Japan Launches Circular Economy Collaboration with World Economic Forum

Japan Launches Circular Economy Collaboration with World Economic Forum

Tokyo, Japan, March 5, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / Achieving a circular economy will require transforming policy and business. It will also require a new approach to collaboration.

To that end, the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) announced the launch of the Partnership on Circular Economy at this week’s Japan Circular Economy Roundtable hosted by the World Economic Forum.

This new partnership will bring leaders in business and government together to accelerate the circular economy in Japan. In this public-private partnership, best practices in Japan will be aggregated and disseminated to broader stakeholders within the supply chain, including consumers domestically and internationally. The partnership is expected to evolve through collaboration with the World Economic Forum’s Circular Economy Initiative.

The partnership will prompt dialogue between the public and private sector to identify focus areas, barriers and next actions towards the circular transition. The Forum will help shape the strategy and approach going forward.

Japan’s transformation will set a key example for other business and policy leaders. The country is one of the largest generators of plastic packaging waste per capita around the globe, according to the U.N. Environment program.

The Japanese government’s newly announced partnership builds on other recent initiatives to address plastics waste, such as a plastic bags charge. This year, the government also released guidance for companies to help accelerate sustainable finance and a Roadmap for Bioplastics Introduction (to promote substitution of fossil-based plastics with sustainable materials), and has drafted a new bill aimed at advancing plastic resource circulation.

“Japan is now accelerating ‘Three Transitions’ towards: a decarbonized society, a circular economy, and a decentralized society to redesign the socioeconomic system,” said Shinjiro Koizumi, Minister of the Environment, Japan.

The Roundtable – presented in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Japan – was organized by the World Economic Forum’s Circular Economy Initiative. The event, held 2-3 March, featured two days of high-level discussions exploring trends, policies and leading practices to scale circular economy ambitions.

The Roundtable was kicked off by a public livestreamed session that included the following speakers: Shinjirō Koizumi, Minister of the Environment, Japan; Stientje van Veldhoven, Minister of Environment Netherlands; Børge Brende, President and CEO, World Economic Forum; Naoko Ishii, The University of Tokyo; Masayuki Waga, CEO Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation; Tsutomu Sugimori, Vice Chair Keidanren (Japan Business Federation).

Creating a circular economy for electronics was a key area of focus at the Roundtable. That sector kept economies running during the pandemic, but as World Economic Forum research has shown, it’s also the fastest-growing waste stream. Around 54 million metric tonnes of electric waste are generated globally, with countries such as Japan, the US and China among the top five contributors.

To create new ways to manage production and consumption, the event also showcased how countries in the ASEAN region and beyond are leveraging Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. Forum initiative Scale360°, a scalable partnership model helping diverse collaborators drive circular innovation, was one of many solutions discussed.

Speakers also shared how new actions – aided by policy – were speeding the circular transition. “Government leaders are showing how new policies, collaborations and commitments can make a dramatic impact,” said Antonia Gawel, Head of Circular Economy & Innovation at the World Economic Forum. “Circularity is critical to achieving net-zero decarbonization and protecting the climate for future generations. Time is of the essence.”

About the World Economic Forum’s Circular Economy Initiative
The World Economic Forum’s Circular Economy Initiative brings together private, public, civil society and expert stakeholders to accelerate the circular transition. In these efforts, our initiative convenes experts and leaders from around the world to advance three key pillars of work-scaling Fourth Industrial Innovation impact, engaging leadership commitment, and transforming material value chains. These efforts can fast-track the shift from the current “take-make-dispose” economy and trigger true systems change.

Hospitality Innovation Planet First In-Person Tradeshow in Spain

Hospitality Innovation Planet First In-Person Tradeshow in Spain

Madrid, Spain, March 3, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / Hospitality Innovation Summit 2021 has announced the in-person celebration of the next edition that will take place this March 22nd to 24th in IFEMA – Madrid, Spain as the first big tradeshow that will take place in this country. The most innovative event for hotels and restaurants is leading the way to the in-person events industry come back. HIP2021 is pursuing with this edition a marketplace and a conference where hospitality leaders can meet to discuss new business models and benefit from a help plan to recover the industry, a plan driven by the organization of the event.

Once the epidemiological situation has improved, and after having been reunited with the leading companies in the sector, associations and stakeholders of the Horeca community, the organization has decided to celebrate HIP 2021 to promote the recovery of one of the most affected sectors by the pandemic. “The hospitality industry has struggled every day to continue operating, keeping the jobs or contributing with its taxes. For these reasons, we have prepared an unprecedented edition to recognize the work of these professionals. The new dates in March ensure the celebration of HIP with the maximum guarantees”, says Manel Bueno, director of HIP – Hospitality Innovation Planet.

In addition to all the health measures adopted by HIP organizers, which go far beyond the ones established by the national and international organisations, the conditions of the IFEMA venue also ensure a safe space for all attendees. “The ventilation of the pavilions is renewed five times every hour. Also, we have adopted extensive prevention protocols and the appropriate capacity reductions established by current regulations”, pointed out Eduardo López-Puertas, General Director of IFEMA. “With HIP, Madrid is starting again the fair and congresses season, returning an activity that is very relevant for the recovery of fundamental sectors for our economy such as tourism”, he added.

The event has the support of the Madrid City Council, the Community of Madrid and the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. “The sector has gone from wanting to meet to have a real need to meet with clients and colleagues to share their concerns, strategies to exit from this crisis and their vision for the future”, says Manel Bueno.

HIP: The plan to recover hospitality industry

HIP2021 already has more than 9,000 registered professionals from the hospitality industry that do not want to miss this unique event in which to discover strategies and the roadmap for the reactivation of their businesses. Besides, HIP has prepared an unprecedented action to help restart the hospitality business through three initiatives: a package of direct grants and promotions; more than 100 hours of strategic training through the Hospitality 4.0 Congress; and gift vouchers with 300 Euros on purchases.

During three days, HIP will become the event to promote the recovery of the hospitality industry through the latest innovations. More than 300 exhibiting firms will showcase their solutions in food and beverages, machinery, equipment, interior design, furniture, kitchenware, technology, hygiene, packaging and new concepts for any Horeca business (hotel, restaurant, bar and cafeteria, delivery, catering, leisure and social health). Leading firms such as Campofrío, Deloitte, El Tenedor, Fagor, Grosfillex, Heineken, Oms y Viñas, Pascual, Rational, Unilever Food Solutions, Winterhalter, CaixaBank, Danone, Estrella Damm, Gallina Blanca and Makro, among many others, are part of this unprecedented edition of HIP2021.

Success stories, strategies and trends for the new Horeca

HIP will also host the Hospitality 4.0 Congress, the largest global Horeca innovation congress, which will give the keys on how to face the year 2021 and discover new strategies and success stories. Entrepreneurs, hoteliers and restaurateurs will explain how they have managed to reinvent themselves and survive all the difficulties of this last very atypical year.

More than 20 summits with more than 400 experts, including Restaurant Trends, the annual meeting of restaurant chains managers organized by Marcas de Restauración, or Hotel Trends, the annual innovation summit for the hotel sector. More than 100 hours of training with an agenda designed for each professional profile and industry segment.

Speakers such as Ferran Adrià from elBulliFoundation; Raúl González, CEO of Barceló Hotels & Resorts; Simi Wang, Director of Global Sales at Keenon Robotics; Paco Pérez, chef and businessman; Carlos Miró, Managing Director Development Spain & Portugal at Hilton; Jesús Sánchez from the Cenador de Amos; o Bianca Shen, CMO of Restaurant Brands Iberia (Burger King, Popeyes and Tim Hortons), among many others, will present the keys to overcome this difficult situation and demonstrate how the hospitality sector is a resilient industry that can overcome any adversity.

The European recovery funds and the health prevention protocols will be protagonists

In addition, HIP will analyse the different tractor programs that have been designed to take advantage of the NextGenerationEU European Funds in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency and digitization. Among a lot of networking activities to find partners or establish alliances, such as the Leadership Summit, the Horeca New Business Models Awards 2021 or the Digital Gastronomy Startup Forum organized with the Basque Culinary Center.

Temperature measurement in entrances, the obligation to wear a mask during the entire stay in the venue, the control of constant capacity and supervision of keeping a safe distance by the attendees, the recommendation to use the Covid Radar App and the use of contactless technology in accesses, the interaction between visitors and exhibitors, or consultation of the congress program, are some of the health and safety measures adopted to guarantee a safe business environment for all attendees.

HIP – Horeca Professional Expo (22-24 MARCH, 2021 – IFEMA, Madrid) is the most innovative event for hospitality and restoration professionals that brings together the latest solutions, trends and business models every year in Madrid to improve the competitiveness of this industry. HIP also hosts the Hospitality 4.0 where specific agendas for each professional with the latest innovations for each segment of the industry: hotel, restaurant, bar, delivery / take away and traveller services. HIP is a collaborative event of NEBEXT – Next Business Exhibitions and IFEMA – Feria de Madrid.

WTTC Calls on EU Leadership During Tourism Minister Meeting

WTTC Calls on EU Leadership During Tourism Minister Meeting

Brussels, Belgium, March 3, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / At the EU Tourism Ministers Meeting, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) called on leadership from the EU to save the Travel & Tourism sector which has been left in ruin by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read all the latest WTTC News and Press Releases here.

During the critical meeting, Gloria Guevara, WTTC President & CEO, said: “On behalf of WTTC and our 200 members, I would like to thank the Portuguese Presidency of the EU, Commissioner Breton and all European ministers for their alignment to do everything they can to prepare for the summer season. According to our recent data, 174 million jobs have been impacted globally due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Europe alone, the most important region in the world, a staggering 23 million jobs have been impacted.

“A major issue our sector faces is that different countries have different protocols that are not integrated with one another, and the lack of international coordination. We believe that the key to recovery is to restore international mobility – and we must work together to do so. It is critical that we have a clear roadmap to resume economic activity in a safe and secure way includingrapid and cost-effective testing supported by technology through interoperable health digital passes or certificates.

“WTTC believes that while the vaccination rollouts are providing relief to the sector, vaccines should not be a requirement for travel.. Instead, we should focus on testing, mandatory mask wearing and enhanced health and hygiene measures to bring certainty and confidence. The sector also desperately needs further support from governments around the world. Without it, more businesses will collapse and many more will lose their jobs.

Read all the latest WTTC News and Press Releases here.

“We have one single request: we need to see the restoration of international mobility. We need clear rules for mobility. Europe must define protocols, so it’s clear how mobility can be safely resumed within the EU, to the EU and from the EU.

“We must replace ineffective quarantines and move from a country-based assessment to individual based assessment. Not entire populations are infected, and we must not treat them as such.”

Michelin Partners with Neoline to Achieve its Goal of Zero Co2 Emissions

Michelin Partners with Neoline to Achieve its Goal of Zero Co2 Emissions

Clermont-Ferrand, France, March 4, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / Michelin has recently signed a letter of commitment for maritime transport with Neoline, a French shipowner, on the Canada-France line. The move is considered Michelin’s significant step towards decarbonizing its logistics operations, which will greatly contribute to its ambitious goal of attaining zero CO2 emissions by 2050.

The decarbonized shipping service of Neoline, the French start-up offering innovative carbon-free shipping services, relies on clean and renewable wind energy as the main propulsion for its 136-meter-long cargo ships with 4200m2 sails. This is an innovative and unique solution, open to all shippers, which will reduce the CO2 emissions related to transatlantic maritime freight transport by 90%.

Pierre-Martin Huet, Michelin Group Supply Chain Director, said: “This new partnership marks the first step in carbon-free shipping, which is fully in line with the CSR strategy of Michelin’s operations. It will contribute to achieving the objective of reducing CO2 emissions from logistics by 15% in absolute terms between 2018 and 2030.”

Jean Zanuttini, President of NEOLINE, added: “We are honored to welcome on board the Michelin Group, an emblematic French player strongly committed to innovation and sustainable mobility. This first commitment concerns Eastbound flow (from the Americas to Europe) and comes in addition to the Westbound route (from Europe to the Americas). With our sailing cargo ships, we are developing a mode of transport that is more environmentally friendly, adapted to the current economic and logistical reality of shippers and not dependent on fossil fuels.”

This commitment signed by Michelin concerns the transport of tires loaded in containers, by sailing cargo ships from Halifax (Canada) to Saint-Nazaire – Montoir de Bretagne (France) on the pilot line opened by NEOLINE, which will also serve the archipelago of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, as well as Baltimore (USA).

NEOLINE plans to inaugurate its transatlantic line with its first operating vessel in 2023. With the arrival of a second vessel, scheduled a year later, the Michelin group will gradually entrust NEOLINE with at least 50% of the group’s containers transported on this line.

NEOLINE was founded in 2015 by a group of maritime professionals convinced of the necessary evolution of shipping towards a more responsible maritime transport. NEOLINE’s ambition is to become the first shipowner oriented towards energy sobriety, relying on main propulsion under sail. The Sogestran Group, and its subsidiary Cie Maritime Nantaise, have joined NEOLINE in 2020.

About Michelin
Michelin, the leading mobility company, is dedicated to enhancing its clients’ mobility, sustainably; designing and distributing the most suitable tires, services and solutions for its clients’ needs; providing digital services, maps and guides to help enrich trips and travels and make them unique experiences; and developing high-technology materials that serve a variety of industries. Headquartered in Clermont-Ferrand, France, Michelin is present in 170 countries, has more than 127,000 employees and operates 69 tire production facilities which together produced around 200 million tires in 2019.

Rethinking Tourism at ITB Berlin Now Convention

Rethinking Tourism at ITB Berlin Now Convention

Berlin, Germany, March 1, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / More than 200 leading international speakers representing airlines, the hotel and cruise industries as well as organisers will talk about the future of the tourism industry – Focus on marketing, destinations and sustainable travel at the global travel industry’s largest think tank – ITB CSR DAY is now a Sustainable Tourism Track – Full programme details and tickets for the virtual show are available online now

The global travel industry’s largest think tank is also attracting leading opinion-formers and visionary minds to its virtual edition. In this challenging year, the programme of the ITB Berlin NOW Convention features experienced industry figures who will discuss their views on the industry’s future with participants in the event. From 9 to 12 March 2021, under this year’s heading ’Rethink, Regenerate, Restart – Tourism for a Better Normal’, more than 200 leading speakers from the international travel industry will be having their say. Among the more than 30 CEOs are Luuc Elzinga, CEO of Tiqets, Ed Bastian, CEO of Delta Airlines, Travis Pittmann, co-founder and CEO of TourRadar, Merja Taipaleenmäki, CEO of Citynomadi Ltd, Jan Sadowsky, CEO of Green Tiny Houses, and Brad Weber, president and CEO of Gray Line Wordwide, to name but a few. Speakers from around the world from not- so-familiar brands and backgrounds will offer food for thought and an alternative focus with their commitment and clever ideas. Visitors to the virtual edition can choose between sessions on key topics such as destinations, sustainable travel, marketing and travel sales and will benefit from wide-ranging and constructive input on the latest developments in the travel industry. For exhibitors, trade visitors and the media, participation in the ITB Berlin NOW Convention is included in the price of a ticket. Full details of the programme of the ITB Berlin NOW Convention are available online.

On 9 March 2021 the speakers at the ITB Future Track will be casting their eyes to the future. Interviews with leading CEOs from every walk of the industry – including a morning keynote interview with Richard Holden, vice president, Product Management, Google – will give an up-to-the-minute and qualified view of the challenges the tourism industry is having to confront during the coronavirus pandemic. High-ranking representatives of Emirates, Air France KLM and Ryanair will have their say on the situation in the airline industry. The CEOs of the TUI Group and DER Touristik Group will each explain how tour operators can successfully emerge the crisis. Leading figures representing Hyatt, Accor and Deutsche Hospitality will outline solutions for the hotel industry. The CEOs of MSC Cruises, Celebrity Cruises and TUI Cruises will talk about the trends and challenges in the cruise market. Representatives of the Lufthansa Group will talk about aviation topics concerning the international tourism industry.

Liisa Kokkarinen, Sustainable Arctic Destination, Sustainable Travel Finland manager, Visit Finland, will talk about the comprhensive steps Finland is undertaking to become a carbon-neutral destination by 2035. Nick Careen, senior vice president, Airport Passenger Cargo and Security (APCS) IATA, Harry Sommer, CEO NCL, the Hon. Harry Theoharis, tourism minister of Greece, Virginia Messina, managing director of the WTTC, and Jose Filipe Torres, CEO of Bloom Consulting will discuss the political conditions, industry initiatives and health situation needed to help restart business after Covid-19.

Concepts and strategies for restarting business

On 10 March 2021 leading speakers at the ITB Marketing & Distribution Track will talk about the major shifts in the package tour market. In a keynote interview Nathan Blecharzyk, co-founder of Airbnb, CSO and chairman, Airbnb China, will talk about the future of his company in the face of current shifts in the tourism industry. Fabian Eberle, director of CZP Chalet Zermatt Peak, Dr. med. Jeffry Mc Cutchan, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and anxiety researcher, Erik Nissen Johansen, creative director and founder of Stylt Trampoli AB, and Jenny Southan, editor and founder of Globetrender, will examine changing attitudes in the luxury travel market and how hotel concepts can take the customer desire for attention and personal safety into account.

Together with Miguel Flecha, a VR expert from Accenture, Mateusz Mierzwinski, CEO and founder of LocalBini, Vladimir Varnavskii, founder and CEO of Vresorts, and Olaf Schlieper, innovation manager of the German National Tourism Board, will examine how VR applications can be used to promote destinations and attractions. In reply to three questions in nine minutes, Max C. Luscher, CEO Central & Northern Europe B&B Hotels will present an outlook for the budget hotel industy.

Also on 10 March 2021, a number of sessions in partnership with the German Business Travel Association (VDR) will examine how business travel can be restarted in these times of the Covid-19 pandemic. After a welcome speech by VDR general manager Hans-Ingo Biehl, the Business Travel programme will kick off with a discussion under the heading ’Business Travel: REthink, REbuild, RElevance – the Future of Meetings & Events’, which will look at the prospects for new business models, technology trends and their ramifications.

On 11 March 2021 at the ITB Destination Track, Matthias Beyer, managing director of mascontour GmbH, will explain why destination management must focus on resilience in the future. At the ITB Resilience Roundtable, Kenya’s Minister of Tourism and Wildlife the Hon. Najib Balala, Gloria Guevara Manzo, president and CEO of the WTTC, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations the Hon. Staša Košarac, and Dan Richards, CEO of Global Rescue, will talk about measures that have already been introduced, those being planned as well as their potential impact. Norbert Kettner, managing director of the Vienna Tourist Board and Miguel Angel Sanz Castedo, director general of Tourspain, will explain what has to be done to make sure tourism at a prime incoming destination like Vienna can successfully get back into gear. Participants in the discussion round including Otar Berishvili, Collective Development director of the Adjara Group, Nick Erkomaishvili, director and CEO of Explore Georgia, and John Wurderman, director of the Winery ’Peasant’s Tears’, can find out more about Georgia’s vibrant culture, from the mountain peaks to the Black Sea coast. In an interview, Patrick Andrae, co-founder and CEO of HomeToGo, will explain why he expects the holiday apartment market will continue to boom this year. Laura Meyer, CEO of Hotelplan, will highlight new destination trends and the prospects for the major source markets.

On 12 March 2021 at the ITB Berlin MICE Track presented by the Association of Event Organisers (VDVO), leading MICE industry representatives will have their say. The focus of the MICE Track at the ITB Berlin NOW Convention will be on what the new normal will look like in the meetings and events industry. Bernd Fritzges, CEO of the VDVO and Daniel Steinbichler, CEO of weframe AG, will present the ’Push’21 initiative – the next step towards better meetings’. The project not only aims to help overcome the challenges facing the events industry due to massive pandemic-related turnover losses, but to also positively shape ongoing digitalisation and the accompanying changes in event formats, for the future benefit of everyone in the market.

On 12 March 2021 at the ITB Sustainability Track, which this year replaces the ITB CSR-in-Tourism Day, the agenda will focus entirely on sustainable travel, climate protection and social responsibility. Roger Dow, president & CEO of USTravel, will look at the potential future impact of the US government’s new climate policies and on the recovery and transformation of the travel industry. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has launched a comprehensive programme with the aim of creating a more resilient and sustainable tourism environment. The measures target 16 countries which have been particularly hard-hit by the coronavirus crisis and which represent important destinations for the German travel market. Following a welcome speech by Norbert Barthle, Parlamentiary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Anna Spenceley, an international tourism expert, Volker Adams, head of Policies/Foreign Tourism at the DRV, and Petra Thomas, managing director of forum anders reisen, will report on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis in developing and threshold countries and the consequences for the German travel market.

In his keynote speech Jürgen May, managing director of 2bdifferent, will examine whether virtual events are generally more climate-friendly than in-person meetings and will explain the sustainability aspects that need to be taken into account. Euromonitor’s Sustainable Travel Index is the first sustainable travel and tourism ranking that lists 99 countries. Caroline Bremner, head of Travel Research Euromonitor, will present the leading destinations at an ITB Deep Dive Session. To obtain a list of the leading countries in the white paper directly after the lecture advance registration is required here. At an interactive panel discussion Prof. Dr. Harald Zeiss, chairman of Futouris, will invite visitors to the ITB Berlin NOW Convention to discuss what innovative strategies must be undertaken to make tourism more sustainable.

In addition to the ITB Sustainability Track, the Best Practice Responsible Tourism Track will also examine critical issues. A discussion will take place on the topic of racism and discrimination in the tourism industry with a view to finding solutions, as well as on how tourism concepts can be set up that actively involve local residents. In an interview, Portugal’s State Secretary for Tourism Rita Marques will talk about her country’s long-term recovery efforts and a climate event scheduled for May this year entitled ’A World for Travel – Evora Forum’. The panel discussion organised by ITC SheTrades will talk about female empowerment and gender equality when society rebuilds after the coronavirus crisis. Other track highlights include the launch of the 2021 Social Entrepreneurship Competition, the TO DO Award, including the Human Rights Award presented by Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung e.V., and the Celebrating Her Award of the International Institute for Peace (IIPT), which honours outstanding women in tourism.

About ITB Berlin NOW and the ITB Berlin NOW Convention
ITB Berlin NOW will take place from Tuesday, 9 to Friday, 12 March for trade visitors only and as an entirely virtual event. ITB Berlin is the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show. As part of ITB Berlin NOW, the ITB Berlin NOW Convention, the largest travel industry event of its kind, will also take place as a virtual event. The World Tourism Cities Federation (WTCF) is the co-host, Mascontour Track is the sponsor of the ITB Future Track, Google and Lufthansa are track sponsors of the ITB Marketing & Distribution Track, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is the ITB Sustainability Track partner, SIO AG is the track sponsor of the eTravel DATA TALKS and Studiosus is the session sponsor. For exhibitors, trade visitors and the media, participation in the ITB Berlin NOW Convention is included in the price of a ticket.

Delaying Restart of International Travel Will Cost UK Economy £27 billion

Delaying Restart of International Travel Will Cost UK Economy £27 billion

London, United Kingdom, March 1, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has warned that nearly £27 billion will be lost from the UK economy if the government delays restarting international travel until May 17.

The date was set by Prime Minister Boris Johnson when he unveiled the highly anticipated roadmap out of lockdown earlier this week.

According to the government’s roadmap, two households will be able to mix outdoors from March 29 and WTTC believes this should signal the restart of safe international travel.

Read all the latest WTTC News and Press Releases here.

Resuming international travel by just seven weeks earlier, to coincide the Easter holiday break, could save struggling Travel & Tourism businesses up and down the country and provide a much-needed economic boost to the economy.

WTTC, which represents the global Travel & Tourism private sector, fears delaying the revival of international travel for another seven weeks, will hasten the further slide into collapse of a sector which contributes £200 billion annually to the UK economy, and is responsible for almost four million jobs.

The loss of almost £27 billion represents a damaging daily drain to the UK economy of more than £550 million, which can be counted in lost jobs and failed businesses up and down the country.

While WTTC applauds the government’s highly successful vaccine rollout, the global tourism body has called upon the Prime Minister to give greater clarity about what May 17 will look like, so that Travel & Tourism businesses can prepare for the restart and consumers book with confidence.

WTTC has consistently argued that international travel can safely resume with a comprehensive, coordinated international regime for testing upon departure and arrival for travellers.

Testing should be in place alongside the global vaccine rollout, enhanced health and hygiene protocols, and mostly importantly, mandatory mask wearing, which experts say can cut down transmission of the virus by more than 80%, to safely revive international travel. Additionally, the introduction of digital health passes or certificates will support the recovery.

These measures should render unhelpful and counterproductive blanket quarantines completely unnecessary and remove the need for haphazard and confusing air corridors, which further saps the confidence to travel.

Gloria Guevara, WTTC President and CEO, said: “While the UK government’s announcement that international travel could resume on May 17 gives us grounds for optimism, it will come as cold comfort to struggling SMEs and Travel & Tourism businesses up and down the country.

“Our economic modelling shows the brutal impact the £27 billion loss could have, caused by delaying the restart of international travel by just seven weeks.

“It would be far less economically damaging to invest in testing and biometric technology which could safely reopen the doors to travel and save the millions of jobs at risk.

“In the same way widespread community testing is being provided through rapid test kits twice a week to pupils and anyone in their household or support bubbles, so extensive testing will also permit the safe restart of international travel.

“But every day we delay will see many more cash-strapped businesses join the growing list of companies which have already disappeared due to the demise of international travel. Nor should we forget the human cost and the terrible suffering of so many people whose very livelihoods have been left in ruins due to the sector’s virtual collapse.

Read all the latest WTTC News and Press Releases here.

“We have to guard against vaccines as a requirement to travel which would discriminate against less advanced countries and younger travellers, or those who simply can’t or choose not to be vaccinated.

“Furthermore, mask wearing should not be a choice; it has been proven to provide the highest level of protection against transmission of the virus. This, combined with a comprehensive testing regime, enhanced health and hygiene protocols, digital passes and the global rollout of vaccines will allow the safe restart of international travel.”

A Sweet Escape to Pattaya Thailand

A Sweet Escape to Pattaya Thailand

Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand, March 2, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / An African-inspired conceptual resort, The Gems Mining Pool Villas Pattaya launches a Sweet Escape promotion with a 30% off on the best available rate including breakfast. Other benefits include complimentary mini-bar beverages, welcome fruit and drinks, early check in at 10 AM and late check out until 4 PM on weekdays and 15% discount on in-villa dining.

The Gems Mining Pool Villas Pattaya offers a new getaway promotion with 30% off on the best available rate.

Situated in Pattaya, Chonburi, The Gems Mining Pool Villas Pattaya consists of 77 keys and categorized in five room types including Topaz Jacuzzi (93 SQM.), Emerald One-Bedroom Pool Villa (100 SQM), Sapphire Two-Bedroom Pool Villa (140 SQM), Ruby Three-Bedroom Pool Villa (270 SQM.) and The Legacy Conceptual Residence with five bedrooms (1,500 SQM) which is expected to open in Q2/2021. The resort boasts of a luxury African gems mining concept with a touch of Safari. Each room and villa is spacious and equipped with five-star amenities.

The nightly rate starts from 2,859 Baht for Topaz Jacuzzi, 4,218 for Emerald One-Bedroom Pool Villa, 8,527 Baht for Sapphire Two-Bedroom Pool Villa and 12,836 Baht for Ruby Three-Bedroom Pool Villa. Book a two-night stay or more and receive a complimentary afternoon tea set or a 30-minute massage per person. The promotion allows free date change at least one day prior to arrival.

Reservations can be made from now until 31 March 2021 for stays between now and 30 June 2021. Enter promo code SWEET and book online.

Technology is Accelerating Travel Industry’s Recovery ITB

Technology is Accelerating Travel Industry’s Recovery ITB

Berlin, Germany, February 27, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / International Travel Technology exhibitors are presenting innovations at ITB Berlin NOW – Latest surveys and views on the targeted use of digital solutions in the travel industry – Startups offer tips at START UP NOW – Virtual cafés provide a forum for meeting and exchanging ideas – The programme of events is online now at itb.com/now/program

Updates about the travel sector and the latest travel technology here.

During the coronavirus pandemic the use of smart technologies in the tourism industry has risen sharply. Chatbots for instance have helped to deal with the high volume of cancellations and rebookings. AI, smart interfaces and dynamic pricing have also become very important. At ITB Berlin NOW the Travel Technology segment will provide an overview of fascinating developments, useful innovations and the latest surveys. The new format START UP NOW is where the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show will let successful startups have their say and share valuable experiences and tips. At the ITB Berlin NOW Convention, the CEOsof international business leaders will offer their views on the future of travel technology. The themed virtual cafés, which are open all day, are where users can meet new contacts.

More than 100 tech companies have already registered for this entirely virtual edition. Among those represented on their own Brand Card this year are Amadeus, bd4travel, Cendyn and Sabre. Companies offering tech solutions for the hotel industry include Apaleo, Cloudbeds, Duetto, HQplus, hotelbird, Infor, Oracle and Suitepad. Among those taking part for the first time are Travelledger, Kaptio, MeTripping and Unififi.

Digital solutions for safe travel

ITB Berlin NOW Convention is examining key digitalisation topics and new trends. On Tuesday, 9th of March 2021, Lukas C.C. Hempel, CEO and co-founder of Bookingkit, Luuc Elzinga, founder and president of Tiqets, Claudio Bellinzona of TUI Musement, Ilaria D’Uva of D’Uva and Christian Gross of HochschwarzwaldTourismus GmbH will discuss what the new normal after COVID will be like for travel sales. On the same day Patrick Mendes, CCO of Accor, will take a look at the future of the global hospitality industry, the importance of digitalisation and other economic developments. In these times of the COVID-19 pandemic, customer confidence and health safety are becoming more and more important for travellers. Monika Wiederhold, Global Program Lead, Safe Travel Ecosystems, EVP Airlines Central and Eastern Europe of the Amadeus IT Group SA, will take a look at how the latest digital processes and solutions can contribute to safe travel.

In a keynote interview on Wednesday, 10th of March 2021, Richard Holden, vice president, Product Management at Google, will provide information on digitalisation trends in the travel industry. In their respective keynote speeches, Vinzenz Pflanz, president of Corporate Sales Sixt Se, and Florian von Klier, senior director of Global Innovations & Solutions Sixt Se, will make the case for quicker innovation and digitalisation in the mobility sector and for greater safety in business travel. David Peller, managing director of Travel and Hospitality Amazon Web Services, will highlight the potential of cloud services for the global travel industry and how they can improve the customer experience. At ITB Outlook, Sean O Neill of Skift will present the latest travel trends for 2025.

Startups share their knowledge

On Thursday, 11th of March 2021, at two eTravel DATA TALKS sponsored by SIO AG and featuring bd4Travel and WBE Travel, the focus will be on the growing importance of data in the travel industry. Kicking off the event, Phocuswright will present the latest Technology Report. Afterwards, Michael Docherty, head of Data Partnerships Skyscanner, will show how access to predictive real-time data can offer travel companies a way out of the coronavirus crisis. At the second eTravel DATA TALK, Christian Warneck, vice president, Airlines Solutions, Central & Eastern Europe at Amadeus Germany, James Adams, chief commercial officer of Sixtand Anthony Hunt, vice president, Product & Strategy of the Shiji Group, will discuss the importance of data in the context of the frictionless travel experience. This talk featuring representatives from different travel and booking segments is a first for the convention. Ben Messner, sales manager of SIO AG, will talk about the big reset that will impact the software industry in general and in particular the travel technology.

The new START UP NOW format lets users at ITB Berlin NOW find out more about the progress and experience of successful startups in the international travel industry. International startups will talk about investors, sustainable travel and current business challenges. Among those taking part will be representatives of Citynomadi, Gopassport Australia, Greentinyhouses, MyCabin, Smartguide and Social BnB.

Updates about the travel sector and the latest travel technology here.

For those who want to exchange ideas and knowledge with other users and exhibitors the place to meet is the themed virtual cafés at ITB Berlin NOW. The Travel Tech & Startup Café sponsored by Visit Greece is where users can talk about their visions for the future and meet like-minded visitors. Every day at 5 p.m., Verband Internet Reisevertrieb e.V. (VIR) is organising a happy hour where everyone can meet. On Thursday, the focus will be on financing and investment. At the Investors Special, founders can meet representatives of NEXT Floor GmbH, the Howzat ennea Group and Falkensteiner Ventures AG among others in order to network and meet new contacts. The TTA Café sponsored by Malaysia for tour and activity organisers is where to look for the right platforms and booking technologies in this segment. The Hospitality Café sponsored by Infor is where visitors will find a meeting corner, moderated by Techtalk.travel, for discussing hospitality tech.

About ITB Berlin NOW and the ITB Berlin NOW Convention
ITB Berlin NOW will take place from Tuesday, 9 to Friday, 12 March for trade visitors only and as an entirely virtual event. ITB Berlin is the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show. As part of ITB Berlin NOW, the ITB Berlin NOW Convention, the largest travel industry event of its kind, will also take place as a virtual event. The World Tourism Cities Federation (WTCF) is the co-host, Mascontour Track is the sponsor of the ITB Future Track, Google and Lufthansa are track sponsors of the ITB Marketing & Distribution Track, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is the ITB Sustainability Track partner, SIO AG is the track sponsor of the eTravel DATA TALKS and Studiosus is the session sponsor. For exhibitors, trade visitors and the media, participation in the ITB Berlin NOW Convention is included in the price of a ticket.

Harnessing the Power of Culture and Creativity in Tourism Recovery

Harnessing the Power of Culture and Creativity in Tourism Recovery

Madrid, Spain, February 27, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / The shared values and close ties between tourism and culture stakeholders means both sectors can work together to ensure inclusive access to heritage, as countries around the world recover from the pandemic. In recognition of this mutually reinforcing relationship, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and UNESCO have collaborated to produce a set of new guidelines focusing on the responsible restart of cultural tourism.

Read all the latest UNWTO News and Announcements here.

UNWTO invited the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to contribute to the UNWTO Inclusive Recovery Guide, Issue 2: Cultural Tourism. This is the second set of guidelines relating to the socio-cultural impacts of COVID-19 issued by UNWTO and will continue to be revised, as the situation evolves.

Make cultural tourism relevant in the recovery

The publication draws on the insights and expertise of the two UN agencies to analyse the impact of the pandemic on their respective sectors. This includes how lost revenues are severely impacting communities, heritage sites, cultural events, spaces and institutions, while also weakening destinations’ competitiveness and market differentiation. The guidelines on cultural tourism also stress the need for support from policymakers to ensure the relevance of culture in the emergency and contingency planning within tourism destinations.

Cooperation for a better future

Alongside the new guidelines, UNWTO is urging the cultural tourism sector to create participatory governance structures, bringing together artists, creators, tourism and culture professionals, the private sector and local communities, for an open dialogue, data exchange and real-time solutions. The document also advocates for better urban–rural connections so as to ensure the benefits of both culture and tourism are enjoyed as widely as possible.

As a result of the pandemic, 90% of countries introduced total or partial closures of their World Heritage sites. In many cases, sites of special significance to humanity were closed to the public for the first time in decades. At the same time, the pandemic highlighted the relevance of both tourism and culture. The sudden fall in tourist arrivals has been felt across the globe, while millions of people have turned to virtual cultural experiences for comfort and inspiration.

Read all the latest UNWTO News and Announcements here.

The release of the guidelines comes within the context of the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development 2021, a UN initiative designed to recognize how different manifestations of culture, including cultural tourism, can contribute to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

250 Destinations Worldwide Benefit Now from WTTC Safe Travels Stamp

250 Destinations Worldwide Benefit Now from WTTC Safe Travels Stamp

London, United Kingdom, February 27, 2021 / TRAVELINDEX / Following its launch in May last year, the highly popular Safe Travels stamp from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), has now been awarded to a remarkable 250 destinations around the world.

WTTC, which has continually been at the forefront in leading the private sector in the efforts to rebuild global consumer confidence and encourage the return of Safe Travels, made history when it launched the world’s first ever global safety and hygiene stamp, just eight months ago.

Read all the latest WTTC News and Press Releases here.

The stamp, developed to help restore confidence in travellers and aims to revive the global Travel & Tourism sector which has been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic, is now being used by many more major countries with Honduras, Belize and Malawi, the latest destinations to join the ever-growing list.

VisitBritain, the tourism agency representing one of the world’s most popular destinations, has also now been recognised through the ground-breaking stamp.

The now globally recognised stamp enables both business and leisure travellers to distinguish destinations around the world which have adopted health and hygiene global standardised protocols – so they can experience ‘Safe Travels’.

This pioneering move by WTTC also received the backing of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and the launch of global protocols to recover the Travel & Tourism sector has been embraced by over 200 CEO’s including some of the world’s major tourism groups.

Gloria Guevara, WTTC President & CEO, said: “We are delighted to see our Safe Travels Stamp is still growing at a rapid rate and is being adopted by destinations from all corners of the world.

“Reaching this incredible milestone, with 250 destinations around the world now proudly holding our Safe Travels stamp, is testimony to the hard work which has been put in to make the stamp work for both destinations and holidaymakers. 

“As the global vaccine rollout picks up pace and with the restrictions expected to be relaxed over the coming weeks, we believe the stamp will prove a key component of destination recovery and restoring consumer confidence.

“The success of the stamp shows the importance of global coordination to help rebuild and revive the international Travel & Tourism sector. Destinations with the stamp will benefit from travellers being able to recognise the destinations which have adopted the global protocols, encouraging the return of ‘Safe Travels’ around the world. 

“We are finally beginning to step into the new normal of a post-COVID world, and we are proud to be leading the way for globally coordinated efforts in recovery.”

Sally Balcombe, VisitBritain CEO said: “We are delighted that businesses certified to We’re Good To Go can also automatically register for WTTC’s global Safe Travels stamp, recognising the standard of protocols and processes we have in place in the UK. This is also testament to the hard work and commitment of tens of thousands of businesses right across the country who have adapted and innovated to safely meet new ways of working and are already ‘good to go’.”

Honourable Faiyaz Siddiq Koya, Minister for Commerce, Trade, Tourism and Transport, Fiji said: “Getting such an endorsement for the work we have done on the Care Fiji Commitment program is truly remarkable for a small country like Fiji. This world class health and safety programme gives visitors confidence to travel to Fiji when the borders reopen.”

Honourable Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism & Diaspora Relations, Belize said: “Belize is delighted to be recognised through the WTTC’s Safe Travels stamp. Following the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, my country’s highest priority has been, and remains the health and safety of our guests. Within this context, we have implemented extensive health and safety protocols as part of a Gold Standard Recognition Program for accommodations, tour operators and other industry partners.”

Hailemariam Desalegn, Chairman, Ethiopian Tourism Board, Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia said: “We are extremely honoured to be issued the Safe Travels stamp by WTTC and commend it for this important initiative. This decision reflects Ethiopia’s commitment to maintain the standard safe travel protocols and procedures as we reopen our doors to tourism and international visitors. With the aim of ensuring safety of workers and visitors we will continue to work closely with tour operators, hotels and regional destination marketing organisations to maintain these standards.” 

Read all the latest WTTC News and Press Releases here.

The protocols were designed following guidelines from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and taking best practices from WTTC’s Members into account.

According to WTTC’s 2020 Economic Impact Report, during 2019, Travel & Tourism was responsible for one in 10 jobs (330 million total), made a 10.3% contribution to global GDP and generated one in four of all new jobs.