourism Day it is important for us in Seychelles to say “Happy Tourism Day” to each and every one, but to also say let us all rally to defend, protect and help consolidate this industry that remains the powerful vehicle to not only stimulate the economic growth of our countries, but that also remains the motor for social growth in the world at large.

This was the message I issued some years back and it remains as relevant today as it did then. On the 27th September we will celebrate the World Tourism Day at a time when tourism as an industry has been grounded to a halt. COVID – 19 landed in Seychelles as it did round around the world and demolished the island’s tourism industry that had been consolidated over the years by the hard work of Tourism Industry players working alongside the Government in what has been referred to as the PPP.

Our islands became the flavour for the discerning travellers and is noticed around the world, and for such accomplishment we need to thank our tourism board, the private sector trade, our hotels, our DMCs and our airlines for promoting Seychelles as a tourist destination.

The Seychelles tourism industry remains the pillar of the island’s economy. We all want to see the Seychelles tourism bloom again and to do that we know we will work with our airlines partners, our faithful tour operators from the four corners of the world and above all be innovative and proactive.

We are today proud to say that we have protected what we have been blessed with – the lush green natural landscape of our islands, our white sandy beach and our turquoise blue seas. We can be seen as good custodians of what we have and we have gone the extra mile and have now declared over 50% of the total land area of Seychelles as protected national parks. But that is just not enough because we know that our tourism industry would be on shaky ground if we did not put our culture at the centre of our tourism industry and by doing that placing our people at the very centre of our development, because without people we have no culture.

This is why on this World Tourism Day, as we all celebrate the milestones achieved in our industry, we need to say to ourselves that our people remain our greatest asset and we all need to continue to embrace them in their diversity.

May Tourism Day 2020 be for the great continent of Africa a time of reflection on the protection and preservation of our rich natural heritage and this inclusive of our people in its diversity in political affiliation, colour of the skin, religious beliefs and sexual preferences. May Tourism Day 2020 also be for the World at large a time for reflection where the ambitions of one does not step on the rights of others needing tourism as a source of economic survival.

Alain St.Ange, former Minister of Tourism, Republic of Seychelles & Presidential Candidate for October 24 Elections

UNWTO Launches Comprehensive Tourism Recovery Tracker

UNWTO Launches Comprehensive Tourism Recovery Tracker

Madrid, Spain, September 26, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / As growing numbers of countries around the world ease restrictions on travel, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has launched a new Tourism Recovery Tracker to support global tourism. This represents the latest concrete action undertaken by the United Nations specialized agency as it leads the response of global tourism and guides recovery.

All the latest UNWTO News and Announcements

The most comprehensive tourism dashboard to date, the Tracker is the result of a partnership between international organizations and the private sector. Available for free, it covers key tourism performance indicators by month, regions and subregions allowing for a real time comparison of the sector recovery across the world and industries.

All key tourism data in one place

The UNWTO Tourism Recovery Tracker compiles all the relevant data in one place, giving governments and the private businesses the ability to track the recovery of  tourism at global and regional level, alongside information on the top destinations for international tourism The tracker includes data on:

  • international tourist arrivals
  • seat capacity in international and domestic air routes,
  • air travel bookings,
  • hotel searches and bookings,
  • occupancy rates and
  • demand for short term rentals

The UNWTO Tourism Recovery Tracker is available for free and is a collaborative effort by a group of partners including the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), ForwardKeys, STR, Sojern and AIRDNA.

According to UNWTO latest World Tourism Barometer, the massive drop in international travel demand over the period January-June 2020 translates into a loss of 440 million international arrivals and about US$ 460 billion in export revenues from international tourism. This is around five times the loss in international tourism receipts recorded in 2009 amid the global economic and financial crisis.

The Tracker was announced on the back of the 112th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council, which met in person and virtually in Tbilisi, Georgia, to work together to guide the sustainable and responsible recovery of tourism from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rimba Raya Becomes First Forest Conservation Project in the World

Rimba Raya Becomes First Forest Conservation Project in the World

Borneo, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, September 23, 2020 / TRAVELINDEX / Everland llc, the agency exclusively representing InfiniteEARTH’s Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve in Borneo, is pleased to announce that Rimba Raya is the world’s first forest conservation project to independently verify its contributions to environment, biodiversity and social SDGs under the newly created Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta).

SD VISta was developed by Verra, a leading standards organization created to help countries, the private sector, and civil society to achieve ambitious sustainable development and climate action goals.

SD Vista enables projects to assess the sustainable development benefits they generate directly against the SDGs. Under SD VISta, projects must demonstrate to the satisfaction of a third-party assessor that they advance the SDGs. By successfully completing the SD Vista audit, Rimba Raya now brings a new level of quality assurance and transparency to the reporting of its project outcomes and impact claims.

Since 2009, the Rimba Raya project has successfully defended 64,500 hectares of carbon- and biodiversity-rich lowland peat forest from conversion to oil palm plantations, which surround the project area and the adjacent Tanjung Puting National Park, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Rimba Raya protects over 120 threatened and endangered species in the project area and supports over 10,000 forest-dependent community members living in and along the boundaries of the project, who have traditionally held no formal land tenure. The project has been developed and managed since inception by InfiniteEARTH, a pioneering conservation project developer.

Oil palm concessions, which completely surround Rimba Raya and Tanjung Putting and which have destroyed 2.4 million hectares of Borneo’s forests since 2000, had been granted for the entire project area before the project successfully halted them. In recognition of the project’s success in halting deforestation, it achieved verification as a REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) project, under which it has generated over 33 million tonnes of verified CO2 emissions reductions since the start of the project. These verified emissions reductions are sold to corporations which voluntarily offset their unavoidable emissions as well as support meaningful social and biodiversity co-benefits.

Among these co-benefits, SD VISta auditors have verified Rimba Raya’s numerous contributions to the SDGs, including:

  • Mangrove restoration and peat swamp reforestation: Rimba Raya has carried out significant restoration activities, providing educational opportunities, strengthening community resilience and capacity to respond to climate change, contributing to gainful employment throughout the project zone, increasing habitat for endangered species, and improving the integrity of water-related ecosystems. SD Vista auditors verified that that these activities will directly contribute to net positive impacts for SDGs 4, 13, 14, 15 and, indirectly, 6, 8 and 11.
  • Orangutan Care Facility: A portion of the revenues from the sale of the project’s carbon credits are used to fund project partner Orangutan Foundation International’s ongoing activities, including new programs for reforestation of critical orangutan habitats and acquisition of viable habitat. In addition, the project will build three new orangutan release centers and six feeding platforms at strategic locations inside the Project Area. The auditors verified that this activity will generate net positive impacts for SDGs 11 and 15.
  • Scholarships: A portion of the revenue from the sale of the project’s carbon credits goes toward educational scholarships, to create opportunities for students from less fortunate families to continue their education to senior high school level or equivalent for a period of 3 years. Auditors verified that these activities generate net positive impacts for SDG 4 through the increase in availability of higher education opportunities for children throughout the project zone.
  • Floating Clinic: With a total absence of health care available in the project’s remote villages, the project constructed and operates a floating clinic, giving it the ability to deliver medical services up and down the Seruyan River, effectively servicing all the communities in the Project Zone. Auditors confirmed that this activity will directly contribute to net positive impacts for SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-being.

“Buyers, now more than ever, seek projects that satisfy both environmental and social development goals. The SD VISta standard provides buyers of credits with a new standard to discern the specific impacts of a project.” said InfiniteEARTH Co-Founder Jim Procanik

“This is a crucial milestone. By completing the registration and successful verification of monitored results under SD VISta, Rimba Raya has demonstrated how projects can track progress against the SDGs in a rigorous and workable manner”, states David Antonioli, CEO of Verra. “Many corporations who rely on carbon credits to meet ambitious climate goals value knowing that the carbon credits they purchase and retire have additional benefits beyond reducing emissions – and Rimba Raya’s SD VISta certification demonstrates that this project has accomplished that.”

About the Rimba Raya Project
Rimba Raya, developed by InfiniteEARTH is the world’s largest initiative to protect High Conservation Value (HCV) tropical lowland peat swamp forests, generating significant greenhouse gas emissions reductions and protecting the endangered Borneo Orangutan. The project will generate 130m+ tonnes of Verified Emission Reductions over the 30-year life of the project.

About Everland
Everland represents the world’s largest portfolio of high-impact, forest conservation (REDD+) projects that protect wildlife and enhance the well-being of forest communities. The company brings together forest communities and corporations in a common cause to protect some of the world’s most important and vulnerable forests.

About REDD+
REDD+ is an acronym for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, a UN-envisioned climate change mitigation strategy. When REDD+ projects prove they have successfully stopped deforestation, they generate Verified Emission Reductions (VERs, aka carbon credits) that can be sold to corporations who want to voluntarily offset their unavoidable emissions by supporting verified projects that stop forests from burning while delivering meaningful social and biodiversity co-benefits.